Quorn and lentil lasagne | naomicreativekitchen

quorn mince lasagne

quorn mince lasagne - win

Vegetarian lasagne (quorn mince, sweet potato and aubergine!)

Vegetarian lasagne (quorn mince, sweet potato and aubergine!) submitted by adansey to tonightsdinner [link] [comments]

Non "meat substitute" meat substitutes

I'll start with the important points: I am relatively new to trying out veggie/vegan meals I already have an iron deficiency I DO NOT want meat substitutes (fake bacon/Quorn mince and the sort) My partner is on board but will need some persuading (shown the food can be just as good) to go all the way veggie with me I am allergic to some types of nuts
I am slowly trying to incorporate veggie and vegan meals into my diet and cut out meat. Evening meals are my main issue. Breakfast and lunch are proving relatively easy.
I am already trying to use lentils instead of mince and chickpeas/beans instead of chunks of meat in the normal meals I used to eat (curry/Bolognese/lasagne/pasta bake/fajitas/pizza/stew). But I want more examples of straight swaps with similar nutrients etc (also on a student budget).
Part of the problem is the "standard" meat/fish, carbs, veg and sauce meal type. Does anyone have any recommendations to combat this?
I am already dairy and egg free for the most part. (Only eggs used in desserts and noodles)
What do I search to find veggie/vegan meals that don't have meat substitutes in them? What are some more easy and nutritious swaps I can make?
submitted by abbiejay270 to Vegetarianism [link] [comments]

25M/5'10", 108 lbs to 175 lbs - 67 lbs gain. Super skinny to muscular - 1 year 6 months of progress including insightful story

The day was Wednesday 2nd January 2019 - I purchased my first ever gym membership and attended the gym for the first time in my entire life, walking into this unknown with zero knowledge. Prior to this, I had been suffering from severe depression throughout my entire life for multiple reasons such as being bullied, being skinny, experiencing racism and all the rest of the insults that I had received. This almost lead me to try and commit suicide because I just thought life wasn't worth living, so basically the gym/nutrition has give me hope in my life. I had no ambition or drive in my life to want to become a better version of myself, but I won't bog you down too much with that as you're not here for that, right?
I work a full-time job for 40 hours per week, so I was always that person who thought I never had time for the gym because I worked a full-time job. I was infact mistaken, I just had to find the determination and dedication to put into the gym to make it work out for me, I had to find ways and solutions to be able to eat all the food I eat whilst working, and also attending the gym and getting a good nights sleep.
I decided that it was time to change everything, it was time to change how I viewed the world, how I viewed myself as a person and how I viewed my life. I wanted to make something of myself and I wanted to be the reason that many more people that are/have been in the same situation as me can also change themselves for the better and improve little tiny things in their lifestyles - I will be making my Instagram account dedicated to fitness, healthy nutrition, exercises and overall having a healthy lifestyle and keeping away from depression.
My Journey:
Weighing in at a staggering VERY unhealthy weight of 49kg (108 lbs). To put this into perspective, my BMI calculation was at the very end of the red zone, suggesting I was very underweight and baring in mind I don't have any eating disorders. The healthy weight for someone of my height started from 56.7kg (125 lbs).
I walked into the gym having absolutely zero exercise, nutrition or gym knowledge. I didn't have any friends who went to the gym, I didn't have any family who I knew went to the gym so all I had was myself and the internet. A personal trainer was out of the question to get me started because I couldn't afford it. I remember it was also a very intimidating experience for me as there was a lot of fairly muscular people working out, and it always felt like everyone was watching me, the usual gym beginners problems - of course no one was watching me, they were in the gym for the same reason as myself.
After my first ever workout, I had DOMs for at least 5 days afterwards and that put me off going back. Another thing that put me off was the amount of eating I was doing (the only knowledge I had was to eat as much as possible), I went from eating a packet of Doritos for my 8pm tea to eating about 2500 calories. The diet seemed much harder than going the actual gym itself because I wasn't use to eating so much food. I would probably eat 2500 calories spread out across 2-3 days before I went to the gym.
Fast forward to attending the gym for a whole month, and I started to see that the scales where going up, so whatever I was doing was working. This was when I was becoming serious about the gym and from that month onwards, I always set myself targets to reach for all my exercises.
Fast forward 2-3 months into my journey and it was a weird feeling, I started to become more comfortable in my own skin. I started to not care what people thought about me out in public or inside the gym. One major problem for me was my ego, I wanted to make it seem like I was lifting heavy weight for people to see rather than for my own personal benefit, which sacrificed my form on a lot of my exercises, but I eventually overcome this problem after 6 months of my journey.
My breakfast included the likes of sausages, egg, bacon, tomatoes and beans (I can't remember the exact macros as I never use to track my food). For my lunch, I would eat a massive bowl(I mean massive, to the point I kept gagging because I was so full) of egg fried rice. For my tea (dinner, whatever you refer to it as) I would eat cooked chicken thighs and I ate a lot of them, approx 800-1000 calories worth. For snacks throughout the day, I would prepare sandwiches with ham and turkey slices to eat. I also bought USN Anabolic Mass weight gainer about 3-4 months in and had 1 shake per day. I was eating approx. 2500 calores. I use to prepare my food the day before so I was able to eat them in work and then go to the gym in the evening.
6 months in, I started learning so much more about the gym, exercises and nutrition from all the time I put into researching. I changed my breakfast from a full English to Lasagne (I'm not kidding about this, I ate Lasagne for breakfast for at least another 7 months). Although Lasagne isn't that healthy, I found it was much better than eating sausage and bacon every day. About 1 month into eating Lasagne, I changed the beef mince to 2% fat turkey mince because that was healthier, so the only unhealthy thing about it at this point was the industrialised cream sauce and fatty cheese. For my snack, I use to eat a little salad box including Kiwifruit. Lunch, I had 200g (dry) pasta with Dolmio sauce. For another snack, I had 2 x pizza subs (not the healthiest). For my tea I had chicken thighs still.
Breakfast: 816.15 cal
Lunch: 1149 cal
Dinner: 855 cal
Shake: 564 cal
Total Calories: 3384.15
Protein: 267g
The exercise I have struggled most with has definitely been bench press. My ectomorph bodytype and long arms don't help in this exercise so it has definitely been a struggled to get it where it is today. I'm really striving for that 2 plate bench press though by the end of this year, at least.
Unfortunately I injured my right bicep after a few months of training and that meant I couldn't do arm workouts for approx. 6 months. I used the easy curl bar and sat down on the bench/stool provided. I must of been squeezing my hands too hard for my grip, whilst trying to straighten my arm out as much as possible with a heavy weight. I must of trapped something or tear something, but it took months to heal. I only just started training my arms towards the beginning of this year so I feel as if they're very underdeveloped at the moment. I also injuried my right knee area from doing deadlifts a few months in, I've put that down to the fact I wasn't very good with squats so my knee joint was very weak. It seemed to subside after a few weeks, but it's still comes back occasionally so I'm just careful with my weight.
I changed my diet up coming up to my 1 year gym anniversary. I cut out my pizza subs and chicken thighs and replaced them with Quorn products. They're meat-free processed foods, but I thought they were a little healthier at least.
After my first year, I completely changed my diet and now my diet is super healthy and contains as much unprocessed food as possible and easy digesting food.
New 2020 Diet:
Breakfast - Oat Protein Pancakes = 675.90 calories
Lunch - Roast vegetables with rice inc olive oil = 812.14 calories
Pre-workout Meal - Healthy Protein Smootie and a bowl of rice = 446.28 calories
Dinner - Turkey Mince 2% fat with a gravy type liquid = 410.60 calories
Macros per day:
Calories: 2344.92
Protein: 171.40g
Fat: 67.6g
Carbs: 202.65g
Sugar: 63.4g - mainly comes from the vegetables and fruit
Water: 3.5 Litre
Sleep: 8-9 hours
Food Cost £50-70 per week
Currently doing a 4-5 day workout week, although I know I need a new routine. Lockdown has currently stopped that!
Bench Press - 5 sets of 10 reps
Incline Bench Press - 5 sets of 10 reps
Barbell Shoulder Press - 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Side Lateral Raise - 4 sets of 10 reps
Delt Raise - 4 sets of 10 reps
Tricep Pushdown - 4 sets of 10 reps
Tricep Overhead - 4 sets of 10 reps
Deadlift - 5 sets of 6-8 reps
Pull Ups - 7 sets of 10 reps (weighted pull ups, overload with weight and finish remaining reps without weight)
Trap Raises - 7 sets of 10 reps
Standing Bicep Curl - 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
Incline Bicep Curl - 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
Squat - 5 sets of 10 reps
Leg Press - 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Calf Raise - 5-7 sets of 10 reps
Leg Curl - 3 sets of 10 reps
Ab Pull Ups - 3 sets of 15 reps
Ab Bench Sit Up - 3 sets of 15 reps
Bench Press - 3 sets of 10 reps
Incline Bench Press 5 sets of 10 reps
Barbell Shoulder Press - 5 sets of 10 reps
The rest as Monday
Deadlift - 5 sets of 6-8 reps
Barbell Bent Over Rows - 5 sets of 10 reps
Standing Bicep Curl - 5 sets of 10-12 reps
Incline Bicep Curl - 5 sets of 10-12 reps
Bench Dumbbell Preacher Curl 5 sets of 10 reps
Lift Progress:
Starting Point:
Bench Press - 20kg (44 lbs)
Squat - 25kg (55 lbs)
Deadlift - 35kg (77 lbs)
Overhead Press - Unknown as I don't ever remember doing it....
1 Rep Max Progress (No Belt):
Bench Press - 1x85kg (187.4 lbs)
Squat - 2x120kg (264.5 lbs)
Deadlift - 1x155kg (341.7 lbs)
Overhead Press - 1x50kg (110.2 lbs)
Progress Picture:
Results as of now:
I'm very happy with my progress and I'm happy I've achieved everything I have in just 1 year 6 months. I've gone from feeling/looking loose inside my x-small t-shirts to filling them out and now they actually look good on me for once. However, I now need medium t-shirts depending on the shop they're purchased from. Having this healthy lifestyle has definitely provided me with a better mindset. This is just the beginning for me and I probably won't stop working out until I drop dead!
Thanks for reading - hit me up if you need help.

EDIT: If you want me to provide a more in depth workout and meal plan, please let me know!
TLDR: Suffered from depression throughout all my childhood, being a teenager and into my 20s. Decided to do something about it and change myself. Starting weight of 49kg (108 lbs) of January 2019 to 79.5kg (175lbs) as of now. Wanted to post my journey to inspire others who have been in a similar situation, the same situation or whatever situation they're in that if the effort gets put into something, it can be achieved.
Comparison: https://imgur.com/mYcPw9a
submitted by adamfit to Fitness [link] [comments]

Healthy vegetarian dinner ideas?

Hey everyone! I'll be restarting for the I think 4th time on Thursday (in two days as I write this). I'm planning on being vegetarian for my diet, alongside cutting out almost all sugar and only having 3 meals and one snack in a day.
I'm just wondering if you have any vegetarian recipes you've enjoyed throughout the program? I'd like to have a nice meal to look forward to at the end of the day.
submitted by Aoifemops to 75HARD [link] [comments]

What's the variety in vegetarian options in restaurants and at supermarkets where you live?

Here in England there's all sorts of meat substitutes such as vegetarian burgers, Kievs, sausages, sausage rolls, mince and meatballs, some of which have quite realistic textures. There's a couple of brands such as Quorn and Linda McCartney but the major supermarkets have their own ranges too.
I'd say Indian restaurants and takeaways probably have the best variety of vegetarian dishes. But every restaurant will now have at least a couple of vegetarian options one of which is or can be vegan: bean chilli, Veggie sausage & mash, Veggie lasagne, Veggie burgers (some are bean burgers, others use soya etc for a meaty texture). Fried Halloumi can also be used instead of fried fish or chicken.
submitted by kiwa_tyleri to AskEurope [link] [comments]

My school menu for bonfire night

My school menu for bonfire night submitted by getalmanconnor to CasualUK [link] [comments]

What was your first meat alternative meal?

I just had my first Quorn meal (Sausages) with roasties, green beans and Yorkshire puddings. It was absolutely amazing. I made my own gravy following a recipe I googled and oh man... I can't even believe how beautiful this meal was. Honestly, I think it was one of the best meals I've had in a long time. The sausages were beautiful. Personally, the texture is what bothered me the most when eating vegetarian alternatives and oh man did these sausages ever NAIL the consistency. I may have even convince my parents into participating in meatless Mondays (Mum smelled and tasted the sausages and really enjoyed them!)

So I was just wondering what was the first meat alternative meal you had and what you thought about it, what you would change or add, etc. I've only had the Quorn sausages so far, been cooking everything else fresh otherwise, but I have their lasagne, mince and crispy nuggets waiting for me in the freezer otherwise haha.
submitted by SneakyTurtle029 to vegetarian [link] [comments]

Help make meals made from what I've got in. I want to buy as little as possible.

So I spent quite a bit of money on food in November. We actually have a decent amount of food in, but quite random foods. I want to make lunches and dinners with what we've got and with buying as little as possible. Hopefully I can get away with just buying fresh veggies, dairy and maybe bread/Tortillas. We eat mainly vegetarian food and usually have wraps, sandwiches or pasta salads for lunches.
I can only really think of chili con carne, stir fries and curries. I rarely use the tahini other than for hummus. And the miso paste is unopened.
So here's what we've got in:
Starches: red lentils, medium egg noodles, long grain white rice, flour, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, lasagne sheets, spiral pasta
Tins: artichoke hearts, chopped tomatoes, chickpeas, red kidney beans, baked beans, coconut milk.
Jars and bottles: miso paste, tahini, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, pesto, mayonnaise, malt vinegar, hoisin sauce, sweet chili sauce, various dried herbs and spices
Other: various colours of sweet peppers, red onion, Quorn mince, Quorn chicken pieces, cheddar, milk, frozen peas, butter, carrots, stock cubes, garlic, ginger paste.
submitted by kiwa_tyleri to EatCheapAndHealthy [link] [comments]

Anyone got advice on phasing meat out from your diet plus that of a picky loved one?

My SO and I both come from meat eating families and are used to eating a lot of it, both in evening meals and sandwiches but I'm trying to cut down on that for a variety of reasons (health and environmental being big factors).
The first problem is that I don't have a great repertoire of vegetarian recipes, though I'm trying to expand on that through online research. I also usually get home late from work so most of the things I cook have to be something I can make within 30 minutes or leave in a slow cooker while I'm at work.
The second problem is that here in West-flanders (Belgium) it seems to be difficult to get certain ingredients like tofu, tempeh, quorn and tahini (maybe I just don't know where to look?)
The biggest problem is that my SO is massively into meat and is sometimes very resistant to attempts to introduce meals without it. I cook the vast majority of the time so I have managed to find some meals he likes through passing it off as experimentation or through the "at least one vegetarian meal per week" rule.
Often he will eat something if I put it in front of him and he will say it's nice but he just prefers meat, which is a shame because I personally think vegetarian lasagne is way better than a meat one. I'm also a bit of a mediocre cook to be honest so I worry that I may not be doing some of the meals justice.
He's also very picky - he cannot eat anything with mushroom unless it's minced into tiny pieces because he can't stand the texture and although he will eat a lot of vegetables if he's hungry enough he will often separate out things and leave them or give them to me to eat. (Aubergine, any kind of cooked brassica, larger chunks of peppeonion).
Things that seem to be acceptable so far: pasta dishes (though he always says it would be better with meat), spicy foods like curry or chilli, quiche, butternut squash risotto, a vegetarian nut roast, soup
submitted by Zelfzuchtig to vegetarian [link] [comments]

quorn mince lasagne video

Easy Family Lasagne  Jamie Oliver - YouTube Quorn Foods - YouTube MEAT FREE MINCE LASAGNE  MEAT FREE MEAL IDEAS #4  Alex ... Lasagne Recipe! lasagna recipe with soya mince - YouTube Courgette & Quorn Mince Lasagne Recipe  Quorn - YouTube Quorn mince lasagne recipe/ meat free/vegetarian meal ... Plant Based Recipes  AMAZING VEGAN LASAGNE How to Make Lasagna - YouTube

Stir in the Quorn mince and then the tomatoes, vegetarian red pesto, oregano, wine and vegetable stock cube. Increase the heat and simmer gently for 5 minutes. Stir in the basil, season to taste then remove from the heat. Make the white sauce by melting the butter, stir in the flour and cook gently for a minute stirring constantly. Stir in the Quorn mince and then the tomatoes, vegetarian red pesto, oregano, wine and vegetable stock cube. Increase the heat and simmer gently for 5 minutes. Stir in the basil, season to taste then remove from the heat. Make the white sauce by melting the butter, stir in the flour and cook gently for a minute stirring constantly. Stir in the Quorn mince and then the tomatoes, vegetarian red pesto, oregano, wine and vegetable stock cube. Increase the heat and simmer gently for 5 minutes. Stir in the basil, season to taste then remove from the heat. Make the white sauce by melting the butter, stir in the flour and cook gently for a minute stirring constantly. Nov 29, 2018 - Our signature lasagne recipe with Quorn Mince is the perfect meat-free alternative to a classic Italian dish & even better when enjoyed with friends and family. Stir in the Quorn mince and then the tomatoes, vegetarian red pesto, oregano, wine and vegetable stock cube. Increase the heat and simmer gently for 5 minutes. Stir in the basil, season to taste then remove from the heat. Make the white sauce by melting the butter, stir in the flour and cook gently for a minute stirring constantly. In a big saucepan, fry the carrot, butternut squash, onion and celery until soft. Then add the garlic and smoked paprika. Add the tomato paste and cook for a minute, before adding the Quorn Mince. Again cook for a further couple of minutes, then add the tinned tomatoes and vegetable stock. Bring to the boil, then leave to simmer for an hour. These lasagne bites are made with Quorn Meat Free Mince, which is a really handy product to have in a veggie freezer. It's great for making chilli, lasagne and bolognaise and the good news is Quorn™ now have a vegan option too (the vegan range doesn't include mince yet, see at end of post for a vegan alternative). For these quick bites I also I had bought the jar last week when I needed to make something quick for tea after a late finish from work, I had already made the Bolognese so lasagne was super quick to do. Rather than waste what was left of the jar, I made lasagne this afternoon, yum!! Serves 6. Ingredients: 250g Quorn (I used frozen) – vegan option you can use soya mince. Spoon a third of the mince mixture into the base of a 2 litre (3½ pint) ovenproof dish. Cover with three lasagne sheets and a little white sauce. Repeat the layering process twice more, finishing... This healthy and easy to make veggie Quorn mince lasagne is packed with veg peppers, courgettes and tomatoes, this vegetarian lasagne with soya mince is healthy and tasty. This recipe serves 6 people – making it perfect for feeding the whole family in one go, plus any unexpected guests too! It will take around 1hr and 20 mins to cook this dish so we’d recommend making it and preparing it ahead of time so it can be on your dinner table at your usual time. This recipe is a great way to

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Easy Family Lasagne Jamie Oliver - YouTube

This weeks meat free meal idea is this vegetarian mince lasagne. This is a really lovely one to enjoy as a treat on an Autumn/Winter evening or to share with... Learn how to make the only lasagna recipe you'll ever need. With an ooey gooey cheesy melt, ground beef and marinara, it's a classic crowd pleaser.Get the re... Find me:Instagram: makeup_byfatimaSnapchat: fatima012Blog: fatimasbeautyblog.wordpress.comContact me: [email protected] Quorn. Helping the planet, one bite at a time. #Onebiteatatime Quorn Mince, Pieces & Fillets achieved 'Reducing CO2' certification by the Carbon Trust for the full life cycle of the product. Find out how to make a delicious Courgette and Quorn Mince Lasagne, using our easy recipe to enjoy meat free alternatives with Quorn. Get inspired by our man... (№4 Coohchen) 00:01 How to cook tasty Lasagna with soya mince in the oven / Как приготовить вкусно Лазанья с соевым мясом в духовке =====... Bolognaise part of the recipe: https://youtu.be/bbCN3YysvXA (Lentils or quorn mince can be a substitute for the beef mince). Gluten free: use gluten free lasagne ... Lasagne is firm favourite in the Oliver household and this is my delicious, simple and nutritious recipe that will never let you down. It starts with my easy... 2 large onions 2 courgettes 3 small carrots 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 bag of quorn mince Lasanga tomato sauce Lasagne white sauce Lasange sheet Cheddar cheesse -- INGREDIENTS -- lasagne sheets (we use wholemeal / spelt ones) grated vegan Mozzarella (or any grated vegan cheese) any vegan mince meat (we used Quorn) vegan white sauce (we used Tesco's Free ...

quorn mince lasagne

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