monte cassino ww2 poland

monte cassino ww2 poland - win

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] - The 13th SFG Is knee deep in the korean war!

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN

Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!

The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required. We strive for realistic scenarios, with heartfelt moments you will remember long after you uninstall ArmA.

While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.

-When are your OPs?-

Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We occasionally host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We usually have separate side campaigns going on at times. Currently a HALO/UNI campaign plays once or twice a week. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.

-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-

Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include

-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel

-Rhodesian Bush War

13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized

I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.

13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.

-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine

13th SFG Night Infiltration.

13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.


Debrief After a Tough Fight.

-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943

13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.

The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.

Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.

13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.

13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.

-U.S. intervention in Vietnam

13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.

13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.

13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.

13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.

13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.

-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)

13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.

A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.

13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.

13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.

13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.

13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.

13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.

-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.

13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.

13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.

13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.

13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.

13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.

13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.

Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.

A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.

13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.

A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.

13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.

13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.

13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.

Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.

13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.

13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.

13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.

13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.

Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized Modern day WW3

CIA kill team in a classified location. 2028.

CIA team, captured, interrogated, and killed on international broadcast. 2028.

Ukrainian National Guard holding out on top of the Vitaly Gregor Regional Hospital as Russian forces surrounded them. These men were all dead within the hour. 2028

-​13th SFG Vietnam P2 Electric Boogaloo

13th SFG as 1st Infantry patrolling rice fields.

1st Infantry taking a photo after a successful village raid!

Marines take a photo after the battle of Hue City

1st Infantry Squad after a long day of battling and being seperated.

-​Fallout: Texas Expedition

NCR Troopers Poses With A Cult Monument

13th SFG NCR Rangers Clearing A Path For The Rest

13th SFG Patrolling

[13th SFG Members clearing a bandit filled train tunnel.] ( 20200920200244_1.jpg (3840×2160) (discordapp.com) )

[13th SFG Members pose after a nuke detonates in the Texas Wasteland] ( 20201004194150_1.jpg (3840×2160) (discordapp.com) )

[13th SFG Members rally for some rest after clearing a Legion Remnant camp.] ( 20200922202101_1.jpg (3840×2160) (discordapp.com) )

-​2007-2012 Iraq and Afghanistan Surge
[A USMC JTAC thanks an A-10 pilot for clearing an enemy occupied stronghold] ( 20201115193708_1.jpg (1920×1080) (discordapp.com) )
[A rare Zeus-eye-view of a 13th SFG op. 13th SFG Members are dug in on the buildings on the left, covering a downed helicopter through the night. ( 20201122165638_1.jpg (1920×1080) (discordapp.com) )
[13th SFG Members of Task Force Ranger pose with a downed Blackhawk Helicopter after out Black Hawk Down inspired mission.] ( 20201122184745_1.jpg (2560×1440) (discordapp.com) )
-​ Korean War
[13th SFG Members cover their squadmates as they push across a North Korean occupied airstrip.]
( 20201220204103_1.jpg (1920×1080) (discordapp.com) )
[13th SFG Members sneak up on a KPA POW Camp. They would only find dead POW's inside.] (20201229201435_1.jpg (1920×1080) (discordapp.com) )
[Custom Zeus made town, showing the intricate detail our team puts into every mission.] ( 20201213200741_1.jpg (2560×1440) (discordapp.com) )
[13th SFG Member picks up his comrade during a forced retreat.] ( 20201220194447_1.jpg (1920×1080) (discordapp.com) )
[13th SFG Shermans push onto a North Korean airfield, eliminating several T-34's in the process.] ( 20201222192743_1.jpg (2560×1440) (discordapp.com) )

We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!

-How restrictive/serious are you?-

Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.

-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-

No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.

We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.

-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-

While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.

So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] - The 13th SFG is approaching the crescendo of the Korean War! The Battle of Chosin Reservoir!

\-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-

l Discord: [https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN](https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN)

Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!

The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required. We strive for realistic scenarios, with heartfelt moments you will remember long after you uninstall ArmA.

While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.

\-When are your OPs?-

Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We occasionally host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We usually have separate side campaigns going on at times. Currently a HALO/UNI campaign plays once or twice a week. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.

\-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-

Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include

\-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel

\-Rhodesian Bush War

​[13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/646518267959050260/20191119190227_1.jpg)

[I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/643166916470636564/20191109211835_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/642945191405420554/20191109225327_1.jpg)

\-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine

[13th SFG Night Infiltration.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/642894121148612608/20191109190618_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/642895364030070805/20191109200037_1.jpg)

[Group Photo with BRRRRRTTTTTTTTT.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/662775628541591573/20191208192122_1.jpg)

[Debrief After a Tough Fight.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/641462259851198484/20191105210831_1.jpg)

\-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943

​[13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/663538645885648906/20200105180914_1.jpg)

[The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/663538655285084161/20200105181018_1.jpg)

[Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/671899248614178826/20200128162937_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/671899356093349918/20200128204231_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/667539766811820052/20200116184354_1.jpg)

\-U.S. intervention in Vietnam

[13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/679116490640982036/20200217170722_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/678788351997771785/20200216190647_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/676340859045675050/20200209210538_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/682062335111594043/20200225205911_1.jpg)

[13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/684587709481615370/20200303195423_1.jpg)

\-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)

[13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/689654355758284829/20200317195013_1.jpg)

[A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/688935167040946213/20200315212134_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/688935166005215240/20200315211530_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/693999374447018004/20200329192702_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/695808906374545428/20200403192129_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/695809422206828554/20200403210711_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/698338249885876317/20200410191556_1.jpg)

\-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.

[13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/708492564151533658/20200508190250_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/699745294795014295/20200414171701_1.jpg)

[13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/699801434476118106/20200414210832_1.jpg)

[13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/701604724834566275/20200419185930_1.jpg)

[13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/701604957966827580/20200419204451_1.jpg)

[13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/703758335832227910/20200425140903_1.jpg)

[Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/701604966263029780/20200419210855_1.jpg)

[A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/704883617372962906/20200428190618_1.jpg)

[13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/704875712699432984/20200428195341_1.jpg)

[A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/709230582953017364/20200510202602_1.jpg)

[13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/709225690469367858/20200510192603_1.jpg)

[13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/709230612585906208/20200510215601_1.jpg)

[13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/711025405657874453/20200515182352_1.jpg)

[Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/711025064740651048/20200515175532_1.jpg)

[13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/709955620794794044/20200512202015_1.jpg)

[13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/711762352663560212/20200517194701_1.jpg)

[13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/711776687263580180/20200517190232_1.jpg)

[13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/718634156166348810/20200605194131_1.jpg)

[Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/717533214620647434/20200602191129_1.jpg) Modern day WW3

[CIA kill team in a classified location. 2028.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/722013220105093244/Black_Ops_Mission_Photo.png)

[CIA team, captured, interrogated, and killed on international broadcast. 2028.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/721902189831782450/image0.jpg)

[Ukrainian National Guard holding out on top of the Vitaly Gregor Regional Hospital as Russian forces surrounded them. These men were all dead within the hour. 2028](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634737322075881472/723714035500974090/20200619195311_1.jpg)​

\-​13th SFG Vietnam P2 Electric Boogaloo

[13th SFG as 1st Infantry patrolling rice fields.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/634737322075881472/735317359144992788/20200721193333_1.jpg?width=1204&height=677)

[1st Infantry taking a photo after a successful village raid!](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/634737322075881472/735317434260521101/20200721214821_1.jpg?width=1204&height=677)

[Marines take a photo after the battle of Hue City](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/634737322075881472/742921962761748480/20200811213923_1.jpg?width=1204&height=677)

[1st Infantry Squad after a long day of battling and being seperated.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/634737322075881472/742921921041268796/20200809210025_1.jpg?width=1204&height=677)

\-​Fallout: Texas Expedition

[NCR Troopers Poses With A Cult Monument](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/634737322075881472/754898799213936640/20200913214144_1.jpg?width=1204&height=677)

[13th SFG NCR Rangers Clearing A Path For The Rest](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/634737322075881472/753072845457850469/20200908170021_1.jpg?width=1204&height=677)

[13th SFG Patrolling](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/634737322075881472/752392708466933890/20200906191605_1.jpg?width=1204&height=677)

[13th SFG Members clearing a bandit filled train tunnel.] ( 20200920200244_1.jpg (3840×2160) (discordapp.com) )

[13th SFG Members pose after a nuke detonates in the Texas Wasteland] ( 20201004194150_1.jpg (3840×2160) (discordapp.com) )

[13th SFG Members rally for some rest after clearing a Legion Remnant camp.] ( 20200922202101_1.jpg (3840×2160) (discordapp.com) )

\-​2007-2012 Iraq and Afghanistan Surge
[A USMC JTAC thanks an A-10 pilot for clearing an enemy occupied stronghold] ( 20201115193708_1.jpg (1920×1080) (discordapp.com) )
[A rare Zeus-eye-view of a 13th SFG op. 13th SFG Members are dug in on the buildings on the left, covering a downed helicopter through the night. ( 20201122165638_1.jpg (1920×1080) (discordapp.com) )
[13th SFG Members of Task Force Ranger pose with a downed Blackhawk Helicopter after out Black Hawk Down inspired mission.] ( 20201122184745_1.jpg (2560×1440) (discordapp.com) )
\-​ Korean War
[13th SFG Members cover their squadmates as they push across a North Korean occupied airstrip.]
( 20201220204103_1.jpg (1920×1080) (discordapp.com) )
[13th SFG Members sneak up on a KPA POW Camp. They would only find dead POW's inside.] (20201229201435_1.jpg (1920×1080) (discordapp.com) )
[Custom Zeus made town, showing the intricate detail our team puts into every mission.] ( 20201213200741_1.jpg (2560×1440) (discordapp.com) )
[13th SFG Member picks up his comrade during a forced retreat.] ( 20201220194447_1.jpg (1920×1080) (discordapp.com) )
[13th SFG Shermans push onto a North Korean airfield, eliminating several T-34's in the process.] ( 20201222192743_1.jpg (2560×1440) (discordapp.com) )

We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!

\-How restrictive/serious are you?-

Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.

\-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-

No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.

We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.

\-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-

While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.

So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!

l Discord: [https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN](https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN)
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

ive got like a years worth of content for you Sam

1. Ching Shih

She was a Chinese prostitute who married a pirate and took over his fleet when he died. She ran her ships with an iron fist and took no shit and was super successful, to the point that the Chinese government sent out an armada to stop her. She kicked their asses and captured 63 of their ships. They fought for two years and even brought in Dutch and British ships before they gave up and offered amnesty to her and her 17,000 crewmen. She got to keep ALL of her loot, spent her later years running a brothel/casino and lived to be 69.

2. Jack Churchill

He was a WW2 Commando who served with distinction in a number of theaters, his exploits earned him the Military Cross. He was known as ‘Mad Jack’ by his men and his fellow officers for his ferociousness in combat. Unlike his more conventional peers his weapons of choice were not the traditional British fire arms of the period, instead he chose to rush in to combat with a fucking long bow, a fucking sword and his trusty bag pipes. In 1943 him and a corporal infiltrated a German held town in Sicily capturing 42 men and a mortar position. With only his bagpipes, sword and bow. When the war ended in 1945 after the dropping of the bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, he was extremely disappointed and was quoted as saying “If it wasn’t for those damn Yanks, we could have kept the war going another 10 years.”

3. Khutulun

This Mongolian Princess insisted that any man who wished to marry her must defeat her in wrestling, forfeiting horses to her if they lost. She gained 10,000 horses defeating prospective suitors.

4. Genghis Khan

“I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me to you.” Only someone badass enough to know they are badass enough to say that can be considered the baddest ass in history.

5. Simo Häyhä

The White Death

6. “Tank Man”

Tank Man, of Tiananmen Square fame. We tend to think that you need an army at your back to be a badass, but when you’re a true badass you face the army in front of you even when there’s no one behind you.

7. Rasputin

Trusted advisor to the Romanov family and was nearly impossible to kill (poisoned, shot, drowned).

8. Christopher Lee

*worked in military intelligence during WW2, the character of James Bond is supposed to be part based on him (Ian Fleming was his cousin.) About his war service (from wikipedia): Lee spent time with the Gurkhas of the 8th Indian Infantry Division during the Battle of Monte Cassino. -While spending some time on leave in Naples, Lee climbed Mount Vesuvius, which erupted three days later. – During the final assault on Monte Cassino, the squadron was based in San Angelo and Lee was nearly killed when one of the planes crashed on takeoff and he tripped over one of its live bombs. *played Count Dracula in a string of popular Hammer Horror films; a James Bond villain in The Man with the Golden Gun; Lord Summerisle in The Wicker Man; Saruman in The Lord of the Rings films and The Hobbit films; and Count Dooku in the final two films of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. *released a Heavy metal album at the age of 88; has won awards for his metal music; the single he released in his 90th birthday made him the genre’s oldest performer; he had a song in the Billboard Hot 100 in December 2013 making him — at 91 — the living oldest performer to ever chart; released an EP earlier this year, at 92. If he’s not the world’s baddest ass, he might still be the worlds most interesting man.

9. Subutai

Subutai, Ghengis Khan’s primary military strategist. Tore through Eastern Europe like tearing toilet paper, with only a scouting force. Check out the wiki link, because he was unbelievable.

10. Roy P. Benavidez

“Sergeant Benavidez’ gallant choice to join voluntarily his comrades who were in critical straits, to expose himself constantly to withering enemy fire, and his refusal to be stopped despite numerous severe wounds, saved the lives of at least eight men. His fearless personal leadership, tenacious devotion to duty, and extremely valorous actions in the face of overwhelming odds were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflect the utmost credit on him and the United States Army.” – Medal of Honor citation

11. Anne Boleyn

I’ll always stand by Anne Boleyn – she manipulated an infamous king into turning away from his beloved religion, kill his supporters who objected (Cardinal Wolsey), and broke with the church to marry her. She’s usually seen as conniving, a witch and evil, but in a male dominated world she cut out her own path and went from low born to the queen of England. She’s such an interesting person in my opinion

12. Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great is one of the most underrated badasses in history. The guy took on Austria, France, Russia, Poland, Sweden, and a bunch of smaller German and Italian states and won with his tiny kingdom-Prussia. He turned a small obscure German state into the nation that would end up uniting Germany and guide it on its path to evoking the most powerful country on Earth…until WW1. He was also a very wise monarch. He was friends with Voltaire and passed reforms that helped out the serfs and Jews.

13. Boudicca

The Queen of the Iceni tribe of ancient celts, she led a ragtag army of Celtic tribes against the invading and highly organized roman army. She burnt Londonium (modern day London) to the ground and wiped out a decent portion of Roman forces. And, oh yeah, this is after the Romans came and ignored her rule, beat her up, and raped her two daughters. Boudicca didn’t mess around.

14. Albert “Hard” Jacka

On the morning of 7 August 1916, after a night of heavy shelling, the Germans began to overrun a portion of the line which included Jacka’s dug-out. Jacka had just completed a reconnaissance, and had gone to his dug-out when two Germans appeared at its entrance and rolled a bomb down the doorway, killing two of his men. Emerging from the dug-out, Jacka came upon a large number of Germans rounding up some forty Australians as prisoners. Only seven men from his platoon had recovered from the blast; rallying these few, he charged at the enemy. Heavy hand-to-hand fighting ensued, as the Australian prisoners turned on their captors. Every member of the platoon was wounded, including Jacka who was wounded seven times; including a bullet that passed through his body under his right shoulder, and two head wounds. Fifty Germans were captured and the line was retaken; Jacka was personally credited with killing between twelve and twenty Germans during the engagement.” And that was the second time he had done something like that. I suspect he was a terminator sent back to save some historically important grandfathers.

17. Daniel Inouye

Second longest serving Senators in US History (representing Hawaii since it gained statehood in 1959) and a WWII vet with this remarkable story to tell: “On April 21, 1945, Inouye was grievously wounded while leading an assault on a heavily-defended ridge near San Terenzo in Tuscany, Italy, called Colle Musatello. The ridge served as a strongpoint along the strip of German fortifications known as the Gothic Line, which represented the last and most unyielding line of German defensive works in Italy. As he led his platoon in a flanking maneuver, three German machine guns opened fire from covered positions just 40 yards away, pinning his men to the ground. Inouye stood up to attack and was shot in the stomach; ignoring his wound, he proceeded to attack and destroy the first machine gun nest with hand grenades and fire from his Thompson submachine gun. After being informed of the severity of his wound by his platoon sergeant, he refused treatment and rallied his men for an attack on the second machine gun position, which he also successfully destroyed before collapsing from blood loss. As his squad distracted the third machine gunner, Inouye crawled toward the final bunker, eventually drawing within 10 yards. As he raised himself up and cocked his arm to throw his last grenade into the fighting position, a German inside the bunker fired a rifle grenade that struck him on the right elbow, severing most of his arm and leaving his own primed grenade reflexively “clenched in a fist that suddenly didn’t belong to me anymore.” Inouye’s horrified soldiers moved to his aid, but he shouted for them to keep back out of fear his severed fist would involuntarily relax and drop the grenade. While the German inside the bunker reloaded his rifle, Inouye pried the live grenade from his useless right hand and transferred it to his left. As the German aimed his rifle to finish him off, Inouye tossed the grenade into the bunker and destroyed it. He stumbled to his feet and continued forward, silencing the last German resistance with a one-handed burst from his Thompson before being wounded in the leg and tumbling unconscious to the bottom of the ridge. When he awoke to see the concerned men of his platoon hovering over him, his only comment before being carried away was to gruffly order them to return to their positions, since, as he pointed out, “nobody called off the war!”

18. Stanley “Swede” Vejtasa

He was an American pilot during WWII. At the Battle of the Coral Sea, he shot down two Japanese Zeroes in an SBD Dauntless – a dive bomber – and rammed a third. Upon learning of this, the Navy transferred him to a fighter wing flying F4F Wildcats. Later, at the Battle of Santa Cruz, he became an “ace in a day”, shooting down seven Japanese planes in a single sortie. At least one of these kills was accomplished after running out of ammunition; he charged an enemy plane (which was also out of ammunition) head-on at low altitude and forced it to crash. He survived the war, as well.

19. Grainne Mhaol (known as Grace O’Malley by the English)

16th Irish noblewoman, when she was a child her father (the chieftain of the Uí Mháille clan) refused to take her to sea and she cut off all her hair to embarrass him into taking her (her nickname means Bald Grainne). She was born at a time when the Tudor conquest of Ireland was picking up the pace. Throughout her life she was a pirate, she was leader of fighters, under her leadership castles and forts were taken and withstood sieges, she was a revolutionary and war-leader and when Elizabeth I captured her sons and brother, she came to the royal court and negotiated their release in Latin, as she spoke no English and Elizabeth spoke no Irish. Her life would seriously fill about ten books.

20. Audie Murphy

Audie Murphy, aka real life Captain America. He was 16 in 1942, weighing 110 pounds and standing 5’5″. He applied to both the Marines and Air Force, but was turned down by both, and eventually managed to get into the Army, where he passed out halfway through training but insisted on going to fight. He contracted malaria in Italy, but was still sent into France in 1944, where he found a German machine gun crew who pretended to surrender, then shot his best friend. Murphy flipped shit, killed everyone in the gun nest, then used their weaponry to kill every Nazi in a 100-yard radius. 6 months later, his company (down to 19 men out of the original 128) was tasked with defending a critical region in France. The Nazis showed up with a ton of guys, so Murphy and his men sent out their M-10’s, which didn’t do much. They were about to be overrun when the skinny short kid with malaria ran to one of the burning M-10’s, grabbed the machine gun, and started mowing down every enemy he could see. He kept going for an hour, until he ran out of bullets, then walked back to his men as the tank exploded behind him.

21. Leo Major

For starters, he was part of the D-Day invasion. That very day, he killed a squad of German soldiers and captured a half-track that was loaded with intelligence information. Quite a while later, he ran into 4 SS soldiers and killed all of them. However, one hit him with a phosphorous grenade, blinding him in one eye. He refused discharge, saying that as long as he could see through the scope, he had enough eyes. During the Battle of the Scheldt, Major single-handedly captured 93 German soldiers and was offered a Distinguished Conduct Medal. He refused, saying that the man awarding it, General Bernard Montgomery, was an incompetent, so any award from him was worthless. In the beginning of 1945, he was in a vehicle that struck a landmine. He broke both ankles, 4 ribs, and fractured 3 vertebrae. He still continued, refusing evacuation. In April of that year, his unit came upon the Dutch city of Zwolle. His commander asked for two volunteers for a reconnaissance mission. Major and his friend Willie volunteered. They were expected to go see how many German soldiers were in the town. Shortly into their mission, Willie was killed, and the plan changed. Major was out for blood. He went down the street guns blazing and throwing grenades while yelling in French to convince the Germans that the Canadians had sent their whole force into the town. He captured nearly one hundred German troops who went fleeing from their cover. Later that night, he came upon the Gestapo HQ and burned it to the ground. He barged into the SS HQ later that same night, killed 4, and ran the other 4 out of town. At 4:30 a. m. He discovered that the city belonged to the Dutch again, and the Germans had been run out. He received a Distinguished Conduct Medal for single-handedly liberating the town of Zwolle. But he still wasn’t done. In the Korean War, he was asked to lead a strike team of elite snipers to support an American division. He and his twenty men took the hill single-handedly and held it while nearly 20,000 Chinese soldiers attacked their position. He was ordered to retreat. Instead, he held the hill for three days until reinforcements arrived. For this action, he received a bar to his DCM.

22. Hugh Glass

While the story is probably embellished some, it’s still amazing. While on a fur trapping expedition, he was mauled by a grizzly bear, which he killed with some help, then passed out. Later, he woke up to find his party abandoned him and he had no equipment. So he cleaned his multiple wounds, used the bear’s skin as a bandage, and spent the next six weeks making it back to civilization. Along the way he fought off wolves, made his own raft to travel down a river, and with the help of natives sewed the bear skin in place to replace his own.

23. Witold Pilecki

Witold Pilecki was a Polish soldier and resistance member who volunteered to get imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp in order to gather intelligence and escape. While in the camp, Pilecki organized a resistance movement and as early as 1941, informed the Western Allies of Nazi Germany’s Auschwitz atrocities. He escaped from the camp in 1943 after nearly 3 years of imprisonment.

24. Louis Zamperini

To elaborate, he was a tiny guy that ran track for the US Olympic team in Germany. He got cleated up so bad by the other runners he was bleeding all over the place and he busted it down the final stretch, didn’t win but the crowd was going nuts for the guy so much so that hitler asked to shake his hand after the race. Plane gets shot down in ww2, survives longer a drift than anyone has ever survived while fighting off sharks. Washes ashore a Japanese prison camp, much badassery ensues here. Gets tortured for a couple years and after he’s released, this cat returns to japan to tell his torturer that he forgives him, the coward won’t meet him. This guy even died on the Fourth of July. Oh and some say he was actually the first to run a mile in under four minutes, in the sand.

25. General John J. Pershing

If Commanding General of the American Expeditionary Forces in WWI, John J. Pershing was alive today, he would probably say the following on how to deal with suicide bombers and deter Islamic terrorists: further action can be taken once they blow themselves up; there is an effective substance that can deter these bombers. Its pork, and it will deny any Muslim extremist what they seek after death. During the Philippine Wars 1899-1913, we fought another Islamic terrorist group called the Moro’s, which were decisively quelled by John J. Pershing. One tactic he employed is said to have happened in 1911, when Pershing was serving as commander of a garrison. Following numerous Islamic terrorist attacks, Pershing captured fifty of the Moro’s, and used their religion against them. Forced to dig their own graves, the terrorists were all tied to posts, for execution by firing squad. American soldiers then brought in pigs, slaughtered them, and then coated their bullets with the blood and fat from the pigs. Pershing turned the tables, and terrorized these terrorists; he ensured they saw that once struck by the firing squad’s bullets, they would be contaminated with the pig’s blood. Even worse, their bodies would be dumped in a grave with a pig carcass, meaning that they could not enter Heaven, even if they were engaged in a Jihad. Pershing followed through with the operation. Forty-nine Moro’s were shot, their bodies dumped into the graves, and the dead pig carcasses and entrails poured all over them. The Fiftieth Moro was spared, and allowed to return to his camp, to spread the word to his fellow Jihadists what happened to the others. He must have made it clear what fate awaits any Jihadists caught by the Americans from that point forward, as it brought an end to terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.

26. Leroy Jenkins

submitted by Woptoppop to SamONellaAcademy [link] [comments]

A3] [Recruiting] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] - Afghanistan / Iraq The Surge

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-
l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!
The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required.
While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.
-When are your OPs?-
Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We usually host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We also have an ongoing post apocalyptic RP campaign that is played every other Saturday. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.
-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-
Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include
-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel
-Rhodesian Bush War
13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized
I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.
13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.
-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine
13th SFG Night Infiltration.
13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.
Debrief After a Tough Fight.
-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943
13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.
The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.
Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.
-U.S. intervention in Vietnam
13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.
-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)
13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.
A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.
13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.
13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.
13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.
13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.
13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.
-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.
13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.
13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.
A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.
A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.
Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.
13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.
Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized Modern day WW3
CIA kill team in a classified location. 2028.
CIA team, captured, interrogated, and killed on international broadcast. 2028.
Ukrainian National Guard holding out on top of the Vitaly Gregor Regional Hospital as Russian forces surrounded them. These men were all dead within the hour. 2028
13th SFG Vietnam P2 Electric Boogaloo
13th SFG as 1st Infantry patrolling rice fields.
1st Infantry taking a photo after a successful village raid!
Marines take a photo after the battle of Hue City
1st Infantry Squad after a long day of battling and being seperated.
SFG Fallout
NCR Troopers Poses With A Cult Monument
13th SFG NCR Rangers Clearing A Path For The Rest
13th SFG Patrolling
We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!
-How restrictive/serious are you?-
Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.
-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-
No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.
We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.
-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-
While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.
So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!
l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

The Battles we never got

We never got D-day, Stalingrad, Okinawa, Berlin, The Battle of the Bulge, Market Garden, El Alamein, Kursk, Midway, Kasserine Pass, Mainland China, Poland, Winter War, Monte Cassino, Operation Husky, Hurtgen Forest, Battle of Britain, India, Saipan, Coral Sea, Moscow, and other battles of WW2
submitted by SequelBad to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] - NCR Fallout Campaign 📷

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-
l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!
The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required.
While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.
-When are your OPs?-
Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We usually host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We also have an ongoing post apocalyptic RP campaign that is played every other Saturday. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.
-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-
Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include
-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel
-Rhodesian Bush War
13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized
I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.
13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.
-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine
13th SFG Night Infiltration.
13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.
Debrief After a Tough Fight.
-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943
13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.
The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.
Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.
-U.S. intervention in Vietnam
13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.
-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)
13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.
A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.
13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.
13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.
13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.
13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.
13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.
-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.
13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.
13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.
A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.
A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.
Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.
13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.
Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized Modern day WW3
CIA kill team in a classified location. 2028.
CIA team, captured, interrogated, and killed on international broadcast. 2028.
Ukrainian National Guard holding out on top of the Vitaly Gregor Regional Hospital as Russian forces surrounded them. These men were all dead within the hour. 2028
13th SFG Vietnam P2 Electric Boogaloo
13th SFG as 1st Infantry patrolling rice fields.
1st Infantry taking a photo after a successful village raid!
Marines take a photo after the battle of Hue City
1st Infantry Squad after a long day of battling and being seperated.
SFG Fallout (Current Setting)
NCR Troopers Poses With A Cult Monument
13th SFG NCR Rangers Clearing A Path For The Rest
13th SFG Patrolling
We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!
-How restrictive/serious are you?-
Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.
-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-
No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.
We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.
-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-
While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.
So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!
l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] - Voting on New Setting!

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-
l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!
The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required.
While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.
-When are your OPs?-
Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We usually host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We also have an ongoing post apocalyptic RP campaign that is played every other Saturday. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.
-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-
Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include
-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel
-Rhodesian Bush War
13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized
I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.
13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.
-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine
13th SFG Night Infiltration.
13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.
Debrief After a Tough Fight.
-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943
13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.
The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.
Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.
-U.S. intervention in Vietnam
13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.
-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)
13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.
A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.
13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.
13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.
13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.
13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.
13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.
-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.
13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.
13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.
A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.
A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.
Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.
13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.
Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized Modern day WW3
CIA kill team in a classified location. 2028.
CIA team, captured, interrogated, and killed on international broadcast. 2028.
Ukrainian National Guard holding out on top of the Vitaly Gregor Regional Hospital as Russian forces surrounded them. These men were all dead within the hour. 2028
13th SFG Vietnam P2 (Current Setting)
13th SFG as 1st Infantry patrolling rice fields.
1st Infantry taking a photo after a successful village raid!
Marines take a photo after the battle of Hue City
1st Infantry Squad after a long day of battling and being seperated.

We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!
-How restrictive/serious are you?-
Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.
-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-
No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.
We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.
-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-
While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.
So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!
l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] - New Fallout Campaign Starting 📷

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-
l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!
The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required.
While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.
-When are your OPs?-
Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We usually host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We also have an ongoing post apocalyptic RP campaign that is played every other Saturday. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.
-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-
Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include
-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel
-Rhodesian Bush War
13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized
I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.
13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.
-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine
13th SFG Night Infiltration.
13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.
Debrief After a Tough Fight.
-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943
13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.
The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.
Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.
-U.S. intervention in Vietnam
13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.
-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)
13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.
A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.
13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.
13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.
13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.
13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.
13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.
-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.
13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.
13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.
A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.
A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.
Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.
13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.
Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized Modern day WW3
CIA kill team in a classified location. 2028.
CIA team, captured, interrogated, and killed on international broadcast. 2028.
Ukrainian National Guard holding out on top of the Vitaly Gregor Regional Hospital as Russian forces surrounded them. These men were all dead within the hour. 2028
13th SFG Vietnam P2 (Current Setting)
13th SFG as 1st Infantry patrolling rice fields.
1st Infantry taking a photo after a successful village raid!
Marines take a photo after the battle of Hue City
1st Infantry Squad after a long day of battling and being seperated.
We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!
-How restrictive/serious are you?-
Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.
-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-
No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.
We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.
-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-
While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.
So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!
l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

Historic and Popular Battles that never made it to BFV

I'm an avid WW2 and history buff, and with the recent news I've decided to write out an entire list of famous battles/operations of WW2 that aren't/won't be in the game. Now I'm not saying that DICE should have added everything from the list, but these are some of the most historic and rememberd events from the Second World War, they're each engrained in history, and shown countlessly though various mediums. And yet when you scroll through the list you see how much of WW2 is missing and the potential the game could have had. Let me know your thoughts and if I've missed any. Thanks.
African Front
Siege of Tobruk
First & Second Battles of El Alamein
Operation Torch (Anglo-American Invasion of North Africa)
Battle of Kasserine Pass
Mediterranean Front
Allied invasion of Sickly and later Italy
Volturno Line
Battle of Monte Cassino
Battle of Anzio
Gothic Line
Western Front
Battle of Dunkirk and subsequent evacuation
Battle of Britain and subsequent blitz (think air combat, around Great Britain)
Operation Overlord (D-Day)
Invasion of Normandy
Battle of Caen
Battle of Cherbourg
Battle of St. Lo
Liberation of Paris (Great chance to incorporate resistance fighters/uniforms)
Allied advance from Paris to the Rhine
Operation Market Garden -Battle of Arnhem -Battle of Nijmegen
Battle of Aachen (First German city to fall to the allies)
Battle of Hurtgen Forest
Battle of the Bulge (Great chance to include both German offensive and Siege of Bastogne)
Battle of Remagen
Allied Advance in to Germany
Think Naval gameplay similar to BF1, including destroyers, convoys, U-Boats
Eastern Front
German & Soviet Invasion of Poland
Soviet Invasion of Finland
Operation Barbarossa (German invasion of USSR)
Battle of Kiev
Siege of Lenningrad
Battle of Moscow
Soviet Winter Counter offensive of 1941
Case Blue (German Summer offensive of June, 1942 in USSR)
Battle of Stalingrad -Operation Uranus -Operation Little Saturn -Operation Winter Storm
Battle of Kursk
Operation Bagration
Warsaw Uprising (Again great opportunity to incorporate resistance fighters/uniforms)
Vistula-Oder Offensive
Battle of Berlin
Pacific Front
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Battle of Guam
Battle of Coral Sea
Battle of Midway (Great chance for both naval and air combat)
Kokoda Campaign
Battle of Pelelui
Battle of Okinawa
Burma Campaign
Philippines Campaign
China Front
Second Sino Japanese War
Battle of Shanghai
Battle of Hong Kong
Manchurian Operation
submitted by dcardzzz to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] 13th SFG Back in Vietnam! 📷

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!
The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required.
While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.
-When are your OPs?-
Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We usually host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We also have an ongoing post apocalyptic RP campaign that is played every other Saturday. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.
-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-
Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include
-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel
-Rhodesian Bush War
13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized
I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.
13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.
-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine
13th SFG Night Infiltration.
13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.
Debrief After a Tough Fight.
-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943
13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.
The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.
Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.
-U.S. intervention in Vietnam
13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.
-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)
13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.
A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.
13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.
13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.
13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.
13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.
13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.
-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.
13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.
13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.
A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.
A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.
Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.
13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.
Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized Modern day WW3
CIA kill team in a classified location. 2028.
CIA team, captured, interrogated, and killed on international broadcast. 2028.
Ukrainian National Guard holding out on top of the Vitaly Gregor Regional Hospital as Russian forces surrounded them. These men were all dead within the hour. 2028
13th SFG Vietnam P2 (Current Setting)
13th SFG as 1st Infantry patrolling rice fields.
1st Infantry taking a photo after a successful village raid!
We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!
-How restrictive/serious are you?-
Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.
-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-
No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.
We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.
-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-
While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.
So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!
l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by SW-OBI1 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] The 13th SFG has started our Modern day WW3 campaign!

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN

Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!

The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required.

While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.

-When are your OPs?-

Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We usually host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We also have an ongoing post apocalyptic RP campaign that is played every other Saturday. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.

-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-

Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include

-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel

-Rhodesian Bush War
13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized
I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.
13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.

-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine
13th SFG Night Infiltration.
13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.
Debrief After a Tough Fight.

-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943
13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.
The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.
Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.

-U.S. intervention in Vietnam
13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.
-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)
13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.
A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.
13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.
13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.
13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.
13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.
13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.
-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.
13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.
13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.
A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.
A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.
Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.
13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.
Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized.
And our current campaign, Modern day WW3!
CIA kill team in a classified location. 2028.
CIA team, captured, interrogated, and killed on international broadcast. 2028.
Ukrainian National Guard holding out on top of the Vitaly Gregor Regional Hospital as Russian forces surrounded them. These men were all dead within the hour. 2028
We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!

-How restrictive/serious are you?-

Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.

-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-

No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.

We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.

-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-

While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.

So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] Russia invades Ukraine! Iran invades Bahrain! Tension on the Korean Border! Modern day WW3 campaign!

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN

Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!

The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required.

While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.

-When are your OPs?-

Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We usually host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We also have an ongoing post apocalyptic RP campaign that is played every other Saturday. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.

-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-

Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include

-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel

-Rhodesian Bush War
13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized
I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.
13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.

-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine
13th SFG Night Infiltration.
13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.
Debrief After a Tough Fight.

-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943
13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.
The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.
Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.

-U.S. intervention in Vietnam
13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.
-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)
13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.
A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.
13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.
13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.
13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.
13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.
13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.
-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.
13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.
13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.
A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.
A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.
Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.
13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.
Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized.
And our current campaign, Modern day WW3!
CIA kill team in a classified location. 2028.
CIA team, captured, interrogated, and killed on international broadcast. 2028.
Ukrainian National Guard holding out on top of the Vitaly Gregor Regional Hospital as Russian forces surrounded them. These men were all dead within the hour. 2028
We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!

-How restrictive/serious are you?-

Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.

-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-

No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.

We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.

-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-

While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.

So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] The world is a powder keg! The 13th SFG is moving onto a modern day WW3 campaign!

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN

Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!

The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required.

While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.

-When are your OPs?-

Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We usually host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We also have an ongoing post apocalyptic RP campaign that is played every other Saturday. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.

-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-

Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include

-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel

-Rhodesian Bush War
13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized
I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.
13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.

-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine
13th SFG Night Infiltration.
13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.
Debrief After a Tough Fight.

-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943
13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.
The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.
Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.

-U.S. intervention in Vietnam
13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.
-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)
13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.
A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.
13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.
13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.
13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.
13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.
13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.
-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.
13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.
13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.
A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.
A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.
Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.
13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.
Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized.
And our current campaign, Modern day WW3!
Currently we are on a "training break" that will be ending with our first WW3 op on Sunday, 6/14 at 7pm EST.
We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!

-How restrictive/serious are you?-

Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.

-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-

No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.

We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.

-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-

While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.

So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] The world is a powder keg! CIA hit squads were executed by Iran on TV! WW3 is on the horizon!

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN

Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!

The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required.

While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.

-When are your OPs?-

Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We usually host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We also have an ongoing post apocalyptic RP campaign that is played every other Saturday. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.

-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-

Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include

-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel

-Rhodesian Bush War
13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized
I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.
13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.

-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine
13th SFG Night Infiltration.
13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.
Debrief After a Tough Fight.

-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943
13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.
The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.
Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.

-U.S. intervention in Vietnam
13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.
-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)
13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.
A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.
13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.
13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.
13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.
13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.
13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.
-​101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2.
13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.
13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.
A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.
A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.
Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.
13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG fighters engage a German ME-109 over the English Channel during a late war bombing mission. 1944, Colorized.
Russian soldiers and a flag bearer pose at the bottom of the Reichstag in Berlin. 1945, Colorized.
And our current campaign, Modern day WW3!
CIA kill team in a classified location. 2028.
CIA team, captured, interrogated, and killed on international broadcast. 2028.
We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!

-How restrictive/serious are you?-

Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.

-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-

No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.

We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.

-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-

While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.

So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [NA/EST] [Casual Milsim] [Varied Settings] WW2 is almost over! The 13th SFG is moving onto a modern day WW3 campaign!

-The 13th Special Forces Group "The Immortals"-

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN

Looking for a unit where you can expect to be genuinely welcomed and included, rather than treated as a roster filler and ignored? Look no further!

The 13th Special Forces Group is a small community of ArmA 3 players that provide a realistic yet casual ArmA experience. We are comprised of members from varying backgrounds and units, and just seek to have a good time and play the game, without the strict emphasis on Milsim. We mostly specialize in Spec Ops missions, but depending on the mod and scenario, will sometimes perform different roles. Were looking for all kinds of players, with no experience required.

While most of our players live in the U.S. we have players from across the globe who join us.

-When are your OPs?-

Our campaign operations take place every Tuesday and Sunday, usually starting at 7 PM EST and running for about 2 hours, at that particular operations Zeuses discretion. We usually host an unrelated one shot mission on Friday, set in the same modlist just as a different faction. There might be an extra one off for fun, or something of the sorts, occasionally on other days. We also have an ongoing post apocalyptic RP campaign that is played every other Saturday. All events and their times will be posted in our Discord beforehand, to allow our members enough time and notice to get things in order.

-What mod/setting do you specialize in?-

Members of our unit have played them all, but we don't have one set setting. From WW2 all the way to Operation Trebuchet or beyond, no setting is off limits. We will hop from campaign setting to campaign setting, all depending on what our player base wants and votes for. All players are welcome to suggest their ideas and hopes for future missions. Some of our recent ops include

-Fictional U.S. Border war with a militant cartel

-Rhodesian Bush War
13th SFG Ready to Hunt Members of ZANU. 1969, Colorized
I know how to drive. 1970, Colorized.
13th SFG Executes an Ambush Against a ZANLA Convoy. Date Classified, Colorized.

-Modern Day Russian Invasion of Ukraine
13th SFG Night Infiltration.
13th SFG Destroys a Tank Depot.
Debrief After a Tough Fight.

-U.S. Invasion of Italy in 1943
13th SFG Paratroops Await The Fleet After a Night of Hell. 1943, Colorized.
The Fleet Arrives. 1943, colorized.
Cassino Town, With a Custom Zeus Made Monte Cassino in the Distance. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Americans, British and Polish After Having Taken the Abbey of Monte Cassino. 1943, Colorized.
13th SFG Victory Parade After Victory in Rome. 1943, Colorized.

-U.S. intervention in Vietnam
13th SFG After a NVA Counter Assault. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Heads Up "The Devil's Dirt Road" after a Hellish Patrol. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Patrol Reacting to a Call For Aid From A Frontline Unit. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG Poses For a Picture After a Brutal Night Holding the Line. 1968, Colorized.
13th SFG poses for a picture after defending the last U.S. base in Vietnam. 1970, colorized.
-​Russian invasion of Middle America. (Red Dawn)
13th SFG Members pose for a photo after a successful raid on two Soviet Occupied Towns. 1984.
A 13th SFG member, in a stolen Soviet Ghillie suit, engages targets at a POW camp. 1984.
13th SFG Members driving a stolen Soviet UAZ. Thinking of better times. 1984.
13th SFG Members in stolen Soviet uniforms, after a successful prison break. 1984.
13th SFG Members prepare to land behind Soviet lines and attack a chemical weapons plants. 1984.
13th SFG Members after the chemical weapons plant blows. "Gas, Gas, Gas!" 1984.
13th SFG Members defend a downed Blackhawk in the irradiated wasteland of Omaha, Nebraska. 1984.
​Our current campaign is playing as the 101st Airborne from D-Day through the end of WW2. We will be starting our WW3 campaign during June.
13thSFG members take part in the German Blitzkrieg during the 1939 invasion of Poland during a One Off mission. 1939, Colorized.
13th SFG Members in the "duct-taped together killing machines" as Libyan Desert Taxi Service. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG Members of the Libyan Desert Taxi Service after taking a German airfield outside of Al Alamein. 1942, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers, loaded in C-47s, wait for the go ahead to take off for the long flight to France. The first, and for some, last jump of the war. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG paratroopers lost, trying to figure out where their pilot dropped them on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members bodies, scattered along the beaches of Normandy as the bloody first wave desperately attempts to gain ground on D-Day. 1944, Colorized.
Paratroopers from the 13th SFG rendezvous with American tanks rolling off the beach on D-day. 1944, Colorized.
A stubborn man from Texas, LTC Cole leads the 13th SFG in a charge across a smoke filled field to take out a German encampment. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG soldiers hold Hill 30 from a German counter attacked. Fighting persisted until a runner was able to locate and direct members of the U.S. 2ND Armored Division to relieve them. 1944. Colorized.
A XXX Corp tank cooks off from a single shot from a German Tiger, as members of the 13th SFG look on in horror. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG CO looks on in horror as the crew of the Sherman he was just talking to burns in front of him. 1944, colorized.
13th SFG members rush across the remade Son Bridge during Market Garden. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG forces at Arnham look out across the Rhine, knowing they are surrounded and relief is days away. 1944, Colorized.
Surrounded British forces at Arnham discuss surrender with a German envoy. British commander- "We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner." 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG finds and rescues members of the trapped British 1st Airborne. 1944, Colorized.
13th SFG members rushing to eliminate a German artillery position during the Battle of the Bulge. 1944, Colorzied.
13th SFG members on their way to reinforce overwhelmed US positions, knowing they will be surrounded. 1944, Colorized.
We're always looking at future settings we would love to have your input on!

-How restrictive/serious are you?-

Overall, we are very casual as a unit. We do have a chain of command, to deal with issues that arise and maintain the server, but the highest a set rank goes in an operation is Squad Lead, with Zeus's acting as platoon lead and command. Our load outs are not restrictive either, the only thing we will restrict you to is to period appropriate pool of weapons, uniforms, etc. so you will have the ability to have a lot of customization for your load outs. We don't have a white-list or restricted mods, because personal choice is important. Want to see more blood from enemies you kill? Turn on a blood mod. Want to turn on JSRS to get a more immersive soundscape? Go ahead. We only ask that you don't put on mods that will hinder the enjoyment of others or give an unfair advantage.

-Is there an attendance or training requirement?-

No, we understand real life comes first. Show up when you can.

We offer training if you need or want it, from a refresher course all the way to specialized squad tactics, weapons training, or anything else ArmA offers, but there is no required training. You don't have to do push-ups and run an obstacle course while a 14 year old makes you call him sir.

-Do you offer anything other than infantry game play?-

While we do not have dedicated slots for pilots, tankers, or others, any member who shows willingness or aptitude is free to take those slots on individual operations where we do have them.

So what are you waiting for? Come join today! Hop in the Discord and ask any questions you have!

l Discord: https://discord.gg/JGTEBSN
submitted by 13thSFGArmA3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

monte cassino ww2 poland video

WWII Footage: Commonwealth Troops at Monte Cassino - YouTube Monte Cassino today and 1944 - YouTube L'histoire de la bataille de Monte Cassino - Documentaire ... Battle of Monte Cassino - YouTube Polish War Song - Czerwone Maki na Monte Cassino - YouTube Battlefield S5/E3 - The Battle for Monte Cassino - YouTube The War For The Abbey On The Mountain  Battle of Monte ... The Battle of Monte Cassino  Italy in World War 2 - YouTube The Battle of Monte Cassino #WWII - YouTube

Sadly that wasn’t to be. At the time of the battle and unknown to Ferdynand, Allied leaders Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin had already decided the fate of his home in the eastern lands of Poland. Where is Monte Cassino? What happened? The magnificent Abbey of Monte Cassino was built on a rocky hilltop in 529 AD by Saint Benedict. WW2 People 's War Homepage From Chodel in Poland to Monte Cassino. PART 1 to forget about injustice and suffering they endured so far because they main goal from now on was to fight for Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for POLAND MONTE CASSINO CROSS FOR OFFICER OF ARTILLERY WW2 RARE (5939) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Accompanied by two Ribbon Bars (1939-1945 Star, Africa Star and Commemorative Cross of Monte Cassino on one; Italy Star, Defence Medal and War Medal 1939-1945 on the other, 12 mm x 95 mm each); Polish Army Cap Badge (silvered metal, 35.8 mm x 54.5 mm); 2 Polish Corps Patch (silver bullion wire and embroidery on red cloth, 38.5 mm x 46.5 mm Details about WW2 Monte-Cassino Polish Cross of Combat Action Poland Italy . The cross was broadcast by the President of the Republic of Poland. On the ribbon of the Cross, clasps made of 5 mm wide metal may be worn with the names of the battles in which the decorated participant took part: The Allies had come to a halt in their advance towards Rome, 100 miles on the south of Rome at the town of Cassino the Axis blocked their advance. Despite the Allies' superior numbers the terrain and winter weather allowed the Germans to hold their ground. The Allies tried to break through three times in 1944 starting on January 17th, 144. Each time the Allies failed until the fourth try that Red poppies on Monte Cassino Instead of dew, drank Polish blood. As the soldier crushed them in falling, For the anger was more potent than death. Years will pass and ages will roll, But traces of bygone days will stay, And the poppies on Monte Cassino Will be redder having quaffed Polish blood. Sherman tanks and infantry in the ruins of Army History Vietnam History Old Images Old Pictures Battle Of Monte Cassino Italian Campaign Invasion Of Poland Prisoners Of War Sicily Italy More information People also love these ideas Monte Cassino was an important strategic point on the road to Rome. British, American, French and New Zealanders forces tried to take over the monastery on a top of the hill from Germans. Ms Anders said that the Monte Cassino anniversary is always a very personal and emotional time for her. "I remember my father's last visit to Monte Cassino 50 years ago. Being here, I wonder if my father, who so dreamed of a free Poland, could have possibly expected that 50 years on, this free Poland exists.

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WWII Footage: Commonwealth Troops at Monte Cassino - YouTube

The Battle of Monte Cassino was a costly series of four assaults by the Allies against the Winter Line in Italy held by Axis forces during the Italian Campai... The Battle of Monte Cassino (also known as the Battle for Rome and the Battle for Cassino) was a costly series of four assaults by the Allies against the Win... I do not own, nor do I or intend to profit from this content whatsoever. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made... The final Part of the Battle in WW 2 around - Monte Cassino - and how it looks Inside - Today Footage of Commonwealth and Polish Troops at the battle of Monte Cassino in 1944.This footage shows New Zealanders, Indian Gurkhas, Canadian/British armour a... This video is not monetized. Consider Supporting HoH: https://www.patreon.com/HouseofHistoryIn the winter of 1944, the Allied powers had already landed in S... One of the longest and bloodiest battles of World War II, marked by assaults by the Allies against the Winter Line in Italy held by the German forces during ... "Le succès remporté pendant des mois dans la défense de la ville et de la montagne de monte Cassino compte parmi les plus brillants faits d'armes que les sol... In March 1944 the 1st and 4th Essex Battalion's were enmeshed in one of the most bloody, dramatic British engagements of the war - five brutal days of fighti...

monte cassino ww2 poland

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