Free Casino Website Script

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Jual Script Judi Online, Poker, Casino, Togel 1 Paket Website Langsung Online

Jual Script Judi Online, Poker, Casino, Togel 1 Paket Website Langsung Online
Script Casino adalah sebuah platform, di mana orang dapat bermain game online (seperti mesin slot, blackjack, roulette, video poker, dan lainnya). Hasil pertandingan dijamin benar-benar acak dengan menggunakan teknologi yang terbukti adil (berdasarkan algoritma kriptografi yang kuat)

Untuk siapa ini

Aplikasi ini untuk semua orang (baik itu pengusaha perorangan atau organisasi kecil) yang ingin segera memulai bisnis game online mereka sendiri, tetapi tidak punya waktu dan / atau dana yang cukup untuk mengembangkan solusi yang dibuat khusus atau membeli paket perangkat lunak kasino mahal dari yang lain vendor.
1 license domain & Install Download

Updates Log’s – Jan 2020

- Perfect Money Gateway Added. - Bitcoin Payment Gateway Added. - Master Card Payment Gateway Added. - Multi Payment
submitted by sineadcortez to u/sineadcortez [link] [comments]

Script Judi Online, Poker, Casino, Togel 1 Paket Website

Script Judi Online, Poker, Casino, Togel 1 Paket Website
Script Casino adalah sebuah platform, di mana orang dapat bermain game online (seperti mesin slot, blackjack, roulette, video poker, dan lainnya). Hasil pertandingan dijamin benar-benar acak dengan menggunakan teknologi yang terbukti adil (berdasarkan algoritma kriptografi yang kuat)

Untuk siapa ini

Aplikasi ini untuk semua orang (baik itu pengusaha perorangan atau organisasi kecil) yang ingin segera memulai bisnis game online mereka sendiri, tetapi tidak punya waktu dan / atau dana yang cukup untuk mengembangkan solusi yang dibuat khusus atau membeli paket perangkat lunak kasino mahal dari yang lain vendor.

Mengapa ini tawaran yang bagus

  • Solusi kasino label putih lengkap dengan harga terjangkau
  • Didukung oleh kerangka PHP Laravel yang paling kuat dan aman
  • Pembaruan seumur hidup
  • Dukungan profesional

Game yang didukung

Game slot buah termasuk dalam paket ini.
  • Beberapa mesin slot
  • Kata
  • Roulette Eropa
  • Roulette Amerika
  • Lucky Wheel / Roda Keberuntungan
  • Bakarat
  • Selikuran
  • Video Poker
  • Keno
  • 75 Ball Bingo Amerika
  • Undian (Lotere)

Casino Demo Script:

Video Poker:

Game Blackjack:

Roda beruntung:

Baccarat Game:

Game Dadu:

Game Lotere:

Game Keno:

Game Multi Slots:

Fitur aplikasi umum

  • label putih
  • 6 skema warna bawaan
  • Teknologi yang terbukti adil
  • Bonus dan program rujukan
  • Bot
  • Obrolan
  • Papan peringkat pemain
  • Sejarah permainan yang dimainkan
  • Halaman profil pengguna dengan statistik tambahan
  • 22 bahasa bawaan (bahasa lain juga bisa ditambahkan)
  • Integrasi Google Tag Manager (GTM)
  • Google reCaptcha validasi
  • Login sosial (Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Coinbase, Steem)
  • Otentikasi dua faktor (melalui aplikasi Google Authenticator)
  • Verifikasi email pengguna
  • Aplikasi penginstal internal (plus instalasi add-on 1-klik)

Fitur panel admin

  • Dasbor canggih dengan data analitik, statistik, dan grafik
  • Manajemen pengguna (melihat, memblokir, mengedit, menghapus, mengirim email terpisah)
  • Lihat akun dan transaksi akun (dengan opsi untuk mendebit / mengkredit akun pengguna secara manual)
  • Lihat riwayat game
  • Kelola pengaturan aplikasi
  • Pemeliharaan (aktifkan / nonaktifkan mode pemeliharaan, hapus cache, jalankan pembaruan basis data, jalankan tugas yang dijadwalkan)

Fitur Mesin Slot


20 paylines didukung. Pengguna dapat memilih berapa banyak paylines untuk bertaruh di setiap putaran (1 hingga 20).


Simbol liar menggantikan simbol biasa (kecuali pencar). Simbol Scatter menang ketika mereka muncul di gulungan di tempat mana pun. Mereka juga menawarkan pembayaran yang lebih besar dan melipatgandakan taruhan total Anda.


Pengguna dapat memilih berapa banyak untuk bertaruh per baris.


Pengguna dapat mengatur slot untuk memutar gulungan berulang-ulang sampai kondisi berhenti terpenuhi.


Saat Anda membuka halaman game server menghasilkan rahasia dan seed dan mengungkapkan hash-nya (menggunakan algoritma HMAC SHA256). Rahasia server mewakili posisi gulungan awal. Seed server adalah string alpha-numeric acak yang aman secara kriptografis. Hash dari 2 string ini membantu memastikan bahwa posisi gulungan awal tidak diubah setelah Anda memilih jumlah garis dan jumlah taruhan. Setelah permainan selesai, rahasia server dan server seed terungkap, sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah menghitung dan memverifikasi hash.
Ketika Anda memainkan game, Anda dapat memberikan string khusus tambahan — seed klien (jika tidak ditentukan nomor acak secara otomatis dihasilkan oleh browser Anda). Server kemudian akan menghitung hash lain menggunakan rahasia server, seed server dan seed klien. 5 karakter terakhir dari hash ini (mewakili nilai heksadesimal) akan dikonversi ke integer. Setiap digit dalam angka ini akan menghasilkan jumlah tambahan putaran pada reel yang sesuai (dari kiri ke kanan). Karena seed klien tidak dapat diprediksi oleh server, jumlah putaran tambahan benar-benar acak dan karenanya Anda dapat yakin bahwa hasil permainannya adil.
Untuk memeriksa apakah game yang Anda mainkan adil masuk ke halaman History >> My games, pilih game dan klik tombol Verifikasi.


Administrator kasino dapat:
  • Kustomisasi simbol slot (unggah gambar simbol apa pun alih-alih buah tua yang baik)
  • Kustomisasi masing-masing dari 5 gulungan (simbol kehadiran dan posisinya)
  • Pilih simbol liar dan hamburkan
  • Tetapkan pembayaran untuk setiap simbol (untuk setiap jumlah kejadian)
  • Tetapkan jumlah taruhan minimum dan maksimum per baris
  • Tentukan dengan berapa banyak taruhan harus ditambahkan / dikurangi
  • Tetapkan jumlah taruhan default per baris
  • Tetapkan jumlah garis default untuk bertaruh
Dengan kemampuan di atas Anda dapat membuat mesin slot yang unik!


Untuk menarik pelanggan baru ke kasino Anda, penting untuk memiliki basis pengguna yang sudah ada, yang bermain game secara teratur dan dengan demikian meningkatkan kredibilitas situs web Anda. Belum punya pelanggan? Bot datang untuk menyelamatkan!
Administrator kasino dapat dengan mudah menghasilkan sejumlah bot di backend. Bot ini muncul sebagai pengguna biasa, tetapi secara teratur (mis. Setiap 5 menit) beberapa bot akan “bangun” dan bermain game dengan parameter acak.



Setiap pengguna dapat memperoleh kredit bonus untuk merujuk pengguna lain ke kasino. Administrator kasino dapat mengonfigurasi jumlah kredit bonus untuk acara-acara berikut:
  • Mendaftar (baik wasit dan pengarah akan menerima jumlah tetap dari bonus bonus)
  • Kehilangan permainan (pengarah akan menerima% dari kerugian bersih)
  • Permainan menang (pengarah akan menerima% dari kemenangan bersih)
  • Setoran (pengarah akan menerima% dari jumlah setoran) — membutuhkan tambahan Pembayaran
Pengaturan seluruh situs dapat diganti pada tingkat pengguna.


  • Bonus pendaftaran pengguna reguler
  • Bonus uang kembali kehilangan game
  • Game memenangkan bonus uang kembali
  • Deposit bonus uang kembali

Persyaratan sistem

  • PHP 7.1.3 atau lebih tinggi
  • Ekstensi PHP: cURL, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML, Ctype, JSON, BCMath
  • Fungsi PHP set_time_limit () diaktifkan
  • Database MySQL
  • Penulisan ulang URL diaktifkan
  • Aplikasi harus diinstal ke folder root web dari suatu domain atau sub domain (itu tidak akan berfungsi jika diinstal ke sub folder).
Aplikasi ini dapat diinstal pada server bersama, namun pastikan Anda memiliki sumber daya sistem yang cukup dengan akun hosting Anda dan mendukung pembuatan symlink (tautan simbolik).

Log Pembaruan — Jan 2020

- Perfect Money Gateway Added. - Gateway Pembayaran Bitcoin Ditambahkan. - Gateway Pembayaran Kartu Master Ditambahkan. - Pembayaran Multi

1 domain lisensi & Instal Unduhan

Beli Script Casino:

Script Casino, Platform Mesin Game Online Slot
submitted by Champion01 to u/Champion01 [link] [comments]

Online Cheating FAQ

Free tools & menus
Although the majority of free menus ARE viruses, scams, detected etc. As far as I know there is 1 decent free menu, decent as in safe to use any paid menu can easily out-class it and can probably crash there game.
The free tools/menu that I would recommend are
Kiddons Modest Menu -
This is the one and only free mod menu out there. Its recovery options and tools are lacking however you can set your own experience level with it. It also has a god mode option and a basic vehicle spawner. You can make a decent amount of cash with this menu by going into Online Services/Casino/Rig Slot Machines and remove the limit. With this play the Egyptian themed slot machine and always bet max. You will win every time and you’ll make around 2.5mil per loop, you can cash out the chips to cash. It’s a slow method but the most effective one with kiddons and it still beats dropping yourself or grinding.
This is a stat editor for GTA 5, it’s only really useful for setting your character stats, unlocking locked items and skipping heist preps. You cannot modify your xp or cash with this although there might be a way to modify your health, which would be pointless as all menus include a god option. This is also free, Its not a menu but I still include it as it is a cheating tool.
GTA 5 Online Mechanics to know for modding
GTA 5 is a P2P, or Peer to Peer game for online. There are two special types of players used for this, Host and Script Host. Hosts will be hosting the lobby and most menus, except for kiddons ofc, have an option to use a host kick that will kick ANY player in the game, regardless of what protections they have enabled. This is basically an UNBLOCKABLE kick, this is why becoming host is so valued, some people will even kick ½ the lobby in order to gain host. As a host your game can still be crashed or kicked by other modders though, it depends on whether or not your menu is good enough to withstand the kick. Some mod menu’s. You then only need to kick one person. After host there is script host, you can take this away from any player WITHOUT kicking them, although kicking them also works, Script host has a stronger kick than normal but it can still be blocked, so even though it’s nice to be script host it isn’t required or even super helpful.
Paid Menus and what they are good at
I’ll be listing menu’s then talking about them and what they have pros/cons at. There isn’t an exact tier-list however as it mainly depends on what you want
Luna – This is the mod menu I personally usually use, its quick to update and has pretty good recovery options, kicks and protections. As far as I know it’s got the best protections from other menu’s as well as kicks/crashes. It’s not the most stable menu however and I’ve noticed that I crash more with it than normal, although not an extremely high amount. It costs $25 and can be got from Not taking sides, menu was either taken down by a C&D or it was an exitscam. There is no proof of a C&D, articles use Luna as source and Luna use Articles as source but there is also no proof of an exitscam as menu was doing pretty well at the time they got rid of it.
Impulse – Impulse has a few tiers, I’m not too familiar with the individual tiers however Impulse is usually known for its good trolling options, last I checked its recovery options were not that good however it’s still a good menu if you’re looking to troll. It can cost $15 - $50 depending on what tier you get. You can get Impulse from
Disturbed – Disturbed is a medium tier menu in my opinion, its not good at crashing other people or protecting against other menu’s however it has great recoveries and it is cheap. It costs around $10-$15. I would not recommend buying Disturbed VIP as your better off getting a different menu. You can get it from
Phantom-X – Phantom-X is also a cheaper menu, It compares to Impulse in the sense that it’s good for trolling and I’ve even seen some people say its better for trolling. However Phantom-X doesn’t seem to be good at that much else. From what I’ve heard its pretty stable. It can be brought from there main website is pretty hard to find and after 30 minutes of searching I could not find it’s official website as I’ve not personally used Phantom-X.
Paragon – Paragon is one of the more expensive menus. It’s very stable and has a pretty nice looking menu in my opinion. I’ve used it for a while during the free weekend and liked it. It used to be known for its great protections but recently it’s been lacking in protections. However it has decent trolling options, more recently it seems like an all-around menu. You can get it from
Ozark – I haven’t tried Ozark much, it’s a cheaper menu but its also in beta. It looks promising and has some unique features. Apparently it has a WIP Lua Injector which is great news for people who are in special groups or know how to code Lua. You can get it from
2Take1 – 2Take1 is usually considered to be the best menu out there, especially if you know Lua as it is the only menu with a working Lua injector. However it is also the most expensive menu and it also partially uses a subscription model, the menu costs $140 to permanently keep and it can be brought from
Menu’s that you should NEVER get
I’ll just list these off without much elaboration as they are usually stolen code, have poor support or are viruses.
Free Youtube/Ebay/Discord Menus – 99% of these are going to be viruses and the other 1% is going to be detected. Don’t install Kiddons from a youtube video go to the unknowncheats link I posted, make an account and get it from there if you want it.
Kingpin – Pretty bad over-all, usually considered to be the worst menu out there.
Never get any mod menu’s that are new, they can be exit-scams and will usually take the cash
and bail after a month. Examples of these exit scam menu’s are
- Over
- Hypno
- Indara
A lot of these exit scam menu’s are also using stolen code.
Since most mod menu’s use bitcoin only there are resellers which can sometimes charge at a slightly higher price but will deliver the menu and accept payment forms like PayPal. These are resellers that I know of/am aware of. If you know of a reseller comment it below and I'll add it.

Disturbed keys can only be brought through there discord. You can find a link through there site (

Updates: V1.1 Added more Resellers, Crossed out Luna
submitted by Game-Crunch to GTAOnlineCheats [link] [comments]

TikTok’s Community Guidelines and this means they dont care if they dont get in trouble for it.

2 Parts here, second is down below. And you probably wont believe it or you already know about it and this proves it.
How TikTok is supporting our community through COVID-19
Community Guidelines
Introduction Violent extremism Hateful behavior Illegal activities and regulated goods Violent and graphic content Suicide, self-harm, and dangerous acts Harassment and bullying Adult nudity and sexual activities Minor safety Integrity and authenticity Platform security
Last updated, December 2020
TikTok's mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. We are building a global community where people can create and share, discover the world around them, and connect with others across the globe. As we grow, we are committed to maintaining a supportive environment for our community. Our Community Guidelines define a set of norms and common code of conduct for TikTok; they provide guidance on what is and is not allowed to make a welcoming space for everyone.
At TikTok, we prioritize safety, diversity, inclusion, and authenticity. We encourage creators to celebrate what makes them unique and viewers to engage in what inspires them; and we believe that a safe environment helps everyone express themselves openly. We deeply value the global nature of our community, and we strive to take into account the breadth of cultural norms where we operate. We also aim to cultivate an environment for genuine interactions by only allowing authentic content on TikTok.
Our Community Guidelines apply to everyone and to everything on TikTok. We proactively enforce them using a mix of technology and human moderation before content gets reported to us. We also encourage our community members to use the tools we provide on TikTok to report any content they believe violates our Community Guidelines.
We will remove any content – including video, audio, livestream, images, comments, and text – that violates our Community Guidelines. Individuals are notified of our decisions and can appeal if they believe no violation has occurred. We will suspend or ban accounts and/or devices that are involved in severe or repeated violations; we will consider information available on other platforms and offline in these decisions. When warranted, we will report the accounts to relevant legal authorities.
Our algorithms are designed with trust and safety in mind. For some content – such as spam, videos under review, or videos that could be considered upsetting or depict things that may be shocking to a general audience – we may reduce discoverability, including by redirecting search results or limiting distribution in the For You feed.
We recognize that some content that would normally be removed per our Community Guidelines could be in the public interest. Therefore, we may allow exceptions under certain circumstances, such as educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic content, satirical content, content in fictional settings, counterspeech, and content in the public interest that is newsworthy or otherwise enables individual expression on topics of social importance.
In consultation with relevant stakeholders, we update our Community Guidelines from time to time to evolve alongside new behaviors and risks, as part of our commitment to keeping TikTok a safe place for creativity and joy.
Violent extremism
We take a firm stance against enabling violence on or off TikTok. We do not allow people to use our platform to threaten or incite violence, or to promote dangerous individuals or organizations. When there is a threat to public safety or an account is used to promote or glorify off-platform violence, we may suspend or ban the account. When warranted, we will report threats to relevant legal authorities. To effectively protect our community, we may consider information available on other platforms and offline to identify violent and extremist individuals and organizations on our platform. If we find such individuals or organizations on TikTok, we will close their accounts.
Threats and incitement to violence
We consider incitement to violence as advocating for, directing, or encouraging other people to commit violence. We do not allow threats of violence or incitement to violence on our platform that may result in serious physical harm.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Statements of intent to inflict physical injuries on an individual or a group Statements or imagery that encourage others to commit or that advocate for physical violence Conditional or aspirational statements that encourage other people to commit violence Calls to bring weapons to a location with the intent to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with violence Instructions on how to make or use weapons with an intent to incite violence Dangerous individuals and organizations
We do not allow individuals or organizations on our platform who promote or are engaged in violence. We remove such individuals and organizations, including mass murderers, serial killers and rapists, hate groups, criminal organizations, terrorist organizations, and other non-state armed groups that target civilians.
Terrorist organizations
Terrorists and terrorist organizations are non-state actors that threaten violence, use violence, and/or commit serious crimes (such as crimes against humanity) against civilian populations in pursuit of political, religious, ethnic, or ideological objectives.
Organized hate
Organized hate refers to those individuals and organizations who attack people based on protected characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, or immigration status. We consider attacks to include actions that incite violence or hatred, dehumanize individuals or groups, or embrace a hateful ideology.
Criminal organizations
Criminal organizations are transnational, national, or local groups that have engaged in serious crimes, including violent crimes (e.g., homicide, rape, robbery, assault), trafficking (e.g., human, organ, drug, weapons), kidnapping, financial crimes (e.g., extortion, blackmail, fraud, money laundering), or cybercrime.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that praises, promotes, glorifies, or supports dangerous individuals and/or organizations Content that encourages participation in, or intends to recruit individuals to, dangerous organizations Content with names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, lyrics, or other objects meant to represent dangerous individuals and/or organizations
Hateful behavior
TikTok is a diverse and inclusive community that has no tolerance for discrimination. We do not permit content that contains hate speech or involves hateful behavior and we remove it from our platform. We suspend or ban accounts that engage in hate speech violations or which are associated with hate speech off the TikTok platform.
Attacks on the basis of protected attributes
We define hate speech or behavior as content that attacks, threatens, incites violence against, or otherwise dehumanizes an individual or a group on the basis of the following protected attributes:
Race Ethnicity National origin Religion Caste Sexual orientation Sex Gender Gender identity Serious disease Disability Immigration status Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Hateful content related to an individual or group, including: claiming that they are physically, mentally, or morally inferior calling for or justifying violence against them claiming that they are criminals referring to them as animals, inanimate objects, or other non-human entities promoting or justifying exclusion, segregation, or discrimination against them Content that depicts harm inflicted upon an individual or a group on the basis of a protected attribute Slurs
Slurs are defined as derogatory terms that are intended to disparage an ethnicity, race, or any other protected attributes listed above. To minimize the spread of egregiously offensive terms, we remove all slurs from our platform, unless the terms are reappropriated, used self-referentially (e.g., in a song), or do not disparage.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that uses or includes slurs Hateful ideology
Hateful ideologies are those that demonstrate clear hostility toward people because of their protected attributes. Hateful ideologies are incompatible with the inclusive and supportive community that our platform provides and we remove content that promotes them.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that praises, promotes, glorifies, or supports any hateful ideology Content that contains names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, lyrics, or other objects related to a hateful ideology Content that denies well-documented and violent events have taken place affecting groups with protected attributes Claims of supremacy over a group of people with reference to other protected attributes Conspiracy theories used to justify hateful ideologies
Illegal activities and regulated goods
We work to ensure TikTok does not enable activities that violate laws or regulations. We prohibit the trade, sale, promotion, and use of certain regulated goods, as well as the depiction, promotion, or facilitation of criminal activities, including human exploitation. Content may be removed if it relates to activities or goods that are regulated or illegal in the majority of the region or world, even if the activities or goods in question are legal in the jurisdiction of posting.
Criminal activities
Criminal activities cover a wide spectrum of acts punishable by law, including theft, assault, human exploitation, counterfeiting, and other harmful behavior. To prevent such behavior from being normalized, imitated, or facilitated, we remove content that promotes or enables criminal activities.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that depicts or promotes acts of physical harm, such as assault or kidnapping Content that risks the safety of others, including swatting Content that depicts or promotes human exploitation, including human smuggling, bonded labor, domestic servitude, sex trafficking, or prostitution Content that depicts or promotes the poaching or illegal trade of wildlife Content that offers the purchase, sale, trade, or solicitation of unlawfully acquired or counterfeit goods Content that provides instructions on how to conduct criminal activities Weapons
We do not allow the depiction, promotion, or trade of firearms, ammunition, firearm accessories, or explosive weapons. We also prohibit instructions on how to manufacture those weapons. Content as part of a museum's collection, carried by a police officer, in a military parade, or used in a safe and controlled environment such as a shooting range may be allowed.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that displays firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or explosive weapons Content that offers the purchase, sale, trade, or solicitation of firearms, accessories, ammunition, explosive weapons, or instructions on how to manufacture them Drugs, controlled substances, alcohol, and tobacco
We do not allow the depiction, promotion, or trade of drugs or other controlled substances. The trade of tobacco and alcohol products is also prohibited on the platform.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that depicts or promotes drugs, drug consumption, or encourages others to make, use, or trade drugs or other controlled substances Content that offers the purchase, sale, trade, or solicitation of drugs or other controlled substances, alcohol or tobacco products (including vaping products) Content that provides information on how to buy illegal or controlled substances Content that depicts or promotes the making of illicit alcohol products Content that depicts or promotes the misuse of legal substances, or instruction on how to make homemade substances, in an effort to become intoxicated Frauds and scams
We do not permit anyone to exploit our platform to take advantage of the trust of users and bring about financial or personal harm. We remove content that deceives people in order to gain an unlawful financial or personal advantage, including schemes to defraud individuals or steal assets.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that depicts or promotes phishing Content that depicts or promotes Ponzi, multi-level marketing, or pyramid schemes Content that depicts or promotes investment schemes with promise of high returns, fixed betting, or any other types of scams Gambling
We do not allow content promoting gambling services, or that could be perceived as advertising for casinos, sports betting, or any other commercial gambling activity.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that promotes casinos, sports betting, poker, lotteries, gambling-related software and apps, or other gambling services Privacy, personal data, and personally identifiable information (PII)
We do not allow content that violates the confidentiality of personal data or personally identifiable information (e.g., social security information). We remove content that depicts personal data or personally identifiable information (PII) from the platform.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that contains personal data or personally identifiable information (PII)
Violent and graphic content
TikTok is a platform that celebrates creativity but not shock-value or violence. We do not allow content that is gratuitously shocking, graphic, sadistic, or gruesome or that promotes, normalizes, or glorifies extreme violence or suffering on our platform. When there is a threat to public safety, we suspend or ban the account and, when warranted, we will report it to relevant legal authorities.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content of humans that depicts: violent or graphic deaths or accidents dismembered, mutilated, charred, or burned human remains gore in which an open wound or injury is the core focus real-world physical violence, fighting, or torture Content of animals that depicts: the slaughter or other non-natural death of animals dismembered, mutilated, charred, or burned animal remains animal cruelty and gore
Suicide, self-harm, and dangerous acts
We care deeply about the health and well-being of the individuals that make up our community. We do not allow content depicting, promoting, normalizing, or glorifying activities that could lead to suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders. We also do not permit users to share content depicting them partaking in, or encouraging others to partake in, dangerous activities that may lead to serious injury or death.
However, we do support members of our community sharing their personal experiences with these issues in a safe way to raise awareness and find community support. We also encourage individuals who are struggling with thoughts of self-harm or suicide, or who know someone is seriously considering suicide, to immediately contact local emergency services or a suicide prevention hotline. In the event that our intervention could help a user who may be at risk of harming themselves, the TikTok team may also alert local emergency services.
We remove content that displays suicide, suicidal ideation, or content that might encourage participation in other self-injurious behavior. We also remove content that depicts attempted suicide or content featuring a person engaging in behavior or intending to engage in behavior that is likely to lead to self-inflicted death. We prohibit any form of content that promotes, normalizes, or glorifies suicide, provides instructions for suicide, or posts that portray a suicide as heroic or honorable.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that provides instructions for suicide Content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies suicide Suicide games, dares, pacts, or hoaxes Self-harm and eating disorders
To avoid normalizing, encouraging, or triggering self-harm behavior, we do not allow imagery that depicts such behavior, regardless of the user's intention of posting it. We remove content that may encourage or normalize acts that are likely to lead to physical self-inflicted injury. Content that promotes eating habits that are likely to cause adverse health outcomes is also not allowed on the platform.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies self-harm or eating disorders Content that provides instructions on how to engage in self-harm or eating disorders Self-harm or eating disorder games, dares, pacts, or hoaxes Content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies eating disorders or other dangerous weight loss behaviors associated with eating disorders Dangerous acts
We define risky activities or other dangerous behavior as acts conducted in a non-professional context or without the necessary skills and safety precautions that may lead to serious injury or death for the user or the public. We do not allow content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies such behavior, including amateur stunts or dangerous challenges.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
Content that shows the potentially inappropriate use of dangerous tools, vehicles, or objects Content that depicts or promotes ingesting substances that are not meant for consumption or could lead to severe harm Dangerous games, dares, or stunts that might lead to injury
Harassment and bullying
We believe in an inclusive community and individualized expression without fear of abuse. We do not tolerate members of our community being shamed, bullied, or harassed. Abusive content or behavior can cause severe psychological distress and will be removed from our platform.
Abusive behavior
We remove all expressions of abuse, including threats or degrading statements intended to mock, humiliate, embarrass, intimidate, or hurt an individual. This prohibition extends to the use of TikTok features. To enable expression about matters of public interest, critical comments of public figures may be allowed; however, serious abusive behavior against public figures is prohibited.
Do not post, upload, stream, or share:
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Part 2, they send you back to the TikTokers page and it goes around and around. They wont do anything unless it will get them in trouble, if they can get in trouble for it then they will step in. But only then.
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submitted by babygirlsonlydaddy to DumpZone4allBadApps [link] [comments]

How to create a 24-word Seed Phrase using Dice and Linux Command-Line

Disclaimer: This is for educational purposes only.
This is the revised version of a post I made several months ago. It no longer requires the python scripting to derive the checksum which has removed several steps and made the process much more streamlined. There is only 2 commands used now, bc or basic calculator which is a utility built into linux and the shasum command to derive the checksum. Everything you need (besides dice) is built-in to tails or whatever linux distro you choose.
Besides the entropy source, this is basically the same process your hardware wallet uses to pick your 24 words. Popular Hardware wallets have a built-in TRNG (True Random Number Generator) that is certified by a third party. The TRNG chip generates the random binary needed to create the seed. Instead of trusting the TRNG chip to generate the random binary we are going to use dice instead. You could also use a coin if you want to flip and record 256 flips. If you do that you can go straight to step 11.
The BIP39 dictionary contains 2048 words, each of these words represents 11 binary bits (0 or 1). To create our own mnemonic we start by generating 256 bits of random binary then calculating the rest of the checksum.
The entire process will be done only using the standard terminal built-in to tails (and other linux distros). All base converisons will be done in the linux terminal using the 'bc' or Basic Calculator command. Calculating the checksum will use the shasum command.
This is for educational purposes to learn how bip39 mnemonics work and the checksum are derived. I highly suggest not using seeds derived using this or similar methods to protect funds unless you are 100% sure you know what you are doing.
Tools needed:

Create BIP39 Mnemonic with Dice

Picture Album -
submitted by Mcgillby to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

[For hire] Full stack developer available for hire. I build startups, online poker rooms, casino's & more.

Hey Reddit!
I'm available for projects for the time being and looking to take on design and development responsibilities.
Areas i specialise in include websites, UX/UI, mobile apps, e-commerce and Blockchain/Cryptocurrency. I build a variety of projects such as online casino's, forex/crypto exchanges, poker platforms and more.

Personal page:
Technology stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue.js, React, Laravel, Flutter, Python and Java.
Rate: from $35/hr subject to project type and complexity.

I've met some great people with awesome projects via Reddit so on occasion, i'm also open to working for equity depending on the size of the project. For any queries, feel free to reach out with an NDA if required.

I have walk-in open office hours in London and i'm generally available throughout the year in the UK and US for a coffee or meetup.
submitted by ce7897 to forhire [link] [comments]

Overview Andros Casino project

The project called Andros Casino, according to the legend that is presented on the pages of its website, is a legal company registered in the UK that invests in the gaming industry. More specifically, they attract funds from private investors in the development of casinos and gambling halls, and in return pay part of the profits received from this direction.
Andros Casino website is made in the best colors of the HYIP industry. Bright colorful design combined with convenient functionality immediately makes you pay attention to the site and get acquainted with the project in more detail. It should be added that the Andros Casino portal runs on a licensed script and is equipped with an SSL data encryption certificate from Sectigo.
Andros Casino fund marketing is represented by three tariff plans:
2.1% profit per day for a period of 18 days with a deposit of $ 10;
2.3% of daily charges within 25 days are available for deposits from 501 USD;
2.7% profit per day for 35 days is available to investors with a deposit of 1501 US dollars.
You can create a deposit or order a payout from Andros Casino through Perfect Money, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash and Dogecoin. As for payments, they are processed in instant mode and this fact is pleasantly pleasing.
Full review is here:
submitted by FairMonitorCom to u/FairMonitorCom [link] [comments]

CasinoLuck 20 gratis spins + 100 free spins + €500 bonus

CasinoLuck 20 gratis spins + 100 free spins + €500 bonus

CasinoLuck Free Bonus and Review
Claim 20 gratis spins bonus at CasinoLuck! This exclusive promotion is available for new players after registration. Use your free spins on Book of Dead or Starburst slots. In addition, get 100% bonus and 150 free spins on first deposit! No bonus code needed.
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About CasinoLuck Online

CasinoLuck is among the pioneers in the online gambling industry as it emerged on the web over 15 years ago, in 1999. A lot has changed since its inception. At the beginning of 2011 it went through a dramatic transformation and its design and layout were remodeled. The gaming provider also changed its management and established a successful partnership with software developer NetEnt, among others, that continues to this very day.
The casino operator has vast experience in an ever-growing industry where competition is fierce and grows with each passing year. Despite that, it has managed to successfully stand its ground and has become a force to be reckoned with as it is home to one of the most diverse catalogs in the history of online gaming. Its collection comprises hundreds of virtual slots, numerous table and card games and plentiful video poker variations. Players can also join the professional dealers in the Live Casino, where games are live-streamed in the highest of quality.
Unparalleled diversity is by no means the only advantage the casino hides ups its sleeve. The gaming operator is focused on providing its players with first-rate customer support around the clock. Registered members can greatly extend their gameplay by claiming one of the many bonuses available or participating in various ongoing promotional offers.
As the casino is home to an ever-growing, diverse community of players, it caters to their needs and accepts an impressive number of currencies. In addition, the website is available in many different languages, while players can fund their accounts using some of the best and safest methods of payment. With so many perks, there is nothing left to be desired.

In Partnership with NetEnt

The online domain aims at providing its customers with high-quality gaming experience. An efficient way to achieve such a goal is by teaming up with an established and experienced software provider. This is exactly what it did in 2011 when it joined forces with software giant NetEnt.
Founded in 1996, the Swedish software developer quickly secured its strong position in the market, providing first-rate games for dozens of renowned web-based casinos. NetEnt offers hundreds of online casino games ranging from card and table classics like blackjack and roulette to slots, video poker, and arcades. The developer also supplies its partners with quality live dealer and mobile games. Each product delivered stands out with unparalleled graphics design, compelling audio effects, hassle-free gameplay and easy to navigate interface.
Its partnership with EveryMatrix, a company which provides a unified platform, allows players to choose from games developed by different software providers. Thus, members of the casino can opt for various games, powered by other notable names in the industry like Microgaming, Play'n Go, NYX and IGT, among others. The different providers' games are seamlessly integrated within the online casino's lobby. Thus, it has included some of the most enticing offerings from all popular developers' portfolios which furthers players' flexibility.
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CasinoLuck Gaming Collection

The games offered by this casino exceed 600 in number. Its user-friendly layout and the search tool available at the website, allow players to quickly navigate through the catalog and find whatever they're looking for in a matter of seconds. It matters not what games you prefer to play, the myriad of options to choose from ensures that all types of players will find something to suit their style, preferences and budget.


There are over 500 virtual slots variations available at the casino. If you are a fan of traditional 3-reels, you can try out over 30 variants of those at the casino including all-time favorites like Double Diamond, Break the Bank, and the classic title, Bell of Fortune.
Many players prefer more advanced video slots as these come with a number of cool features like multipliers, wild and scatter symbols, free spins and bonus rounds, designed to increase one's chances of collecting a nice prize. Besides, with so many options to choose from, you will hardly get bored. Slot fans tend to favor titles like Microgaming's Immortal Romance with its improved payouts, NetEnt's hilarious rendition of South Park, Starburst and Jack Hammer and Play'n'Go's Wild North.

Video Poker

The casino is also home to six video poker variations, all of which are courtesy of NetEnt. These are an excellent option for inexperienced players, who lack the skills to play actual poker as they pose as a combination of virtual slots and the traditional game of skill. Thus, the video poker variants available at the casino are easier to play, not to mention they pay out well with an average player return of about 98%. You can play the games with 1, 5, 20, 50 or 100 hands at a time. Also, players are enabled to choose between different denominations, in accordance with their budget.
The six video poker variants on offer are as follows – two variants of Jacks or Better, two more of Deuces Wild, Joker Poker, All American Poker, and long-time favorite, Joker Wild.


As blackjack is, without a doubt, one of the most popular card games of all times, the casino has complied with the needs of the game's fans and has included five top-notch variants on its list. These include Double Exposure, Single Deck, Classic Blackjack and Pontoon. There's the option to play the Multi-Hand version of the game, where bet limits range between $1 and $100 and six decks of cards are used.


The gaming provider demonstrates a good deal of consideration for the fans of the sophisticated card game that is baccarat. Although baccarat originally enjoyed greater popularity among the elite, today players from all walks of life can engage in it as it is available online and its objective is easy to grasp. Players are simply expected to predict whose cards total will be higher without exceeding the number nine – theirs or the dealers. Bets can be placed on a tie as well.
Those, who join this particular online domain will be greatly pleased by the two variants of the game available, Mini Baccarat and Punto Banco, which is predominantly based on chance. Both options attract attention with their sleek design that comes close to what one expects to see at a baccarat table in an actual land-based casino. Punto Banco, in particular, is available in Low Limit too, an option suitable for those who are new to the game.


The Table Games collection here is geared to the needs of roulette fans as they can make a pick between eleven variants of their favorite game of chance. Of course, popular versions like American, European, English and French Roulette made it to the list, but there is the option to play 3-Wheel Roulette as well. The Triple Bonus Spin Roulette, on the other hand, is suitable for both high-rollers and novices, who like to play it safe as bets range between $1 and $500 per spin. The game's bonus features will further tip the scales in players' favor.


Fans of the demanding game of skill are presented with the opportunity to play Casino Hold 'em, Red Dog, Casino Stud, Oasis Poker, and player favorite, Texas Hold 'em. The latter is of special interest as its average return to players is estimated at 99,27% and can prove to be quite profitable. But which poker variant you opt for is practically irrelevant as each of the options is unmatched in terms of authenticity and gameplay. NetEnt's poker variations also allow for adjustment of the game's speed.


Some players are simply not interested in slots, video poker, and table games. If you are one of them, you should definitely consider paying a visit to the site's “Other Games” section. Sure, we've seen greater versatility as the category comprises of eight options only. Despite that these are well worth your while as their quality is tough to match. Some of the most popular arcade games are present on the list, including two variants of Keno, Super Bonus Bingo, Pharaoh's Gems, Germinator and Enchanted Woods.

Live Casino

Tired of playing against a machine? If so, the simplest solution to this problem is dropping by at the gaming operator's Live Casino where you can compete against the expertly-trained dealers in real-time. As the croupiers are all exceptionally personable, players should not hesitate to ask for help, if any aspects of the games are unclear to them.
Speaking of games, those who visit the Live Casino can choose between Baccarat, Three Card Poker, Roulette Dragonara, Immersive and European Roulette as well as several variations of Blackjack. As you can see, some of the titles are unique to this particular online casino and are not available at other gaming providers. Each game is live-streamed in the highest of quality which makes for the ultimate gaming session right from the comfort of your own home. Most of the options are available 24/7.
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Supported Devices

CasinoLuck may be among the oldest web-based gaming providers in the world, but manages to keep up with the latest trends in the industry. Players, who open an account at the casino will be able to enjoy their favorite games from the comfort of their surroundings, regardless of place and time. This way, you will never miss out on your opportunity to scoop a massive jackpot.
Unlike other gaming operators, the games collection here is available only in Instant Play. This by no means can be deemed a disadvantage. On the contrary, this is the perfect option for players, who wish to access the casino and enjoy the games from different desktop devices. As no software download of any kind is required you won't have to waste disk space, either. However, a stable internet connection is a necessary requirement for a smooth gaming session and so is installing Java Script and the Adobe Flash plug-in on your device.
It matters not what type of browser players use as the casino is accessible via all of them, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer. The site is compatible with all widespread operating systems, so whether your computer runs on Windows, Linux or Mac is of no importance.
Players, who register at this casino will be able to enjoy the games while on the move as the casino is mobile-responsive. There is no need to download and install any applications on your portable device as no downloadable apps are currently available for this particular online casinos. To play on the go, you simply need to enter the casino's address in your smartphone or tablet's browser and you will be automatically redirected to the mobile version of the website. You can also scan the available QR code to the same effect. For further convenience, players can easily add the website to the Home Screen of their portable device and access it with a single tap.
The mobile catalog is just as diverse as the desktop version of this domain. There are still hundreds of slots to choose from, though some of the games failed to make the list. For instance, there is only one video poker variant, which is Bonus Deuces Wild. The number of arcades is limited to two options, namely Keno and Triple Chance Hi Lo. Still, the mobile portfolio boasts a considerable versatility that is rarely found at most casinos.
The mobile casino is optimized for a wide variety of devices running on the iOS and Android, including iPhones, iPads, iPods, Samsung Galaxy, Nexus tablets and smartphones, Motorola and Sony Xperia, among others. The minimum system requirements for Apple and Android devices are as follows – iOS 6 and Android 4.1.
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CasinoLuck Bonuses and Promotions

This online casino demonstrates its appreciation for both new and existing members by rewarding them with a myriad of bonuses. A great number of giveaways and ongoing promotional offers are available as well. And certainly, we all know there is no better way to start a gaming session than playing with some bonus casino chips.
Players, who open an account can benefit from its fantastic Welcome Package as long as they make an initial deposit of $10 or the equivalent in their currency of choice. Here is what the Package consists of. To begin with, your first deposit will earn you a 100% bonus match of up to $150 and 200 Extra Spins on the Starburst slot. Sounds good, doesn't it? And it does not end here as players' second deposits of $20 or more will be matched at 50% with up to $200 to play with for free. Certain playthrough conditions are attached to the Welcome Bonuses, however. Players will be able to withdraw the winnings they've accrued with the free funds only after they have wagered the deposit and bonus amount 20 times or more. The Extra Spins are also subject to wagering requirements of 30 times.
Existing players can extend their gameplay as each month there is a special 50% Reload Bonus of up to $200. Have in mind your stakes with this bonus should be limited to $10 per game round until you fulfill the playthrough requirements, which in this instance are 13 times the deposit and bonus amount. If you happen to place a wager exceeding the said sum, your bonus and its associated winnings will be forfeited.
One important thing to mention is the games' contribution towards clearing the aforementioned playthrough requirements. For example, if you wager $100 on the slots, you will clear the same amount from your wagering requirements since most slots have a 100% contribution. Meanwhile, progressive slots' contribution is 50%. In comparison, other games like Punto Banco, baccarat, Jacks or Better and Casino Hold 'em have a far smaller contribution of 1%, which means players will have to put more of their money on stake to clear their playthrough. Note that with most bonuses, you have a limited amount of time (15 days) to cover the requirements. If you fail to clear the playthrough in time, your winnings will be declared void.
Each new player, who registers a real-money account automatically becomes a member of the Cash Rewards program. Players are rewarded with the so-called Frequent Player Points for participating in the games with real-money wagers. Different games generate points at different rates. As soon as you have generated 200 points you, will be able to exchange them for cash at the rate of $1 per 100 points. Apparently, here, loyalty pays out too!

CasinoLuck Payment Methods

Being a renowned gaming provider, the website accepts a vast range of convenient, time-efficient and easy-to-use methods of payment. All banking solutions available at the website are reliable and secure, not to mention the casino aims to prevent frauds, misappropriation and identity thefts by utilizing SSL encryptions up to par with those, implemented by banking institutions. This means using your credit card to deposit is just as safe as paying with your Visa at the local convenience store.
The number of methods, players can use to fund their accounts is impressive, to say the least. Some of the most popular deposit options include credit/debit cards by Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, e-wallet Skrill, Neteller, EcoPayz and Moneta, prepaid vouchers by PaySafeCard and instant banking solutions such as Trustly, Moneta, Euteller, eKonto, Nordea, Sofort, POLi and Giropay as well as bank wire transfers. Keep in mind, some of these methods are used only in given regions and may be unavailable in your country.
We recommend you use PaySafeCard or e-wallets like Skrill and Neteller as no fees are imposed on payments processed with those. In comparison, players who fund their accounts with debit/credit cards will have a 2,5% fee deducted from their balance. The minimum deposit amount is $10, while the upper limit is set at $5,000 per day. In most cases, deposits are approved and processed immediately, but bank transfers may take up to 7 business days to complete.
A large portion of the methods, mentioned above are suitable for withdrawals with a few exceptions such as PaySafeCard and Mastercard. The minimum and maximum amounts, players can cash out per day, coincide with those for the deposits. However, withdrawals are not processed as quickly as deposits. The delay can be attributed to the numerous checks the transactions undergo before they leave the casino. That is why there is a pending period of 1 to 12 hours during which players' withdrawal requests are being approved.
Opening an account in the currency used in your country is, without a doubt, a major advantage as this way you will not incur currency conversion fees. Thankfully, a mind-blowing number of currencies are accepted. Players can open their accounts in any of the following – USD, CAD, AUD, EUR, GBP, BGL, NOK, SEK, ZAR, CNY, CZK, DKK, PLN, RUB, VEF, GEL, TRY, RON, MXN, NGN, HRK, HUF, PEN, CHF, KRW, ILS.
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CasinoLuck Customer Support

One great way to establish a good relationship with your customers is by providing them with excellent support service around the clock. There is no exception here as the operator offers very courteous, timely and adequate Customer Support to all players, who happen to experience any type of issues with their accounts, payments or bonuses. Which happens rarely, if ever. On many occasions, players contact support merely to request more detailed information on given matters.
The good news is great Customer Support is provided to all players in need of assistance. The support representatives are on standby via the Live Chat functionality, available at the website. Their approach is beyond professional which is hardly surprising, considering the fact they are expertly-trained to solve all types of issues and provide clear-cut information in the quickest manner possible.
Players, who are not in a hurry can opt for reaching the support staff via email. A less time-efficient option, of course, yet the agents typically respond quickly, within hours. If you wish your issues to be handled adequately, it would be best for you to provide your email address and account username in advance, since this will greatly facilitate the support agents. Please note, support at this online casino is currently unavailable over the phone.
To cater to the needs of its diverse, multinational gaming community, the online casino is available in 12 different languages, namely: English, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and Danish.

Licensing and Restricted Countries

In operation for over 15 years now, the website has successfully established a reputation for being among the most reliable, secure and fair online gaming destinations in the world. This, however, does not come as a surprise as the casino is completely legitimate and praised by players for the transparency it demonstrates.
The casino is owned and maintained by the prestigious company Minotauro Media Ltd. which is responsible for the operation and management of a number of other well-known casino brands in the industry; its website, however, is based in Malta.
CasinoLuck holds a valid license from the authorities of Curacao. The casino has been also granted a permission to operate from two of the strictest and most respected regulatory bodies in the industry – the Malta Gaming Authority and the UK Gambling Commission – a fact that serves as a sufficient guarantee for its reliability.
In the interest of fair gaming, a Random Number Generator has been implemented in order to ensure the algorithms of each game are based on a random principle. All developers' the casino has partnered with are certified and their software is tested and monitored by independent, third-party companies.
The casino's transparency is further backed up by the fact its license numbers are openly published on its homepage. The same applies to its overall payout percentage, which is estimated to be 97% on the average. Players, who are interested can go through a list of all games, available at the website, and check their average player return percentages.
Undoubtedly, one of the greatest advantages this online domain has to offer is the fact it has opened its virtual doors to gamers from a vast number of countries.
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OG Casino - 50 free spins bonus no deposit required!

OG Casino - 50 free spins bonus no deposit required!

OG Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Here comes OG Casino with exclusive bonuses, free spins and no deposit promotions! Open your account via a special landing page and qualify for 50 free spins bonus without deposit! Also, play 2500+ the best slots, jackpots, table games and live dealer!
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Should I take the Bonus?

One of the big debates is about bonuses. Do they add value or not? Some people search on-line gaming sights for the best available bonuses and play only on the strength of the bonus funds on offer. Others believe that a bonus fund should never be used as it is merely a marketing tool. Who is correct?
On the one hand, a bonus is in effect free spins. The more you play the greater is the chance of winning. However, you need to consider the terms and conditions with regards to the bonuses. It could be winning the jackpot on a bonus is not possible until you have complied with the minimum betting conditions. Therefore, it’s important you read the terms and conditions that apply to the bonuses on offer as they are all different
On the other hand, players playing with their own funds have no such restrictions. So, although no bonuses mean no free spins, a win is a win. Also, there will be no restrictions on withdrawing any winnings.
As in all things, read the small print so you understand the terms and conditions of the bonus. Thereafter, the choice is up to you.

How to safely make a deposit into an online casino

Players are quite rightly concerned about security when depositing money with online casinos. No one wants to share credit card details with an unknown payment system and then discover large sums have been taken from their account. Therefore, how do you know your funds are safe and secure and that they can’t be accessed by hackers or other illegal activities.
  • These are our tips on how to securely and confidently add funds to your account as well as withdraw your winnings:
  • Always play on a licensed online casino website (the license is normally displayed in the footer on the site)
  • Read the reviews of the online casino on the website (check independent sources from various reviews)
  • Check the payment systems on offer. Only use well-known providers like Mastercard and Visa or well-known e-wallets such as Skrill or Neteller
  • Check the rules for withdrawals as sometimes they differ from the deposit rules
When you are satisfied that the online casino website is safe and secure, confirm that the credit card you are using allows you to make a deposit. Always remember, any questions or doubts you have can easily be resolved by contacting the online casino support team. They are there to help you and can be contacted by email or online chat.
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Winolla Casino 50 free spins or €5 gratis no deposit bonus

Winolla Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Open your account with Winolla Casino and get instant rewards! Our new players get €5 or 50 free spins as a no deposit bonus! Also, new customers get 400% match bonus on their first deposit!!!
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About Winolla Casino [REVIEW]

Winolla is an excellent new gambling site, where the players can ultimately seek the types of entertainment they enjoy most. More than that, however, as the Winolla casino offers lots of exclusive bonus deals, additional bonus free spins, and a whole palette of fantastic games.
Featuring slots, jackpots, live and more – this online network makes for the perfect spot or anybody willing to have some fun. Plus, the entire catalog of software offered by this online casino, includes many of the best NetEnt titles. Whether you wish to play those games or some other popular variants, you will find that its really easy to navigate this website (18+).
In case of any doubts or some technical issues; the customers can always contact the helpful and friendly online support center. For more information on the casino’s bonus program, service rules, terms, conditions or wagering requirements – visit the official site; home to the best casino games ever released.
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Games & Software

This new online casino Winolla is one of the friendliest gambling networks on the internet. It will supply its guests with multiple variants of such entertainment, but of course, the players may choose from a lot of different ones. Excitement is guaranteed almost instantaneously, and the software has been provided from the best experts in this field.
Whether you enjoy playing cards, betting at the tables, or spinning on the various slot machines and winning bonus spins – there is something for everybody to enjoy here. Come by any time and see what other things you may find, because the Winolla casino has all the fancy looking games, plus much more.
The following should prove to be a great addition to this already thriving environment, whose community is bound to leave satisfied and wanting more. Let’s not forget about the games, among which there will bet popular and recommended options; like NetEnt slots, for instance.
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CasinoDep Casino 20 gratis spins and 100% free bonus (Register Now)

CasinoDep Casino 20 gratis spins and 100% free bonus (Register Now)

CasinoDep Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonuses
Register at CasinoDep Casino today and collect 20 gratis spins without deposit! Play with free credits and win real money - no risk! In addition, claim a 100% bonus up to 200 EUR and 50 free spins after your first purchase.
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Being founded in 2020, at Casinodep customers have the option to benefit from broad collection of casino games. Momentarily, the casino has a large game selection with 22 varied game providers, who developed 1.829+ top games so far. Be aware that the exact number of games may differ for your location. The Curaçao eGaming watches over fairness and security of Casinodep. Currently, the Casinodep website is only available in English. For additional info on the casino keep on reading this Casinodep review.


Players of different skill levels should find something for their tastes because of the wide selection of games. Popular game providers, including Pragmatic Play, iSoftBet and Red Tiger Gaming, are at your disposal as well as some of the best slots designed by other well-established names. The slot selection covers all types of games one can think of, including 3D slots, classic slots and video slot games. Top slot games like Fairy Tale developed by Endorphina, Legendary Excalibur created by Red Tiger Gaming as well as Book of Gold: Double Chance from Playson are included in the list as well. On top of that, Casinodep also offers games with progressive jackpots, for example Hall of Gods (NetEnt).
As an addition to slots, users can also test out live casino games like live baccarat, live blackjack and live roulette (e.g. from Evolution Gaming). Live versions of the games french roulette, european roulette, poker, sic bo & dragon tiger are also part of the portfolio. Other than that, table games like american roulette, andar bahar, french roulette, casino war as well as craps can also be tested out at Casinodep. Further types of games like keno, scratch cards or wheel games are also available. Because the availabilty of games differs from country to country, you should check the games section yourself.


Casinodep accepts 11 payment methods. The casino provides you with common e-wallets like Skrill and EcoPayz and credit cards, for instance MasterCard or Visa. Moreover, you have the option to utilize prepaid cards, e.g Neosurf and Paysafecard, just as bank wire transfer payments like EPS and Bank Wire Transfer. Dependent upon your country the exact collection of payment options can be varying. Do not forget: Not every deposit option may hold the same deposit limitations. Find out more about the Casinodep deposit limits in the cashier section or reach out to the customer support.
There are 11 payout options that you can select in order to withdraw your money. There are various payments like EPS, MasterCard, Visa or EcoPayz. Casinodep does not restrict the amount of free pay-outs, that you can initiate. So, there are no withdrawal fees no matter how many payouts you would like to carry out. It should be mentioned that payouts are also transacted on the weekend.
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The registration procedure at Casinodep is uncomplicated. First of all, click on the registration button and enter your data into the sign-up form. When you have typed in your details to the Casinodep registration form, Casinodep requires you to confirm your account. To this end, you are typically provided with a confirmation link via email which you have to click on. Completing the validation allows you to begin playing.
Keep in mind that Casinodep has an additional account verification process, that has to be finished before you are able to make payments. Therefore, turning in a scan of an official document (passport or id card) is needed. In addition, verifying your residence is required, so you have to turn in a bill (bank statement, phone bill or electricity bill). It is necessary to hand in the respective documents via mail to [email protected].


Casinodep provides a few contact options to get in touch with the customer service. For one thing, reaching out to the customer service is possible via email ([email protected]). Usually, the email service team replies within a short time period after your email. Alternatively, utilizing the web form on the casino site is another contact mtehod. Also, the Casinodep live chat is available directly on the casino site. While checking the casino, we asked the customer service team a few questions. They gave useful and quick answers to all of them. Prior to reaching out to the customer service, however, you also have the chance to consult the FAQ section that covers a number of common questions.
Safety and reliability must be provided with every licensed casino if they would like to keep their licenses. Casinodep guarantees that the highest security requirements are fulfilled by using SSL128 encryption for their site. The security is checked regularly by the Curaçao eGaming, who is the according regulatory commission in this case.
To facilitate responsible gaming, Casinodep provides several player protection measures. You are granted the possibility to:
  • Define a limit for your turnover
  • Define a loss cap
  • Exclude yourself from the casino
In addition, if you have gambling problem, you can turn to the NGO Gamcare that Casinodep is referring to.


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The Casinodep deposit offer is open to all new players. With the 100% bonus, your first-time deposit can be enhanced up to €200. Another part of the package are 20 Free Spins. Deposits startat €20 and can be initiated with EPS, Neosurf and Paysafecard or other payment methods. A transaction of €200 will unlock the maximal bonus. Then you can benefit from a total sum of €400 to play with. Receiving the package is possible without a bonus code.
Since the credit process of the bonus is carried out automatically, it will not last long until the bonus is credited to your account. In case you decide not to utilize the bonus you can reject it afterwards. As soon as your cash funds are used up, your bets will be placed with your bonus funds. Pragmatic Play, NetEnt and Big Time Gaming are some of the the famous game studios that are part of the present portfolio and that you can try out with the bonus money. Casinodep does not authorize you to unlock multiple new customer promotions simultaneously.
Your bonus need to be wagered 40 times in order to pay out any winnings. Furthermore, turnover conditions of 40 times are related to the winnings which you scored while playing with the Free Spins. If you request a pay out prior to completing the turnover conditions it will cause the expiration of the bonus. If you exceed the given time frame for the turnover conditions, you will lose the bonus and your winnings. Of course, you have the option to retain your cash balance.


Registered players at Casinodep can claim offers, like daily offers. The terms for these bonuses, however, may be different, which means you should read them before you claim any bonuses. At Casinodep, players do not have the possibility to participate in a loyalty programme or profit from advantages for VIP players. As far as we know, this casino does not organize tournaments for table games, live casino or slots as some other casinos do.


The casino Casinodep has been founded in 2020 and is a product of HighWeb Ventures N.V.. ParadiseWin, Heavy Chips, BetNSpin and 23 more casinos have been launched by HighWeb Ventures N.V.. From what we know, the operator has not sought a listing at the stock market. Since the operator is committed to high safety standards, the following commission has licensed Casinodep:
  • License from the Curaçao eGaming with the license number 8048/JAZ
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Amir Tataloo site Tatalbet

Amir Tataloo site Tatalbet
Amir Tataloo is an Iranian singer-songwriter and one of the biggest and most popular figures in the virtual world in the world of today's youth in Iran. Many of his fans are young people and teenagers of the society and he has been able to gather a lot of fame. Tataloo previously criticized the establishment for not licensing his music, that is deemed by the government as "Western, non-Iranian and immoral" ,although he stored distance from politics. Amir Tataloo has recently established Tatal Bet. Entering the تتل بت Tatal Bet site , follow Amir Tataloo's first site . Currently the only way that Iranian outside the country can earn money from is to have a betting site. Since Corona is currently showing in the world, singers are not able to hold concerts . Amir Tataloo, as one of the most marginalized Iranian figures, can not hold a concert at the moment, but he has also lost his Instagram page and has run into a lot of problems and this move should be prevented.
After launching his Instagram page, he launched the Tataloo YouTube channel. Tataloo was trying to make money through YouTube, so he asked his fans to go to this social network and follow him. But things did not go as he expected, and he set up a casino site, and to some extent he was successful. Tatal Bet site, like the big Iranian betting sites such as Sigari Bet and also Jahanbakht betting site, uses the main football prediction script. This script is the most complete betting script that will be supported by the reference site.
Explosion coefficients of Amir Tataloo site
Blast Game on this website بازی انفجار is also an extended version of the original Blast Game that can be found on most betting sites. Blast is one of the most popular online casino games that Amir Tataloo has also presented on his betting site, and therefore it is also known as the site of Tatal Bet Explosion Game site. After entering the Tatloo site and for betting, you need to top up your account. There are many ways to do this, and in the meantime, having a banking portal method is your trump card. In this method, you will have fast, safe and, of course, easy deposits in front of you, which eliminates the need for you to use other methods.
According to Bartarin Bee, in fact, the banking portal of Tataloo site is the same way that you need for payments free of fraud. Limit your payments to the site in this way and see the result.
submitted by bloggerca to TopReviewsCA [link] [comments]

7 Ways to Earn LTC/Litecoin ASAP

Earning free Litecoin works similarly to earning free Bitcoin. There are several online platforms that give users free Litecoins for performing small tasks or playing online games.
Let’s explore some of the most popular ways to get free Litecoin.

Earn free Litecoin through reputable faucets

The easiest and most popular way to earn free Litecoin is through a Litecoin faucet. A faucet is a website or an application that gives users free crypto coins for completing simple tasks. These tasks are usually easy tasks like completing some captchas, viewing adverts, or playing simple games.
After completing the microtasks, the faucet will reward you with a small amount of Litecoin (Lithoshi). Litoshi is the smallest unit of Litecoin and 1 Lithoshi is equivalent to 0.000000001 Litecoin.
There are various Litecoin faucets out there, many of them being scam faucets. Before you choose a faucet platform, make sure it’s legit. Here, we will highlight a few of the most popular and reputable ones.
It is safe to mention that you should only register on faucets that integrate micro-wallets like Coinpot. Micro-wallets allow you to collect and combine faucet payments easily.

Litecoin Faucet

Just like the previously mentioned faucet, Litecoin Faucet also allows users to earn free Litecoin by solving captchas. You can earn as much as 2,500,000 Litoshis every hour with no daily limitation on the platform.
The unique feature of Litecoin Faucet is that there is no withdrawal limit. Therefore, you can withdraw any amount of Litecoin.
Faucets are sure ways of earning free Litecoin, but you have to be very careful not to fall victim to scams. Before registering on any faucet, look out for the following:
Online reviews to know if it is legit or scam.
Coinpot or Faucethub micro — wallet integration for easy withdrawal.
Deposit before withdrawal feature — This is a typical feature of scam faucets. Faucets are supposed to be free ways to earn Litecoin without any down payment.
Earnings per hour — earnings from faucets are usually small. If a faucet promises an incredible amount of Litecoin, it is probably a scam or total waste of time.
Litecoins earnings from faucets are usually really small. If your earning expectations are high, this might not be the best option for you. There are more lucrative and legit ways to earn free Litecoin. Read on to learn about the other ways to get free Litecoin.

Litecoin cloud mining

Litecoin mining is one of the oldest ways to get free Litecoin. In recent times, earning profits from Litecoin mining can be a major hassle simply because of the cost of setting up the mining device, the cost of electricity, and many other factors.
With the introduction of cloud mining, you can earn free Litecoin without the headaches involved in setting up mining kits. You can find lots of free Litecoin cloud mining contracts online.
All you need to do is download the software on your device to start earning. These software work by using your device’s memory to generate the Litecoin. Which means the more powerful your device, the more free Litecoin you can earn.
However, some of these free Litecoin software contains malicious scripts that can compromise your security by stealing your data. You should only download mining software with great online reviews.
Back when LTC started, it was possible to mine with a standard computer’s CPU or GPU. Unfortunately, as coins grow in both age and popularity, it becomes harder and harder to mine with low-cost equipment. The days of easy mining are over, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t profit from LTC mining.
There are three ways to begin your LTC mining adventure:
Solo mining
Part of a mining pool
Cloud mining

Litecoin lending

Litecoin lending is one of the most lucrative ways to obtain free Litecoin. You can make money by purchasing some Litecoin and lending others on lending platforms.
Lending platforms like allow you to make as much as 10.5% ROI by lending your LTC. It means if you lend 100 LTC, you earn free 10.5 LTC within a year without doing anything.
By lending your Litecoin, you are making your money work for you. All you need is a trusted and secure lending platform to start earning free Litecoin with this method.

Wager your Litecoin

Another way to get free Litecoin is by wagering your Litecoin. Gambling is not the best way to earn free Litecoin because 70% of gamblers tend to lose more than what they earn.
No doubt that some people have actually managed to become rich through gambling, this, however, is very rare. So if you are a big risk-taker or you really love gambling, Litecoin gambling is one way to earn free Litecoin.
Crypto gambling websites like,, and allow you to wager your Litecoin on various casino games. Crypto gambling is probably the riskiest way to earn free Litecoin, and it is not for the faint-hearted.

Invest In Litecoin​

If you’re looking to invest in Litecoin, it’s important to remember that Litecoin is a currency. This means it doesn’t act like a stock or bond. Instead of buying shares of Litecoin, you are swapping your currency for Litecoin currency.
For example, 1 LTC is equal to about $47 USD today. The goal is for the value of Litecoin to rise, in which case, you could exchange your Litecoins back to dollars (from someone willing to do the exchange).​

Referral Links for Crypto Exchanges

This one is good for those out there with friends that are also crypto savvy. Various exchanges offer affiliate programs where you get paid out for inviting your friends and colleagues onto their platform.
Exchanges like Coinbase offer a one time payment when a new person joins their platform while others like Cryptmixer, for example, gives its members an impressive 50% of the revenue from the new clients they bring in. You can also use their exchange to swap the Bitcoin you receive to Litecoin, making it a great way to earn LTC.
submitted by MonishaNuij to MonMonCrypto [link] [comments]

DLX Casino 100 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

DLX Casino 100 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

DLX Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonuses
Register at DLX Casino now and get 100 No Deposit Free Spins on Buffalo Hunter! How to do it? Simple, click on the link below, create your account and verify your email! That's it! Next, get a 100% bonus on your first deposit, VIP specials and loyalty rewards. T&C Apply!
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General facts about DLX Casino

Copyright © DLX Casino is owned and operated by Dama N.V., a company registered and established under the laws of Curacao. Dama N.V. is licensed and regulated by Antillephone N.V. (license no. 8048/JAZ2020-013). Dama N.V.’s registration number is 152125 and its registered address is Julianaplein 36, Willemstad, Curaçao. Strukin Ltd. is a subsidiary of Dama N.V., acting as an Agent on behalf of Dama N.V., registered in Cyprus with registered address Pavlov Nirvana & Aipeias, 4, ALPHA TOWER, Floor 1, Flat 11, 3021, Limassol, Cyprus, and registration number ΗΕ 407624. It is the player’s sole responsibility to inquire about the existing laws and regulations of the given jurisdiction for online gambling.
DLX Casino is a new casino everyone is talking about — and for good reason! DLX Casino is yet to conquer the hearts of thousands of new players, but that hasn’t stopped the casino from making some noise in the competitive online casino industry. Owned by Dama N.V., the new casino platform is ready to offer games from some of the biggest names in the industry, like NetEnt, Playtech, BigTimeGaming, and more.
Newly registered users will be able to enjoy a generous welcome package while the road to becoming a loyal user in DLX Casino is paved with many promotions and eye-catching offers. From this new casino, you can expect cutting-edge technology that allows for seamless play and navigation.
The long list of available games in the casino’s portfolio will attract any user looking for a diverse online gaming experience. Canadian players can expect Canadian-friendly payment methods and a long list of available payment options for players worldwide.
DLX Casino looks more than promising and it delivers on all fronts as far as we’re concerned. Players will be welcomed accordingly, bonuses and promotions are regularly updated on the site, there are numerous payment methods that players can use, and most importantly, there’s no shortage of high-quality games.
We always convey the full gambling experience in our reviews, so stay tuned to learn more about the new kid on the block — DLX Casino!

How Safe Is DLX Casino?

Newly registered players won’t have to worry about DLX Casino’s safety as the casino is regulated and licensed by one of the more prestigious gambling authorities in the world — eCuracao. With eCuracao backing the casino, you can rest assured that all security and safety protocols are up to date.
The casino’s games are regularly audited for fairness by third-party companies, meaning that you can expect safe and reliable gameplay. Similarly, the casino employs the latest security measures as it’s brand new. All user information and banking data are protected by the latest SSL encryption systems and powerful firewalls. Possible breaches of security and cyber attacks are virtually impossible with such strong security measures.
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Registering in DLX Casino

Opening an account with DLX Casino is pretty straightforward as it doesn’t differ from registering in other online casinos or websites. We’ll take you through the process step by step below.
  1. Click here to open the link to the site.
  2. Open the registration form by clicking on the Register button located on the main page.
  3. Fill in the required information, including your name, email address, country, password, and more.
  4. Confirm your registration via email if needed and verify your account.
  5. Go back to the website and click on Cashier.
  6. Select your preferred payment method and connect it with your online account.
  7. Choose the amount that you want to deposit and click Deposit.
  8. Pick your favourite game and start playing immediately!

DLX Casino Software

When it comes to the selection of software providers, players won’t be disappointed with DLX Casino. The casino’s team was hard at work to find only the best software providers to back this new casino. That’s how we know that new players will be thrilled to see the casino’s portfolio of games.
We’ve already mentioned three of the biggest names — NetEnt, Playtech, and BigTimeGaming, but you can expect much more from other renowned software providers like Blueprint, Endorphina, Evolution Gaming, Push Gaming, Quickspin, and Yggdrasil. You can find more information about NetEnt in our comprehensive NetEnt guide.
All of these names carry big-time games with them, like Starburst by NetEnt or Age of Gods by Playtech. Slots are immensely popular on the DLX Casino site, so you can expect this section to be regularly updated with new games.
We haven’t forgotten about players that like a bit more excitement with their cup of coffee in the morning, so you’ll be happy to know that DLX Cas...
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[NA/EU] Ultralite RP| Realistic RP| Realistic Economy| Streamers Welcomed| Hiring PD/EMS|

Ultralite is a FiveM RP server that uses tokovoip and is driven on its realistic and sometimes goofy roleplay alongside our family like community. We have over 45+ interactive scripts including chopping cars, 4 different drugs, diamond casino, interactive real estate and you are even able to customize your own home! On the cars side we currently have two dealerships one for normal civilians at PDM and a race shop called FIA LS that tunes cars and sells widebody cars alongside heavily modified cars. We are always looking for new members and we accept them with open arms like one of our own. We are also in need of EMS/PD, business owners and gangs, feel free to stop by!
Discord: 2
submitted by UltraLiteRoleplay to GTARP [link] [comments]

5 Things I learnt about business while working on this side project – BidInfinity

BidInfinity is a project my brother and I have been working on for the majority of the quarantine in the UK. BidInfinity is an eBay product research & analysis tool.
We have grown as individuals and as partnership over these last months and I wanted to share some of the things we have learnt.

Chew the meat and spit the bones
One thing you will realise quite quickly is that the project you have put your blood, sweat and tears into will have lots of problems and issues.
Two things I have had to learn when receiving feedback is to chew the meat and spit out the bones. This means to accept the things that apply to you and your business but ignore all the other useless information.
In my humble opinion this is one of the major lessons all of us as creators will have to face some point in time – being able to accept feedback without taking it personally and being able to use it to improve our service.

Take your time but hurry up
With some projects you never really how much works actually needs to be done and how many moving parts there are, until you start production.
For example, with BidInfinity we use PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, APIs, MYSQL, Cpanel – webhosting, Wordpress, Laravel and many other tools.
At the start of the project, we were not comfortable using most of these tools. However, I have learnt nothing is impossible to learn or figure out if you put your mind to it.
My advice would be to carefully plan everything that your project entails, so you can make an informed decision on how long it may take. Also, consider all the work that will need to be done so you will know the tools you will need.

If possible, you really want your project to be able to function without you. With BidInfinity, we have multiple scripts running every day to make sure the website operates smoothly, and theoretically we could not touch the website for a year and everything would still work perfectly and be up to date.
Having an automated system also makes you more appealing to investors. The book “Built To Sell” goes over this concept quite well.

Copying is okay
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Trust your own sauce
Sauce is slang for style or charisma or personality. Trusting in your own sauce means to have confidence in your abilities and what you can bring to the table. We are all unique as individuals and that should come across in our projects as well.
I know this may sound a bit contradictory to the last point I made but, don’t be afraid to do something a certain way because no one else has done it before. As we continue developing our project, our personality and culture will come through because that’s who we are.
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We would love to hear you feedback if you have a chance to check it out.
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A Casino with a Few Limitations

Freaky Aces has a good range games for players and the slots collection is especially good with top titles here from popular software provider NetEnt. The promotion for new players gives 200% extra though other promotions are limited to the live dealer casino bonus of 50%. No other offers are mentioned.
The banking is good for deposit choice but lacking in withdrawal options, while customer support does not include a phone number and live chat is out of bounds at the weekend. Overall Freaky Aces is a fresh and great looking site but there are a few limiting qualities and a lack of promotions that might make some players think twice.
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[TIMELINE] Analyzing The Past to Predict the Future - Everything We Should Consider on the Road to GTA VI

[TIMELINE] Analyzing The Past to Predict the Future - Everything We Should Consider on the Road to GTA VI
[QUICK MOD NOTE] This post was originally posted by Lenlfc on GTAforums, original post here. ALL CREDIT GOES TO HIM FOR ALLOWING ME TO DO THIS. It's extremely detailed and extensive, but it also gives a full look at previous leaks and speculation about GTA V, RDR 2, and the upcoming GTA VI. It's well worth your read if you're at all interested in speculation and leaks for GTA VI, considering it has a lot of information about how Rockstar has done things in the past, and how they may do things with GTA VI. It also has all of the confirmed information we have for GTA VI, like everyone has been asking for. Enjoy!
LENLFC will also be updating his original GTAForum's post often when new, reliable information comes out that is worth adding to his timeline.
TL:DR: This is very long. Please don't be mean if you think I went too far. I just wanted to be as detailed as possible, and compile as much evidence and proof as possible, so we can work out the most accurate and likely scenario. I've never done anything like this before. So please be kind.
Hi. So, Red Dead Redemption 2 has come and gone. Feels like forever we waited for it. Hard to believe it released almost 4 months ago. It's that time when many of us will start looking forward to the next Rockstar game. I have been on this site since the first leaks for GTA V popped up online. In that time, I have watched fairly quietly, barely getting involved. I've read a lot, and enjoyed it all, but never actively helped out. I want to warn you all that this post will be pretty lengthy, and as I'm not a regular poster, my formating or writing may not be the best. But I'm a big fan of Rockstar Games, and have a weird fascination with remembering small things. So I wanted to try my best to compile everything we know about how Rockstar go about making their games, what they have done in the past and do some crazy conspiracy theory like deducing to try to predict when, where and how we can find clues to GTA VI, and when they may announce or release it.
Firstly, I'd like to credit and thank Dan Dawkins. Many of you may not know who he is, but long story short, he's a journalist, and back in July 2011 he wrote an article in the magazine PSM3. In the article he predicted many things about GTA V (some correct, some incorrect) he researched all the available data and pooled it together, and used that to speculate about GTA V. That was a massive influence on me growing up, on how to speculate responsibly and use common sense to work out where a game or series may go next. So thank you, Dan!


Now, onto the main topic. What do we know about GTA VI? Not a lot. Dan Houser recently said that they're thankful they're not releasing GTA VI while Trump is in office. While he's never actually quoted as saying they won't release it while Trump is in office, I think journalists used that for a catchy headline. But the point remains. GTA is heavily based on British satire of USA. The current political climate makes it very difficult for them to do this. If we take it literally, GTA VI won't release until 2021 or 2025, depending on how long he is in office. Unless I have my dates wrong. I'd be willing to bet they had 2021 in mind. However, my personal take on this was that Dan simply meant "thank god we're not releasing GTA VI in 2018" And knowing it'l take them years to even release their next game, Trump will no longer be President.
We also know Rockstar Games will make another GTA. And that is about it. If there is anything else concrete, that we know, that I have missed please let me know.


Here's where we start digging and look to the past, what Rockstar has done before and try our best to work out their timelines and how they go about things. Now, in order to do this, I'd like to begin with GTA V, as that is when Rockstar Games transitioned into the one big game every 5 years, as opposed to the game every year studio.
April 20th 2009 the first ever build for GTA V was created. I'm not sure if this is when development officially began, or just the date of the first build. Either way, I doubt there is much difference. They were busy working on TBoGT at that point, having just released TLaD 2 months prior. This was discovered from the Build Log. I will go into detail on this later. However this wasn't discovered until 2014, I just thought it was worth putting here to stamp the timeline.
The earliest rumors for GTA V began on July 26th 2010, with reports of Rockstar researching locations in and around Hollywood. Rockstar declined to comment on this, saying they don't comment on "rumors and speculation". To this day we still don't know if this was legit, or otherwise. However the game did end up being set in Los Santos. So it was either true or coincidentally correct.
Next came the domain name leaks on February 25th 2011. That date might be off by a couple of days, but the original GTA V Leak Topic has it dated to the 25th. (Fun fact, this is the leak and topic where I signed up to GTAForums!) Very GTA sounding website names. After GTA IV introduced the internet to us, it was no surprise to think GTA V would expand on that, and the domain names registered sounded right out of a GTA game. This was proven true, as the websites did appear in game.
On March 8th 2011 more fuel was added to the GTA V fire, when the codenamed "Rush" casting call was leaked online. Like the website, they sounded like something out of a GTA game.
This was further expanded on the 29th of March when Take Two put out a private casting call, further hinting at development on GTA V being well underway.
October 5th 2011 In an Asked & Answered article, 2 users asked about the next GTA, with Rockstar replying with the following
“When are we going to see a new GTA????? #bestgameever” - received via Twitter“When's the new grand theft auto coming out?” - received via Twitter
Big, big shout to all Grand Theft Auto fans worldwide who we know are anxious to hear about what’s next for the franchise but we don’t have any news at this time.All we can say is, right now, we’re focused on our next upcoming releases which are Max Payne 3 as well as L.A. Noire for PC, Red Dead Redemption Game of the Year Edition and Max Payne for mobile devices. When and if we have anything to report regarding the Grand Theft Auto franchise, you know that we’ll do so here at the Newswire or on our Twitter or Facebook.
And then it happened. GTA V was officially announced on October 25th 2011 at 12pm BST, linked below.
This announcement came only 20 days after saying the above on October 5th 2011
This goes to show that Rockstar can say one thing, then surprise us weeks later.
The first trailer then debuted on November 2nd 2011
Everything past this point, until release I feel is not relevant to this discussion. It is more to do with post announce schedules and marketing, and when to expect news or updates or trailers for an already announced major game. If this topic does well, I could add it, or put it in a spoiler box so it's optional detail. Otherwise the next points worth talking about come into play upon release, and where Rockstar go after this.
September 17th 2013 GTA V finally releases. We rejoice.
October 1st 2013, two weeks after the launch of GTA V GTA Online launches.
This is where it gets interesting and complicated. We know now that their next game was Red Dead Redemption 2. However, Rockstar weren't finished with GTA V. Many people claim that Rockstar stopped caring about their fans and gamers, citing images like these
You can actually pinpoint the year Rockstar discovered microtransactions.
Now, I bring these up, as it is important to understand just how Rockstar now operate. Love it or hate it, but GTA Online has allowed Rockstar to not release games as often. Allowing them to work on one game as Rockstar Studios, where they all work together, instead of separate teams, like Rockstar North (GTA) and Rockstar San Diego (RDR) for example. The income from GTA Online has seemingly allowed them to spend 5 years working on Red Dead Redemption 2, perfecting a masterpiece. Allowing them to make the game they wanted, and allowing them to take all the time necessary to innovate and make a living breathing world even more so than GTA V did.
Some time in January 2014 the GTA V Build Log was found. Apparently it was on the game disc, and dedicated fans dug into the files and found it. I bring this up, as it reveals some key interesting details. such as the date of the first GTA V build/when GTA V development began. This is important as we can use this information later to try to work out when they may start their next project.
Throughout 2014 Rockstar were hard at work developing the PC, PS4 & Xbox One versions of the game. I don't know how much work that would be, but they weren't simple upres versions of the game. They included new features and plenty of big enhancements. The PC version was delayed into 2015 for added polish. And leslie Benzies took a sabbatical on September 1st, for 17 months.
The next key detail to note is from January 2016, I think. Leslie Benzies leaves Rockstar North. I feel this is important to note, as it could have delayed a lot of Rockstars plans, as a lot of staff left with him, Rockstar would go on to deal with a lawsuit which could only be an unnecessary distraction. There was a topic here on GTAForums discussing it. Needless to say the whole situation was pretty shady and the details don't really matter too much.
Rockstar had also planned single player DLC for GTA V, multiple datamines suggested 3 packs, as well as Ash735 on Neogaf confirming this. We can take this with a grain of salt, but if it were made up, then it's a pretty dull and uninteresting thing to make up.
They had also promised Heists for GTA Online, which was quickly becoming very popular. I personally believe (And this is where speculation begins) that the SP DLC was the unfortunate victim in all of this. They HAD to get the next gen versions out, as if you're launching an online game, you can't rely on players sticking with old consoles when the next gen consoles launch only 2 months after GTA Online launches. They had to get Heists out, which were promised before the entire game even released. More so than the SP DLC, which was just a closing line on a Newswire article, albeit multiple times. And development on their next game ramping up, going into full production, combined with the restructuring of Rockstar North due to Leslie Benzies leaving... SP DLC may have been an unfortunate victim.
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
GTA V launches on PS4 & Xbox One on November 18th 2014
PC version launched on April 14th 2015
Rockstar Games are now done with development on GTA V, now solely focusing on GTA Online updates, in terms of Grand Theft Auto
April 3rd 2014 Thanks to @EVOLUT7ON for bringing this to my attention. In a Q&A with DJ Whoo on BallerStatus, he allegedly reveals he will be in the next GTA, which will be in Liberty City again. BallerStatus. And thanks to iNero for his topic.


August 2013 Roger Clark's first day on set, for Red Dead Redemption 2
Roger Clark: "My first day on the project was in August of 2013. With the context of this particular installment, I was the first to come on, apart from Rob and Ben who worked on the previous chapter."
4th September 2014 Rockstar San Diego start hiring for next gen consoles. They allegedly went on a hiring spree for an upcoming project. Which we would later find out to be Red Dead Redemption 2.
December 11th 2014 Actor Jorge Consejo posts a selfie on Instagram, wearing a typical mocap or performance capture suit. However it doesn't match the one used in GTA V
September 2015, [Original Source] Rockstar started hiring for more jobs. They seem to relate to a stealth based game, but so far they haven't released anything that would indicate what they were hired for.
Then the leaks start happening...
November 29th 2015 An ex Rockstar employee hints that RDR2 is their next project. The infamous “Really, Dumbass. Really? Two“ comment by Danny Ross, on Reddit. Archive of actual post
April 13th 2016 the map for RDR 2 leaks on NeoGaf. This was unprecedented. The map for a huge open world Rockstar Games game has never leaked online 6 month before the game was even announced. Link to the map.
October 18th 2016 Rockstar finally announce Red Dead Redemption 2, after teasing in the days leading up to the 18th.
July 27th 2017 Stuntman, Tim Neff's online resume leaks that he worked on RDR2 and GTA VI. He denied involvement in RDR2, but claimed he worked on GTA V, and that it was a mistake. He also had personal instagram photos from Rockstar San Diego, with captions strongly suggesting he was there for work. He denied it, saying it was just a photo taken outside that anyone could take. He quickly removed them. He was not credited in GTA V, but by RDR2's release he is indeed credited in RDR2.
Friday September 29th 2017 A reddit user posted a thread mentioning a recent leak which had been deleted. I do not know the date that it was originally posted. But it was over a year before the game released. And was entirely accurate. these leaks will serve a purpose later on.
December 25th 2017 GTAForums User @Jabalous brings to our Attention the actor Jorge Consejo, his previously mentioned Instagram selfie, and his CV/Resume. Which mentions min being in GTA 6, playing the role "The Mexican" (Featured).
CGI meaning motion capture work, etc.
In April of 2018, I'm not sure of the date, maybe the 18th? The article has since been removed. But I copied the article into a notepad file. published an article based of a memo and some notes about the game. They claimed to have received this information in August 2017, but didn't post it due to fears it was fake. It wasn't until Rockstar released a screenshot that matched one that they had also received that they decided to publish this information, now believing it to be genuine. Here is an image of the text copy of the article (reddit formatting issues)
November 1st 2018 Rockstar sue TrustedReviews for £1M Essentially proving the leak to be true. Although the game itself proves it to be true, it's interesting that Rockstar sued for that much. Or sued at all.
January 6th 2019 Rockstar start hiring for next generation
Rockstar's career opening page - Credit to @el carlitos for that one!
-----------------------------------------------Unconfirmed Speculation-----------------------------------------------
January 30th (Specific date still debatable) Film Florida have guest Leah Sokolowsky on their podcast. She briefly mentions a recent change in her work
Recently as you're aware we've had a change in the types of productions that are coming to our state. So I've also been very fortunate to get a large client that has hired me to arrange basically site tours and visits. It's uh digital media company. And I've signed an NDA so I can't disclose who it is. But they've been exploring various areas of our state, and of other states in the south east. And I've been planning and arranging those visits for their personnel and that's been kind of a very interesting expansion of what I normally do, as well.
Here's the link to that quote.
It's suggested this is Take Two Interactive/Rockstar Games, as a reddit user claimed on October 6th 2019 scouts were looking around his area, and asked for permission to take photographs of the building. Which was later followed up by a photograph of an alledged document/contract as proof on October 8th 2019
-----------------------------------------------End of Unconfirmed Speculation-----------------------------------------------
February 13th 2019 VP of product development Jeronimo Barrera departs Rockstar Games after 20 years. This might not seem anything significant, but it's one of his quotes that I think it very important.
"If I had stayed at Rockstar it would have been more GTAs, more RDRs and less of this other stuff going on out there right now." While that is nothing concrete. It does indicate that Rockstar will be working on Red Dead and GTA for the foreseeable future. That won't surprise many of us, but it's just a little detail that gives us hope that GTA is next, and not another franchise like Bully, L.A. Noire or Max Payne, for example.
April 18th 2019 a former Rockstar India employee has mention of creating vehicles for GTA V and upcoming GTA 6 in his artstation resume Thanks to ApolloThunder's post.
Now those are the most important details I feel. Now I may have missed some other details people might find important. In August of 2017 the stunt actor Tim Neff was involved in a alleged leak for RDR2 & GTA 6. It was quickly 'debunked' Although many believed there were holes in the methods used to debunk it. And his removal of Instagram photos taken at Rockstar San Diego was suspicious to many users. I do not believe it holds enough water to use it as any evidence. But we can use it to speculate.
July 9th 2019 Jorge Consejo likes and quotes a tweet about him being in GTA 6

Now We Use All This Information to Speculate

The first clues we should look for are reports of Rockstar scouting locations. We know from articles and or interviews that Rockstar take thousands of photographs when creating their worlds, so any reports of Rockstar Staff i researching locations should be a very good indication. However, they can be very secretive.
Same goes for Rockstar or Take Two registering domain names or sending out casting calls. So far we've heard nothing of the sort. again, we don't always hear these things. I don't recall hearing anything about casting for RDR2 at any point between 2012 & 2016.
Combined with the fact that Rockstar only just released RDR2 4 months ago. I think it's pretty safe to sat development on their next game hasn't fully begun yet, or will do very soon. If we look back to the build log for GTA V, they created the first build on April 20th 2009. pretty much one year after GTA IV released. By that logic the first build for GTA VI would have been created in September 2014, right? Well, considering they had to work on the next gen and PC versions for so long. I'd wager they started much, much later. We know that these days Rockstar operate as Rockstar Studios, all working together on one game at a time. But if the NeoGaf user is to be believed, pre production for GTA VI began in 2012, which is actually entirely believable. As Rockstar began work on RDR2 almost immediately after RDR1. "In early 2011, Dan began chatting with Rockstar San Diego about how Red Dead Redemption 2 would look and who the characters would be. Late that summer, he says, he had a “broad outline and rough flow of the game defined.” By fall 2012, his team had completed rough scripts for many of the game’s missions and started doing read-throughs on video conference calls with directors of game play, art design, and animation from Rockstar offices around the world. " Source
Now, unlike Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto is not a game about specific characters, like RDR is with John and Dutch's gang. So It's safe to say after GTA V, the Housers did not sit down and come up with scripts or ideas for GTA 6 revolving around those characters. But never say never. They could use this as an opportunity to bring back Michael Franklin & Trevor, working of some of the ideas for the Story DLC for GTA V, instead of scrapping it entirely. For the first time ever, GTA could be a direct sequel using the same protagonists. This however, I believe to be incredibly unlikely. But I thought it was worth mentioning.
So, they've finished RDR2. What Are Rockstar doing now? I believe they're hard at work on the PC version of the game. Many people don't believe it will release on PC, citing the fact that RDR1 never released on PC as evidence. I don't believe that is fair, as we know RDR1 was a mess, and was in such a bad state that they were lucky to release it at all. Rumours and alleged leaks stated the game was a coded mess, and they weren't willing to go through all the hassle of porting it to PC. We also know PC games typically have a high paracy rate, and Rockstar aren't fond of spending all that development time and cost on such an effort for little reward. Here's a clip of Lazlow talking about releasing their games on PC, and joking wanting to make their money back first. It's from 2010, right before RDR1 released. I think he was making a joke, but hiding the truth in there. Which leads me to believe that RDR2 could come to PC, but in order to make their money on that, also release it on PS5 & the Next Xbox, like they did for GTA V. Considering the gap between GTA V on PS3 & 360 and GTA V on PC (19 months) we could see a similar gap with RDR2 on PC. If that is the case, we could see a PC release in May 2020. At which point next gen consoles would likely have been announced, assuming Sony repeat their February reveal as they did with PS4. Or soon to be revealed at E3 a month later. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that they re release on Next gen with native 4K on PS5, higher frame rates, or other enhanced features. Next gen consoles will be backwards compatible, but if they want to keep RD Online going, a newer version with higher player counts could be a good option.
Speaking of next gen consoles, until specs are set in stone, I don't think Rockstar will announce anything. Dev Kits are allegedly being sent to some developers right now. Sony first party studios are already working on PS5 games. Guerilla, for example. I'd wager Sony's relationship with Rockstar is a good bet to think they have them, too. So, what does this mean?
Well, let's look at when Rockstar announced RDR2. 18th October 2016. 18 months after the PC release of GTA V, 3 years, 1 month after the initial release of GTA V. Lets assume they stick to a similar pattern, both GTA V & RDR2 were announced in October. It could be a good bet for what month to expect an announcement. However, GTA IV was announced in May 2006, with Peter Moore's infamous Tattoo. So...
Now let's look at when Rockstar started hiring for RDR2, which was September 2014. It took them 2 years to announce their next game. And they had the base map planned out within 19 months. We just don't know when the photo of the map was taken, just when it was leaked to the public (april 2016). But we do know Rockstar always start with the world. For GTA V, that discussion started as GTA IV was wrapping up – almost five years ago – although the latest game has been in full production for just three years.
“It comes from the idea first,” Benzies tells us in his office at the studio.
Where is it going to be set is the first question. Then that defines the missions; you’re doing different things in LA than in New York or Miami. The map and story get worked up together, and the story is a basic flow of how it works out so you can layer the missions in. Source
I think we can safely say that Rockstar already know where the game will be set, and Aaron Garbut is already hard at work at creating a concept of a map. If he hasn't already.
Based of that information, I'd say Rockstar are hiring for their next game, which will be PS5 and Next Xbox exclusive, Likely to be GTA 6, and will need 2 - 3 years of development before they are able to reveal it with a trailer. Putting the game at a 2021 - 22 reveal, with a 2023 - 24 release. I do believe the upcoming generation, and Rockstars desire to outdo themselves every time will only slow them down. Their games take so long to develop, and I can't see them putting out GTA 6 in the same timeframe as GTA V, from GTA IV. More likely to be similar, if not longer than GTA V to RDR2.

The Leaks

Remember when I said the leaks would serve a purpose later on? I find it highly suspicious that Rockstar had leaks as substantial as they had for RDR2, when they never had anything to that level before. They are usually incredibly watertight. So let's speculate as to why...

The Benz.

Isn't it strange how such a long time influential figure at Rockstar North was fired, and then leaks start popping up for their next game? It's no secret that there was more to his firing that we initially thought. Things went really bad between The Benz and The Housers. I think when he left the company, and many of his staff left, too. A lot of disgruntled employees may has decided to spill the beans on their next game out of spite. The entire game map leaking 6 months before the game was even announced, Epilogue spoilers down to finite details such as building a house or birthing a foal? Way too specific, and that's never happened for a Rockstar game before. I just find that suspicious.
So, why is that relevant to GTA 6? Well, it may end up not being relevant at all. But then I remembered the leak from last year, that stated GTA 6 was set in Vice City. Back then, I didn't believe it at all, as it was way too detailed for a game that wasn't even announced, and wouldn't be announced for at least 2 more years. Likely double that. Plus why did they choose The Know? And an anonymous source is always suspicious. But hey, nobody would be dumb enough to give their actual identity if it were legit.
But then I started thinking a while ago, at how detailed the RDR2 leaks were, and maybe, just maybe the person who tipped off The Know was legit, and the info was based of what was in pre production from 2012 [Unofficial Source]. The more I thought about it, I realized that Vice City, with the concept of crossing the border to South America is a simple enough concept that could have been decided upon during pre production (the world is the first thing they decide, remember?)

Why Vice City

2 reasons why it's starting to feel like a likely location. Reason one, GTA Online. They introduced businesses and gunrunning into GTA Online, and a lot of people enjoy that stuff. Vice City would be a great location to create content around that concept. I don't believe Rockstar would pick a location based on what would make Online popular, but after GTA Online's huge popularity after GTA V, they'd be stupid to ignore it. Reason 2 was the quote Dan Houser gave about not releasing GTA 6 during Trumps presidency. Again, I believe it's taken a little out of context, but it's his words about satirising America is what caught my eye.
"Both intense liberal progression and intense conservatism are both very militant, and very angry. It is scary but it’s also strange, and yet both of them seem occasionally to veer towards the absurd," Houser said. "It’s hard to satirize for those reasons. Some of the stuff you see is straightforwardly beyond satire. It would be out of date within two minutes, everything is changing so fast." Source
Then there was this quote from Leslie Benzies, also covered in The Knows video:
IGN Source
Any chance that Vice City might return in a future GTA?
It is always a possibility. There are a few references to the city in our current-gen GTAs so it is part of that HD universe, and it is certainly somewhere we would love to revisit. However Vice City, perhaps more than any other GTA game, was as much about the era as the setting. Miami in the 1980’s is so iconic it would feel strange to revisit the city in a different time period.
exploring grand theft auto vice citys lasting impact on gamer culture with rockstars leslie benzies city cover. Of course at some point we would like to have one big world containing all our cities and let the player fly between them and revisit their favorite areas, and in that context reimagining Vice City would be very interesting.
So according to Rockstar, albeit someone who is no longer at Rockstar, it would be strange to go back to Vice City in a modern day setting. If you combine that with what Dan Houser said about parodying America today, and how difficult that would be, is it possible that the next game could be set in the past? Again, combining those quotes, with alleged leaks, and the possibility for fun and exciting gameplay and Online experiences... Vice City is an incredibly likely setting.
The only problem is GTA 6 going into pre production in 2012. If the location was decided upon then. It would either be a happy coincidence, or they may have changed the location. Or, it never was Vice City, and this speculation is clever, but ultimately wrong.
One key piece of information is the Neogaf user, who allegedly states that it WON'T be Vice City. Citing that production notes going around when he still worked there stated possible locations and concepts. And that it is likely one of the 4 options listed in the quoted thread.
Small town gta - tight stories, scheduled characters, ridiculous levels of ambience, every home interior modelled. Every building enterable. More realism - if your wanted you are on the run for a while.
Vegas 1970s- CASINO?
Somewhere snowy - chicago/detroit
Mexico City
You have to consider that what they may have decided in 2012 changed, due to the popularity of GTA Online. They could have chosen a smaller, more detailed interactive world. But due to Online, decided they needed a larger world. Or the location wasn't right due to modern politics and ability to satarise, etc.
I do think GTA could return to the past eventually. Sam Houser has an incredible knowledge of pop culture, and is very intelligent. It would work well for them to go back to an older setting for a GTA game again. That isn't proof of that, or even a solid reason for them to do a prior setting. His knowledge can be used in any setting, past or present. But it's an interesting piece of information to think about.
Another possibility is Dan's words were as simple as GTA 6 won't release while Trump is in office, and therefore GTA 6 will be set in the present day, but by then the political climate may have settled down, or they think/hope things will be different by then, and what they choose to parody will be easier. i don't know.

How about Las Venturas?

For the past few months, I've been thinking about the possibility of GTA 6 being set in Las Venturas. It's one of the locations mentioned as a possibility by @Ash_735 It's also a location that would be quite large, although not hugely diverse. However creative freedoms could solve that. If they return to a past setting as theorised. Then Las Venturas in the 70's or 80's could be seen as a pretty cool option. Like a lot of people, I'm a fan of Joe Rogan. Recently he had a guest on his podcast, Bob lazar. Whether you believe him or not is irrelevant. But he tells some interesting stories about working near Area 51, and working on alien UFO's. that really got me thinking... Wouldn't that be a perfect location for Rockstar to have some fun with? GTA V and RDR2 both featured UFO easter Eggs. There was a lot of mysteries tied to Mt. Chiuliad and Fort Zancudo. Can you imagine Area 69 returning, and what Rockstar may do with that? Now I fully understand that saying they may do a certain location, based of nothing other than easter eggs is a bit silly, but what else do we have? However, it does tie in with the notes (Vegas 1970's Casino?). Before RDR2 we never believed Rockstar would create a game, and build of a previous games map. After RDR2, we now know it's possible. I'm still not convinced they'd do it with GTA, as the GTA series is always an island, whereas RDR1 was a landlocked location. However, it is possible, however unlikely that they could build of Southern San Andreas and go east to Las venturas.
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