Bibi Name Meaning - Bibi Meaning & Definition, Muslim Girl

what is bibi in arabic

what is bibi in arabic - win

Me and my uncle had a debate about the arabic translation in this video, can anyone confirm or refute the translation and if it is not correct what did Bibi say ?

submitted by sabertoothonsunday to hebrew [link] [comments]

Time to release my feelings to the western left about Israel & Jews

Hey everybody , so ... I am here because I just need to vent. I’ve had so many debates about Israel with leftists in the west and I just want to share some of the things many of them think and believe. Disclaimer : I am ashkenazi and from the west ! Europe to be precise
1) we are not a country of white bagel shop owners called Noam
2) we are not all ultra orthodox , we don’t all wear black and have tassels from our hair. We don’t all look like the Hasidic communities in New York or London
3) we are not a ******* white country
4) Jews are not just European . There are Arab Jews, sephardic , Druze etc. it might shock you but they are not white.
5) we don’t all hate Palestinians Or Arabs
6) shock horror, Arabs actually live here and we actually integrate . Come and see.
7) there are Palestinian Christians if you didn’t know
8) I have no problem with you supporting Palestine and hating Israel, everyone is free to support whatever. But have you EVER spoke .... or even seen a Palestinian in real life ? Do you actually know ANYTHING about Palestinians ?
9) you seem to think we are a country of white supremacists who hate Arabs. Wait until you meet a mizrahi or another group who’s family was killed by Arabs, your head will spin so fast it’ll fall off you know .... they aren’t white.
10) don’t talk about cultural appropriation then try and change or talk about our culture
11) this also goes to you, Americans who make Aliyah . Stop trying to change our culture. Just stop.
12) yes we have extremists on both sides
13) your western perception of left and right doesn’t work here. The left tends to be ashkenazi and the right tends to be other ethnicities i.e Arab Jews etc. your thought process is not going to make any sense here, when you have Arabs Jews who hate Arabs but they look the same. The confusion you will feel will make you cry and ruin your fantasy
14) Zionism is not racist. We love our country and don’t want to die. We will fight until the end.
15) we don’t all love bibi
16) we don’t all hate bibi
17) even if you watch a video of a Palestinian say negative things about us, please please keep an open mind. Do remember, they are not able to say what they want to say, or they will be in danger. I’m not saying many of them like us but .... some of them are open minded, but showing their open mind is very dangerous for them.
18) history doesn’t start in 1948. Don’t erase thousands of years of history just to fit your narrative.
19) stop thinking so simplistically about our war, it is so complicated. More than you can ever know.
20) shouting “ from the river to the sea Palestine will be free “ is not a nursery rhyme or fun song. You can deny that it doesn’t mean anything hurtful to us, however we will also know you have literally no idea what you are talking about.
21) screaming free Arabs and Palestine LGBT bla bla doesn’t make sense. Go to Ramallah or Gaza if you can if you are gay and kiss someone of the same sex , I dare you.
Then come to Tel Aviv and do it ...... enjoy
22) there are good people on both sides, understand that.
23) please do not donate money to Palestinians. Donate food or clothes instead. Money will go to the wrong people.
@@@@@@@@Smoke break ........@@@@
I was actually fortunate to be one of the ones who managed to get a tourist visa to Saudi Arabia last year. I actually have a friend from Saudi I met in another country and we travelled the country together. It is actually quite amazing when I said I was Jewish that ... nobody really cared. It wasn’t a hate or love, it was a meh. Having numerous talks with saudis who think Medina is our real home, but also don’t hate Israel and have started to really get a sour taste in their mouth regarding Palestinians was quite surprising.
Smoking hookah on a mountain side with Saudi’s overlooking the path Mohammed walked was quite surreal.
Anywaaaaaay, I’m sure I’ll find some more.
Feedback is welcome ! Haha
submitted by istlv to Israel [link] [comments]

Leftist Election Depression

Hooray! The left-wing bloc has 61 seats in the polls! If there's a majority surely Bennet would join and a coalition would be formed to replace Bibi, Meretz won't even be needed so Saar would be fine with it.
Wait, Meretz won't be needed? Bennett? Saar? Is this a left wing bloc or a settler bloc? We have gone out of our minds, the right wing is going to have over 70 seats in the next but everyone is so entrenched in "just-not-bibi" that it passes over our heads. As a moderate center-left voter who supported Avoda in the first two elections while everyone abandoned it for B&W, then supported B&W in the 3rd to strengthen the bloc leadership: what options do I have this election?
Avoda? Basically another Meretz now after the primaries, a niche wannabe progressive party instead of a broad pro-peace pro-welfare ruling party (though obviously they won't be ruling after these elections)
Saar? Hardcore ideological right winger, literally said if you're a left winger don't vote for me (yet it seems some JNBists are so infatuated with the prospect of replacing Netanyahu that it doesn't register in their mind, like how they thought Hauser and Hendel saying they won't sit with Arabs was a joke)
Lapid? Stayed true to the JNB way but he's wannabe Bibi, has literally no ideology aside from becoming PM and has no chance of forming a coalition so we'll go to 5th elections if he's Netanyahu's main opponent.
I only have two options which I am considering, both reluctantly and as somewhat of a protest vote:
Gantz - Supported his formation of a rotation government with Bibi as a strategic decision which imo was definitely much better than 4th elections while Bibi had 40 seats in the polls and Ohana was justice minister. Shame the left couldn't delay gratification, I think with more public and political support Gantz could have secured the rotation. Doesn't have much of an ideology either but he did his short-term mission of blocking the annexation and protecting the justice system. He is definitely terrible at politics and PR and the government was an administrative catastrophe but I think he's a good person who thinks foremost about the country. That's more than you can say about almost all politicians and he can't do too much harm with 4 seats in the next Knesset. The main reason for voting for him though is that if there are 5th elections, which is very likely imo as I don't think Lapid can form a government and Saar won't agree to JL support, Gantz becomes PM due to the rotation agreement coming into effect. If Gantz doesn't get into the Knesset Bibi can just fire him and appoint Osnat Mark as justice minister.
Meretz - In previous years I would have cringed at the sound of this idea but if Avoda is now Meretz 2.0 I might as well vote for the original. I have discovered I agree a lot with Uri Zaki, a Masorti man who is their Chairman and Tamar Zandberg's husband, and I somewhat like Yair Golan who is far from a classic "peace now" Meretz member (though I like him less now after his rhetoric has become really hateful and populist the last few months). I am also angry at the JLBists who lynched Gantz for every single move he made the last half year unless it was resigning from Bibi's government who I feel are mostly just unable to cope with the fact that they brought it on themselves by supporting Gantz's center-right one-issue campaign instead of voting for a proper left wing party like Avoda or Meretz. Voting for Meretz is somewhat of a catharsis and a statement on this.
But as I said, both options are not very appealing. The center-left is dead and I rule it suicide, a lot of people like me who don't like Lapid's populism but aren't hardcore left-wingers like Meretz have nowhere to go due to the just-not-Bibi pestilence which has spread across this land, symptoms include blindness. Most of Saar's votes right now are desperate moderate leftists, and even more will not vote in the coming elections. We might get rid of Bibi but at what cost? We'll have 70 right wing MKs which will destroy the supreme court, 70 right wing MKs which will annex the West Bank, 70 right wing MKs which will continue imposing religious restrictions on us. I hope Avoda will prove me wrong and reestablish itself as the successor of Israel's founding party, but I have a hard time believing as Michaeli has still not denounced their Arab candidate's statement about being elated while continuing to drive to a stop during a memorial siren. Meretz has more Arab candidates and they seem to be better. Finally, identity politics is engrained into Michaeli's very speech.
Edit: Forgot Lieberman who does stand up to Haredim but is a covid denier and probably not much less corrupt than Netanyahu
And I do
submitted by DaDerpyDude to Israel [link] [comments]

how to response to someone that hates Israel politely

שלום יצרתי פה תגובה לאנשים ששונאים את ישראל בצורה ריצינית ומאשמים את כל הסכסוך עלינו. חשוב להדגיש שהתגובה תומכת בשתי מדינות ומודה שישראל מבצעת פשעי מלחמה פשוט מדגישה שאנחנו לא יותר אשמים מהצד השני.
התגובה עונה על רוב הטיעונים שנתקלתי בהם נגד ישראל אבל יש כמה חלקים שהגיעו מויכוחים ספציפיים. הדגשתי גם כמה דעות שלי אישיות כשמצאתי אבל יכול להיות שהתפספס. בבקשה תנו קרדיט כשאתם משתמשים בה ותגידו עם מצאתם טעויות
אני גם אאדכן את זה כמה פעמים
your main point as to why Israel is the bad guy is that we could end the conflict if we choose to and that we actively try to keep it also that we have no right for this place and Zionism is a colonial movement etc.
Ok, let start by saying Israeli Arabs(the ones within 67 borders) have complete citizenship. Yes, some people are racist but that's true everywhere.
Now let's look at Gaza No single Israeli there yet Hamas still fires missiles They have VAST support and a declared purpose of killing everyone in Israel. By vast support I mean that in 2006 elections they won 58% of votes. Think about it 58% of the voters voted to a group openly calling for genocide. the Hamas don't and never wanted peace They shoot at schools on purpose with missiles a lot stronger than firecrackers like many people say(I mean even if you ignore the explosives the move around Mach 2 and weight 200kg? That's 0.5*200*600^2)=36 million N of force.

Now why Israel isn't the bad guy? Your base assumption is that Israel can just stop If you stop they stop right? No, We did stop in the 90s in the Oslo agreements we agreed on a peace deal with a terrorist that murdered 10s of 1000s from us We agreed on 57 lines 67 We agreed to take steps with the HOPE that they will make the same (Agreements that I support) But than aaraft (the leader of the group the agreements were made with) said that they were part from the "stages plan" aka claim every part of Israel you can and then try to get more braking agreements This and the fact they didn't stop terror attacks (It just escalated many buses where blown at the time).

This lead to a rise of hatred towards prime minister Rabin who also made a peace deal with Jordan THE RIse in hate encouraged and amplified by than opposition leader today PM Bibi Netanyahu (fuck him) Lead to the murder of the Israeli prime minister

NOW the elections after that where somehow won by bibi Who despite everything he said kept give the newly formed PNA territories (like Gaza Ramallah) A b c territories are the way the land was divided in the west bank They were organized based on The percentage of Israeli and Palestinian population with the A territories most inner Palestinian parts.

Now since then Israel the term means something else you see to help the PNA (Palestinian national authority essentially Palestinian state which already exists) Now the A territories are another complete and absolute control of the PNA both security-wise and civilian control (sec: police and defence civ: hospitals water schools etc) B are another civilian PNA control but Israeli security control And c is complete Israel control Because of this returns since 1996 90% of the Palestinian population are under civilian or military &civilian control Even more since 2005 when Israel left Gaza.

Here is an important part Israel doesn't fight with the PNA proving they do want peace And Israeli citizens are BANNED from A, B or Gaza (The IDF can enter B when necessary and A even given permission by PNA)

Now to the C territories. In them, there are 500k Israeli (5% of the Israeli population) and between 100k to 225k Palestinians (yes that's a very big range I know) but the majority is Israeli now here is the big problem with them. PNA wants them all and also wants Territorial continuity meaning every part of them will be connected to the other. This will require between 100k and 250k Israeli citizens moving Which is impossible Doesn't matter what you want it cant be done.

They also want Gaza connected to the west bank splitting Israel into 2 parts (not possible) And if they won't Seattle for less than 67 borders (which they won't agree to sadly) And does are the ones that are willing to talk right? Not Hamas. Hamas literally murdered ashaf members as traitors because they talked to Israel Now you see why Israel can't just leave that's also why we can't just evacuate the west bank. It's 5% of our population not do-able.

That's not it. Now let's talk about leaving without agreements. Guess what? We tried this already in 2005 When we left the strip this was one-sided and not part of any agreement. We destroyed all the settlements there. And left. The result was like Iraq when the USA left, terrorists, in this case, Hamas got the most people killed PNA officials and started a de facto country and dictatorship there. (The Islamic jihad is the 2nd largest group).

Territories are not the only problem The 2nd largest one is Palestinian refugees In 1948 600k Arabic fled the new state of Israel (despite the government telling them to stay and promised them complete legal equality which the ones who stayed got. Not to say I don't understand them probably would have done the same) Now they never settled anywhere else and so still hope to come back What's the problem?
1) they don't want to live in Israel which is a big problem because many of their old lands are in the middle of Israeli cities Now people live there and no one is going to evacuate them
2) they are no longer 600k They Are now 3m Which is 30% of Israel's population And the big part of the Palestinians wants Israel to allow them all to come back.
I also want to say I'm definitely not justifying human right violation just saying that Israel isn't the only or the biggest bad guy
​ Now to then 2nd largest point its their land and you are colonial bastards who stole it.
the Jewish people have the right for Israel. You are mistaken for calling the Zionist movement as whole colonists. Colonial countries never viewed their colonies as home or where they live they always controlled them for a far only seeking the resources and exploiting the local population. Britain never saw India as their homeland or cared about the territory they wanted the gold and spices and labour from there.
While Zionism is different from its core. First I will point out that Israelis view this as returning home and finding refuge from the hate and antisemitism they encounter. 2nd Jewish people never left the area completely Jewish communities always existed in Nazareth and Jerusalem.
the ones who were forced out and always dreamed of coming back "next year in build Jerusalem".

Also, the last time the area was independent was under Maccabees' control.
After them came the Roman who when Israelites rebelled against changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina banned the Jews from living close to it and changed the name of the area to Palestine after the philistines who were the ancient Israelites enemies (like changing Israel's name to nazi or something)
After the Roman came Byzantium who technically was part of the Roman empire. After them came the mamluks than the crusaders and the mamluks again than ottoman great Britain in 48 Israel was established and Jordan and Egypt controlled Gaza and Jordan or the west bank than 67 and in 92 Israel and PNA in 05 Hamas took over the strip.
lastly, I want to explain why you shouldn't interfere with the Israeli Palestinian conflict. people outside the area don't really know a lot about the conflict and its history and often show ignorance about it. I have encountered people who spoke of my country with such hate and then when you try to discuss with them they don't know the most basic terms like A, B, C areas or the PNA. pls understand that most Israeli and Palestinians know so much more and understand its complexity a lot better. pls, understand that watching videos online and some posts on Facebook doest mean you know the conflict. honestly, it feels very much like anti vax who knows so much because their Facebook buddy told them. this doesn't come to hurt or humiliate it's just really hurt to hear dose words of hatred like "Israel is just like N*zi Germany" that every Israeli hears too many times
To finish I want to say thank you for reading this. so much. I always like debating with people online. and I want to stress again I condemn all and any crime against humanity on both sides
this comment was written by u/noob_like_pro
החלק הזה רק לאנשים שרוצים לעשות מדינה אחת פלסטנית הוא בא מתגובה ספיצפית ולא בהכרח מתאים לכולם
Lastly, I will say that you are exactly like the worst of the Israeli far-right. says just what you say except Palestinians are the "guests" that should give up national ambitions. If he is racist and extreme so are you. You can't (and I can't stress this enough) hold different standards to others than yourself. This is why I argued with people the etesl where terrorist organization because they hurt civilians by purpose so they are just as bad as Hamas.
submitted by noob_like_pro to Israel [link] [comments]

Namaskara from India.

Namaskara from India.
Namaskara/Namaste people..
I am a young student from India & I just wanted to say something which has been weighing upon my conscience for a long time. For so many years, I thought you guys were the bad guys. I thought the Israelis were the good guys fighting against the evil Palestinians who terrorised & tortured a people who had been without a nation for 200 years. I blindly believed Hasbara propaganda & treated it as a holy text & casually dismissed your human rights & your dignity. I was more Zionist than the Zionists..
I am a young proud Hindu from India, I am not the anti muslim sort of Hindu but am very proud & protective of my nation's culture & people. When I first learnt of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it all began with the Holocaust & centuries of persecution.Due to this, I blindly sided with Israel no matter what, i was known in my friend's circles to be a firm supporter of it. I used to call Jordan the Palestinian state & that Palestinians had nothing better to do than whine against Israel, i used to repeat the old propaganda about how they always rejected each & every offer put to them. I used to say that they should be glad that they have West bank & Gaza & that they should be glad Israel hasn't thrown them in the ocean. You know that David vs Goliath arguments Israeli supporters love to put forward(in terms of maps & countries . People always side with the underdog when such a comparison is put forth.I thought the arabs were the vile Islamist goliaths who wanted to kill non muslim innocent jews who had been stamped upon by everyone for thousands of years. I also used to demonize you people & mock your suffering & I am very sorry for that
Till 2 years back, I was like this then I realized who the real Goliath is.
I just googled Palestine out of curiosity & then saw a hyperlink related to Palestinian refugees & then I realized the truth. YOU are the REAL INDIGENOUS.. you've been there for hundreds of years ,all these coastal Mediterranean areas are literally melting pots. Then I read about the Zionist movement & more in detail about the leaders & their beliefs & their speeches. I never knew how this entire israel project started,
I read about the History of Palestine & Palestinian resistance movements.. I never knew Palestinian christians were just as invested in the palestinian cause as much as muslims were, of people like george habash & edward said. I never even knew they existed in the first place... I never knew that the PLO & other organisations were initially leftist & secular.
It's crazy, they already plotted about how to make you guys the minority in your land before they even started to settle there. I believe the Israelis & the Jewish people need to have their own land but you can't have it on someone else's land. You can't have your house on someone else's house.. It's crazy. What happened to the Jewish people is wrong but 2 wrongs don't make a right!
& the brutality of the Naqba & massacres like Kafr Qasim, Sabr & Shatila are horrifying, I literally knew nothing about it till I read about all this.
I read more about the sufferings in Gaza & West bank. It's literally apartheid, it's dehumanizing, everyone in the world knows it.The only reason they remain silent is because of guilt for past events of antisemitism or the belief that this is temporary. When you treat people worse than animals,how do you expect them to stand down & take it. And the way Israeli soldiers & the settlers speak of you, many of them literally don't see you as humans. How can the world not see this.. Just because someone allows wearing a bikini doesn't mean they are always right especially against someone else who prefers the burqa. "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" It took me a long time to realize this but i finally realized this.
I read into the geopolitics & foreign policy of the region & then I learnt & realized how arab rulers see Israel & how brutally efficient the Israeli lobby is, especially in the US & the EU. Man,those evangelicals are really mad in their love for Israel. More zionist than the zionists. The power of the Israeli lobby in the states is astounding & unbelievable. If it wasn't for public support for Palestine throughout the Muslim world. So many arab leaders would be hugging bibi like old friends do so in public.
I personally have come to support a 2 state solution with East Jerusalem as your capital or even a One state Solution will do. It's whatever the Palestinians want. Many Mizrahim jews had to leave their countries after the founding of Israel, I don't think they will be welcomed if they go back or even wanted by your arab brothers there. But guys you really need to have better leaders than the ones running the PLO & Hamas. Say what you want about Bibi ,he's corrupt & an ethnic supremacist,but he's clever,smart,very good at charming world leaders & sucking up to them & offering something. Sorry to say this but Mahmoud abbas is made to look like a doddering old fool compared to him. Isn't he in the 15th year of his 4 year term?
& Islamists like Hamas aren't really popular with non muslims & especially not those with no proper governing record & who are only known to fire rockets. Not to mention revamping your movement & changing your entire strategy to deal with israel which is pretty outdated.
Indian leaders were once very pro-Palestine. We voted against Israel's formation in the UN & sided with the PLO. While the west called arafat a terrorist. Indira Gandhi, one of our most popular PMs was very close to him. So close he even offered to come to India & campaign for her in her elections if needed :) . He was inconsolable when her last rites were performed in 1984. We were among the first in the world to recognize you when you declared independence But times have changed, there is a belief among Indians & Indian policy makers that we were blindly pro Palestinian, but arab nations/OIC didn't do anything to thank us on this front. India was once invited to join the OIC but at it's very first session we were humiliated & sent back. [] Only recently has the gulf become pro Indian and that is because of the investment opportunities India possesses+the economic incompetence of Pakistani army/leaders. & today even when Arab countries & arab leaders don't care about Palestinian rights. then why should India is what many say. We aren't blindly pro-Israel at all, we still vote against Israel & with palestine in the UN ,but leave the fighting & negotiating to EU,UN,USA & countries in the middle east. We still donate money to the UNRWA & to projects in the West Bank. We make business deals with Israel the same way Azerbaijan & turkey do in public & other arab nations do in private & now public. Not to mention Israel has always wooed India since 1947,they side with us in the UN almost all the time ,gave us arms & information in our previous wars. David ben gurion was an indophile & used to do yoga before it became popular . These efforts were bound to attain success sooner or later.
& let me be honest, most Indians don't know much in detail about Palestine or Israel. Out of those who know:- Many muslims in India blindly support Palestine because they see it through the prism of religion & east jerusalem, many non muslims (hindus & christians) see it as Israelis suffering from thousands of years of suffering. The only Palestinians they see are pics of Hezbollah & rockets from Hamas not the human rights atrocities in the west bank or even the nakba.
The Israeli government has worked very hard to spread it's propaganda in India especially online.I give them credit for that. The Palestinians are terrorists line has worked very well here especially after the mumbai 26/11 attacks when LeT militants aided by Pakistan attacked mumbai & killed 160+ people & even 4 Israelis(Chabad nariman house). Not to mention the way they have influenced many influencers & policy makers/politicians.
One day justice will be done, karma is slow but it always comes for you sooner or later.i applies not only to peoples but also to nations, If not today then tomorrow. But the immediate future indeed seems very dark for Palestine. People like Yair Netanyahu & naftali bennett seem to be the future of Israel & gulfies seem keen to promote normalisation to get israel to help save them from the iranians & the turks.
But today we are seeing even young american (even young jews) & many american democrats speak out against the inhuman practices in Palestine. The fact that bernie sanders talked of conditioning aid to Israel shows many are starting to see this as an issue & matter of concern. & when more arab nations recognize Israel,then the old argument of 'they want to kill us' will seem more & more ridiculous & seen as a fig leaf excuse by the Western world which is pro-Israel. One day Palestine will be free & prosperous! Until that day may God's Grace be with you & may you never give up till victory is attained & your nation created
Remember as long as your culture & distinctive identity are alive in your hearts,till then there is hope.
P.S:- I have some questions i hope you don't mind if i could have them answered. 1)What sort of Palestinian state do you want? A secular one or an Islamic State? 2)Do Palestinians watch Indian films anymore or only the old ones?(bollywood,tollywood,kollywood) 3)Do you think Iranians actually care about the Palestinian cause? the turks are hypocrites & grandstanders if you ask me. 4)How can I help you ? i've casually gone through BDS movement but don't know what else to do. 5)Are Palestinian refugees/those in the diaspora assimilating into other nationalities ? do they still care about Palestine?
submitted by Infinite_Authority to Palestine [link] [comments]

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Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Character, Lies & False Prophecies.

I had this sent to me from a friend a long time ago, I never got the chance to post it. Here it is for you QIA Redditors.
How many do you know from this list?
Timeline of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. His character, lies and false prophecies etc.
  1. Birth place, India and Pakistan border’s Punjab State, capital Amritsar (Golden Temple), Gurdaaspur, Zilla (Patyala) and Muhalla (Qadian).
  2. Birth 1839.
  3. Marriage at the age of 12 with Hurmat Bibi in 1852.
  4. In 1857, the religious journey was started by learning Arabic Grammar with local Maulvi.
  5. In 1864, he stole his father’s pension and ran away.
  6. After 1864, he proclaimed to be Mubaligh of Islam.
  7. Because of 1857 war of mutiny, British proposed an Idea by realizing that the Muslims were only the troublemakers so, in 1870 the report was sent to British government of finding any Muslim who can placate Muslims to deny of Jihaad.
  8. In 1871, he said I am “wholesale take me” and became the Ghulam (servant) of British government onwards.
  9. In 1877, criminal case was put by the Postal department to him... (what a personality of future “Prophet”?
  10. In 1879, he proclaimed to be having a revelation from Allah to write down the book “Braheeni Ahmadiya”. And he said, “the four volumes of this book are like the Holy Quran revealed to me by Allah.”
Then he proclaimed, that “Allah revealed me to marry Shah Jahan Baigham (2nd marriage)”. Three sons were born out of her.
  1. The he Proclaimed that he is losing his sexual powers. So, God revealed him to take medicine “Tiyaaq-e-Ilaahi” and the main ingredient of this medicine was “Opium”.
  2. In 1891, he proclaimed that one night, he became Mary (the mother of Jesus) and impregnated by God and after 10 months Jesus was born. He is the Jesus of Holy Quran now. (Kashti e Nooh, Roohani Qazayen Vol 19, P:87-89 in my stomach and I am Jesus.
  3. In 1891, established the first Ahmadiyya Movement in India.
  4. In 1893, “Kamalaate e Islam” Rohaani Qazain VOL: 5, p 548, said, “Anyone who does not believe in me that I am sent by Allah is the production of a prostitute’s mother”.
  5. In 1893, Abdullah Khan Athim, deputy commissioner who was the Christian evangelist and converting many Muslims into Islam, So, Mirza got angry on him and cursed him that within fifteen months Abdullah Khan Athim will die. After fifteen months, he did not die and Mirza found to be a liar. Christians spread sweets in happiness. (Jange Muqaddas, Roohani Qazain, Vol 6, Page 293).
  6. In 1896, 17th July, he said that the grandmother of Jesus was a prostitute and that is why Jesus loved to get closer to Prostitutes' company. (Luke 7:36-50).
  7. In 1897, another case of income tax was indicted on him, then he wrote a letter in 1898-99 to British Government and said, “Oo dear British Government, I am self-appointed and self-cultivated seedling of the British Raj”.
  8. In 1900, Mirza proclaimed that "Jihaad is abrogated"... and said, “I am the Prophet sent by Allah”.
  9. In 1902, 8 November, he said, "I am the Prophet from the evidence of Quran not Hadith... If any hadith which contradicts this I will throw it away like rough papers". (Zameema Nuzool e Masih, Roohani Qazain, Vol 19, Page 140)
  10. In 1903, Minaaratul Masih was established.
  11. In 1905, Fake Jannatul Baqi was created beside his Minaratul Qadiyan... and he told the people that anyone who will be buried here will go to heaven.
  12. 1907, Majmuaa e Ishtehaaraat, edition no: 3, pg: 578-580...He challenged Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari to debate with him, and said, “Oo Allah, If I am a liar, I will die with a disease of Cholera and if Sanaullah Amritsari is a liar he will be doomed”. Mirza died on 26th May, 1908 due to Cholera” ... His father-in-law told the last words of Mirza as he said, "I have a Cholera”. .. And Maulana Sunaullah Amritsari lived for 40 years more. All the prophecies of Mirza found to be a lie except the last one...
  13. Then he wanted to marry Muhammadi Baigham one of the relative of his first wife... but that woman married another man.. So, Mirza cursed her and her husband to die soon. Nothing happened to them, as they lived for decades after Mirza’s death...
  14. In 1899, June, he prophesied to have a son who would be his successor with great expectations, but he died at the age of 8.
  15. When his wife was pregnant in 1903-1904, he prophesied that this son will be the perfect one, instead of a son, the daughter was born. She died after 1 year.
  16. In 1907, 16th, September, he said that he will be having a child but poor wife didn’t get impregnated.
  17. On October 1907, he had a revelation from "God" that the son will be born in his house and his name shall be Yahya... but Mirza died in 1908.
  18. Then he said that he was equal to Muhammad PBUH in Kalima-e-Haq, p113.
  19. In Zammima Nuzule Masih, he said, “Allah comes to me and mixes with me when I get revelation”.
  20. In Haqeeqatul Wahi vol 22: He said that these 11 verses of the Holy Quran actually revealed on me to Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Is there anything missing that is not covered?
Comment below
Can’t add any comments, I’ll have to write here. My apologies for the copy, paste. It’s from a YouTube video from a Mullah which my friend sent. I didn’t know. I know any Mullah can make up lies. Personally I may not believe with some of what the Mullah is saying in that video. The video has 25k up and about 3k down.
Found out the post is locked because of copying and pasting the above text without any sources. Reminds me of my University when students were copying pasting their work from the internet without any ref/sources. I love the mods on here. The source is from a YouTube video. I request them to unlock this post so everyone can have a healthy discussion
submitted by cult-man to islam_ahmadiyya [link] [comments]

"India Is a Fascist State, Inspired by the Nazis"

"India Is a Fascist State, Inspired by the Nazis"

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, 68, speaks about his country's role in global politics, his admiration for the Chinese leadership and the similarities he shares with U.S. President Donald Trump. Interview Conducted by Susanne Koelbl
30.10.2020, 14.58 Uhr
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan with DER SPIEGEL reporter Susanne Koelbl in Islamabad: "There is no way I will ever relent."
Foto: Saiyna Bashir / DER SPIEGEL
On a rise in the heart of Islamabad is the imposing residence of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, 68. It is here where he receives his visitors, and he enters the room wearing white traditional dress with a blue vest. The once easygoing cricket world champion and playboy has transformed himself into an earnest statesman who is currently facing numerous problems simultaneously. Pakistan's economy is struggling badly, the opposition has united against Khan and the powerful military, with which he cooperates closely, is severely restricting his room to maneuver. Currently, Khan's government is mediating the peace talks between the U.S. government and the Taliban, which have been hampered by repeated outbreaks of violence. The only glimmer of hope is provided by the relatively low numbers of coronavirus infections in the country.
DER SPIEGEL: Mr. Prime Minister, with around 6,700 deaths from COVID-19 in Pakistan, a country of 220 million inhabitants, in addition to far fewer infections, your country seems to be doing better than your neighbors. What are you doing differently?
Khan: Almost half of the Pakistani people live on daily and weekly wages. Therefore, we did a smart lockdown. We only restricted areas if we found that there was an outbreak, and we did not stop our supply lines. We did not stop the agriculture sector and quickly reopened the construction sector, because that's what employs the most people in the urban areas. That saved us. India instead restricted people to their homes in poor areas - a complete lockdown. They have a lot of poverty now, same in Iran.
DER SPIEGEL: How many people are tested for the coronavirus every week? Does your government have a clear picture of the pandemic in the country?
Khan: Around 180,000 to 200,000 people are getting tested every week and our national coordination team looks at multiple statistics and has a very clear composite picture of the epidemic. From peak numbers in June, we saw a steady decline in cases, positivity and deaths across the country until late August. Now, we're hoping to survive the second wave.
DER SPIEGEL: The U.S. election is just a few days away. Who do you think has a better chance of winning, Donald Trump or Joe Biden?
Khan: Joe Biden is in front in the opinion polls, but Donald Trump is very unpredictable, because he's not like normal politicians. He plays by his own rules.
DER SPIEGEL: It sounds like you admire that.
Khan: As a politician who started his own party and then built it up into the biggest party in Pakistan over 22 years, I also had to do a lot of out-of-the-box-thinking. We were the first to rely on social media and the first to attract the youth to our rallies.
DER SPIEGEL: Do you see similarities between yourself and Trump?
Khan: We had to be very unorthodox, and in some ways, Donald Trump does too.
DER SPIEGEL: Who you would prefer to work with?
Khan: What we really want from the U.S. is evenhanded treatment with respect to India, especially with the dispute in Kashmir. The region is a hotspot, it could flare up at any time. That's why we expect the U.S., as the strongest country in the world, to be even handed, whoever becomes president. The U.S. thinks India will contain China, which is a completely flawed premise. India is a threat to its neighbors, to China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and to us. It has the most extremist, racist government on the subcontinent. It is a fascist state, inspired by the Nazis in the 1920s and '30s.
DER SPIEGEL: That is a rather extreme comparison. Are you not exaggerating?
Khan: Read the writings of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the intellectual forerunner of Prime Minister* Narendra Modi's party. They openly admired Hitler. The Nazis wanted to get rid of the Jews. The RSS wanted to rid India of the Muslims.
DER SPIEGEL: You have said on several occasions that Washington forced Pakistan into a misguided war in neighboring Afghanistan. Can you explain that for us?
Khan: Pakistan had nothing to do with the terror attacks on 9/11. Al-Qaida was in Afghanistan. After 9/11, we should not have allowed our army to become involved in the war. I opposed it from day one. The U.S. put pressure on us, and the military dictator Pervez Musharraf succumbed to that pressure.
DER SPIEGEL: At the time, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were the only countries supporting the Taliban. Osama bin Laden had already been designated an international terrorist by then and the Taliban were hosting him.
Khan: Don't forget, Osama bin Laden was a hero in the 1980s. He supported the Mujahedeen against the Soviets in Afghanistan, and he was backed by both the CIA and Pakistan.
DER SPIEGEL: That was long before 9/11. Much had changed after that.
Khan: It was Pakistan's right to recognize the Taliban, but Pakistan had no control over the Taliban. When Pakistan asked the Taliban to hand over Osama Bin Laden to the Americans, they refused.
DER SPIEGEL: Trump officially thanked you recently for helping bring the Taliban to the negotiating table. How did you manage to do so if, as you claim, Pakistan has no close links with them?
Khan: With 2.7 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan, we have a certain amount of leverage, which we used to the utmost. I am very pleased that we succeeded.
DER SPIEGEL: It looks as though the Taliban are on the cusp of a military victory over the Kabul government after securing a peace deal with the U.S. At the same time, they are pretending to negotiate with government representatives. Is your neighboring country of Afghanistan at risk of sliding back into a dictatorship run by brutal fundamentalists?
Khan: I'm afraid no one can predict which way things will go in Afghanistan right now. What I can say is that after Afghanistan, the country that wants peace most is Pakistan. We have lost 70,000 people in this conflict, and our tribal areas adjacent to the Afghan border have been devastated in the last 15 years. Half of the people in these areas have become internally displaced, about 1.5 million of them - victims of the conflict between the Pakistan Taliban and the army. From day one of my government, we have been fostering dialogue.
DER SPIEGEL: You recently received a well-known radical Mujahedeen leader from Afghanistan, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. You allegedly discussed a power-sharing deal between him and the Taliban once the U.S. troops withdraw. What was your advice for him?
Khan: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar took part in the elections in Afghanistan and he accepts the constitution of Afghanistan.
DER SPIEGEL: That is difficult to believe.
Khan: Prior to speaking with him, I spoke with Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, who leads the High Council for National Reconciliation (HCNR) in Afghanistan. We have no favorites in Afghanistan. Our only interest is that the future government in Kabul does not allow India to operate from there against Pakistan.
DER SPIEGEL: For years, Pakistan has been accused of playing a double game, using militants to operate in Kashmir and other places while using the Taliban to keep India out of Afghanistan. What is your response to such accusations?
Khan: It's very unfortunate that Pakistan was given this image. It all started in the 1980s, after the Iranian revolution. Many in the West began looking at Muslim countries as if there was a divide between liberals and fundamentalists - a very artificial assessment. Muslim countries are no different from other communities. All communities are divided into moderates, which make up the majority, and the extremists.
DER SPIEGEL: Soon, a new law will be implemented prohibiting criticism of the country's powerful military. Is this the end of freedom of speech in your country?
Khan: Pakistan has more freedom of speech than almost any Western country. And I use the word freedom very carefully, after having spent almost two decades of my life in England, where they have very strong laws on slander. There was a defamation case between me and an English cricket star that I won, because defamation laws are very strong there. But such slander laws don't exist in Pakistan. I have been wrongly slandered as prime minister, here and gone to court, but even as prime minister, I haven't been able to get justice.
DER SPIEGEL: This new law, though, only protects the security apparatus. It seems it's not so much about the truth as it is about what the military defines as defamation.
Khan: As long as criticism is based on truth and facts, it will be accepted. Every day, our security forces lose people in battle. Every country protects its institutions, not when they do something wrong, but when they're being attacked.
DER SPIEGEL: The new law could make it impossible for journalists to report on the army in the future.
Khan: There will be another way of dealing with the security forces – not through the media, but through the government. I will speak to the army chief if I think there's something wrong. There are always human rights violations in military operations and sometimes we speak about it when it happens. But this should not be done in public. When soldiers are risking their lives, you cannot demoralize them in public.
DER SPIEGEL: The Middle East is currently undergoing a profound transformation. Two rival regional powers, Saudi Arabia and Iran, are the driving forces behind proxy wars in Yemen, Syria and elsewhere. You have offered to mediate between these two countries. Have you seen any progress?
Khan: When I came to power, I immediately offered to mediate in Yemen. Such a colossal human rights disaster is going on there. I spoke to Iran and then I spoke with Mohammad bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. But you can´t force anybody to agree on peace talks if they don´t want to.
DER SPIEGEL: Can you imagine Riyadh and Tehran going to war directly?
Khan: It would be a disaster. It would be devastating for countries all over the world, especially the poor, and the price of oil would shoot up.
DER SPIEGEL: The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan have established relations with Israel, with Saudi Arabia potentially following suit. Is Pakistan next?
Khan: Every country has its own foreign policy priorities. They have to think about their own people, and it's their decision. As for Pakistan, the founder of the nation, Muhammed Ali Jinnah, a brilliant man, spoke in the 1940s about the Palestinian situation as a huge violation of human rights. Pakistan still takes this view. Unless there's a just settlement, we cannot recognize Israel.
DER SPIEGEL: You have often praised the one-party system in China spoken of the country as an economic example for Pakistan to follow. Why is that?
Khan: What China has achieved is remarkable. I admire China because they have taken 700 million people out of poverty within the short period of 40 years. This is the model I want to emulate in Pakistan. Despite not having electoral politics, they are good at bringing the best people to the top in their country. It’s a system based on meritocracy. I've seen how the Communist Party sort of sifts through all the talent and bring it to the top. Furthermore, in the past seven years, China has put 450 ministerial level officials in jail on corruption charges.
DER SPIEGEL: What conclusions do you draw from that?
Khan: Countries aren't poor because of a lack of resources. It's because of corruption among the leadership. As we know from the Panama Papers, the same is true for Pakistani politicians. Millions of dollars went into properties in the most expensive areas in London, siphoned off from this country.
DER SPIEGEL: Some of these politicians have joined forces to push you and your government out of office. Do you fear them?
Khan: Not at all. I expected it. They want to blackmail me into getting them off the corruption cases. But there’s no way I will ever relent. Look, we are facing the biggest trade gap in our history. Our imports were $60 billion, but exports were only $20 billion. The rupee is falling and there's inflation because we import fuel. Everything is getting more and more expensive, even electricity. We have to raise our revenues, so we have to increase our tax base. We're going through these painful reforms and all these guys from the opposition get together. They are worried that once we stabilize things, they will all end up in jail because of huge corruption cases.
DER SPIEGEL: You recently remarried. The first lady, Bushra Bibi, is a well-known faith healer. Do you take her advice on political issues?
Khan: Only a fool doesn’t talk about everything with his wife. She has great wisdom. I discuss everything with her, also problems I face in government, dealing with complex situations. She is my soulmate. She is my companion. I would not have survived without her.
DER SPIEGEL: Prime Minister, thank you very much for this interview.
submitted by Nice_filbert to pakistan [link] [comments]

[BATTLE] “If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel'‎”

As the ending of his time as Prime Minister bore down on Bibi, he decided that he would be going out with a bang before the transfer of power to Benny Gantz in November 2021. It seemed that the disparate Palestinian groups, long discontent with the situation in Falastin, had taken to the streets to march – largely inspired by the continued expansion of the settlement system and Netanyahu’s repeated us of the threat of annexation as a diplomatic chess maneuver. “We are treated as pawns by Israel, our lives are threatened to force our brothers to abandon us. The bootlicking traitorous Arab monarchies have created this situation just as much as the Zionists have,” one Palestinian activist told VICE, “the King of Saudi Arabia, the Emirs on the Gulf, the Puppet King in Jordan – they are all progenitors of our suffering.”
The Israeli government’s response, not unlike their response to the First Intifada, was harsh and brutal.

Gaza Strip

A “no-fly unless you’re flying the white and blue” was placed on Gaza which was put on effective lockdown. The blockade was tightened, returning to the level it was in the first years since Hamas established themselves in Gaza. Rolling backouts continued to plague the Gazans, while electricity imports from Israel and Egypt were – ironically enough – not stopped.
Bombing in retaliation for attacks during the May Events – what is being referred to as the start of the Intifada – proceeded day in and day out. Israeli bombings targeted known Hamas locations and anywhere that Hamas affiliates were located. Dozens were killed, including children. A small group of rebellious fishermen that had gone out despite Israeli warnings to not go near beaches were bombed with precision munitions and killed.
Bombings continued in Gaza City proper with some (arguably suicidal) Gazans proudly walking in the streets daily, provoking the Israelis to bomb them. In other places, militants fired rockets from Gaza as well, targeting Ashkelon, Netivot, and Sderot. Many rockets were intercepted, but some 30 IDF soldiers and 12 civilians were killed in the attacks. In total, 214 Gazans lay dead, including over a dozen children, estimates indicate that roughly 73 of them were armed militants.
Coordinating with solidarity groups internationally, Gazan officials organized for a flotilla to break through the blockade and bring important medical and fuel aid. A few small skiffs managed to sneak through to Gaza Harbor with meager, but important aid. The Freedom Flotilla IV, as the event is known, saw 14 small boats make it through the blockade, some 76 turn away after Israeli warning shots, and 3 captured boats arresting five Europeans, four of whom are members of the Marxist–Leninist Party of Germany.

The West Bank

IDF squads, well armored and well equipped, busted down doors and tore apart houses where suspected “militant sympathizers” were housed. Over 1,000 Palestinians were arrested and 131 were killed in the raids, 23 of which were militants. Retaliation from Palestinian militant groups saw 12 IDF soldiers killed, with intermittent firefights occurring along the West-Bank/Israel Border Wall.
Though the protests did not die down, they definitely subsided, as the threat of Israeli airstrikes kept people indoors. Non-governmental settler militias also clashed with Palestinians though negligible casualties were inflicted on either side.

Lebanon-Israel Border

Hezbollah units fired a series of attacks on Israeli positions from Lebanon in support of the larger rising Intifada, using anti-tank weapons and MANPADs. An Israeli convoy was hit with one M113 APC disabled and an MDT David destroyed. 4 IDF soldiers were killed and 30 injured. Another incident saw anti-air armaments fired at an Israeli Blackhawk helicopter, missing the first shot and colliding with the tail of the bird the second time, sending it crashing with 7 deaths. Other anti-tank weapons fired at Israeli positions saw some hits, but many were intercepted by Israel’s Trophy system. Impressively, a Namer was struck in the treads which disabled its ability to turn to the right, but counterfire from the source of the anti-tank missle strike quickly disabled any chances of actually taking it out. An anti-tank missile used on a watchtower killed the sniper inside.


Conflict reaches highest numbers of casualties since 2014
Israel: 54 military, 23 civilian, 1 M113, 1 MDT David, 1 Blackhawk, 1 Namer disabled
Palestine: 96 military, 249 civilian, 1,000+ arrested
Hezbollah: 14
Germany: 4 arrested
Italy: 1 arrested
submitted by nikvelimirovic to GlobalPowers [link] [comments]

Why the Haredim have so much political power in Israel

For only having about 17 seats the UTJ and Shas parties generally have a LOT of power Israeli politics.
Why is this?
What I am going to say is probably unpopular but I do think it's true.
Yes, Bibi is corrupt and is in lockstep with the ultra orthodox parties.
But, that is not the whole story.
More deeply than this, there is a fundamental long-term problem for the center-left, which I have been writing about on this sub for a long time: Likud, black hats, settlers, and Arabs have well over 60 seats. The absolute floor minimum these parties get is about 65 seats, but usually around 70.
Therefore, if the center-left is unwilling to form a government with the Arabs then one of the following must be true:
  1. The center-left will have to start giving the settlers more than the Likud gives the National Religious settlers
  2. The center-left will have to start giving the ultra orthodox black hats more than the Likud gives the ultra orthodox black hats
  3. The center-left will not form a government
I realize that #1 or #2 would be a major change in the fundamental principles of the center-left. Still, one of these three options must be true unless and until the center-left forms a government with the Arabs.
In fact, due to the very rapid demographic growth of ultra orthodox black hats and the National Religious settlers sectors, this situation will only become more problematic to the center-left overtime. There is no going back.
submitted by Shlomo_Maistre to Israel [link] [comments]

First Annual Kpop Nugu Awards! ***VOTING ROUND***

Hello and Welcome!
Thank you all so much for your contributions in last week's Nomination Round, the number and variety of responses exceeded my wildest expectations. I was exposed to some great new groups and soloists myself what will certainly feature on future episodes of the Nugu Roundup (by the way, this post is filling in for the Nugu Roundup this week) and it was great to see the variety of musical tastes in fellow Kpop members.
What is this?: Awards Season is in full swing, but a lot of groups get left out of the festivities. Since there are some amazing groups flying under the radar, I felt that we should do our own set of awards to celebrate those groups. The eligibility for these are groups/artists that aren't:
... and who have not:
That's a pretty broad interpretation of 'Nugu' and I realize that. Because of that, I've broken the top awards categories (our 'Daewangs') into two divisions - Underrated and Nugu (aside from Rookie of the Year). Please make sure to vote for both divisions (it's all on the same poll).
The Nominations Round ended on Thursday, but the Voting Round begins today! Even if you didn't nominate, please join and vote! I am requiring your Reddit Username for this round to control for one vote per person. I will not share who voted for what with anyone. I will not post any usernames with any voting results. This is just a check to make sure only one vote per person counts. I am not collecting e-mail addresses or any other personal information.

Please Click Here to Vote!

Below are some links to the songs/MVs/Content for the various categories, please use it to help inform your opinions if you aren't familiar with some of the groups. If you have no opinion for a particular category you don't have to vote in it, but I encourage everyone to check these out and see if you find something you like!
The selections in each category are not presented in any particular order, and are also randomized in the voting poll.

Song of the Year (Daewang) - Underrated Division
OneUs - Lit
Weki Meki - Picky Picky
Dreamcatcher - Deja Vu
Fromis_9 - Fun!
Loona - Butterfly

Song of the Year (Daewang) - Nugu Division
Saturday - Bbyong
Limesoda - Wave
BVNDIT - Dramatic
Hinapia - Drip
Nature - I'm So Pretty

Album of the Year (Daewang) - Underrated Division
A.C.E - Under Cover
Loona - [X X]
Dreamcatcher - Raid of Dream
Weki Meki - Lock End LOL
OneUs - Light Us

Album of the Year (Daewang) - Nugu Division
GWSN - The Park in the Night Part Three
ONF - Go Live
OnlyOneOf - Line Sun Goodness
ARRAN - Puzzle 9 Pieces

Music Video of the Year (Daewang) - Underrated Division
OneUs - Lit
Loona - Butterfly
Fromis_9 - Fun!
Dreamcatcher - Deja Vu
Cherry Bullet - Q&A

Music Video of the Year (Daewang) - Nugu Division
Rocket Punch - Bim Bam Bum
GWSN - Red Sun
Golden Child - Wannabe
ONF - Why

Artist of the Year (Daewang) - Underrated Division Kpop Wiki Fandom Link
Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher
Nature Nature
Loona Loona
Fromis_9 Fromis_9
OneUs OneUs
Weki Meki Weki Meki

Artist of the Year (Daewang) - Nugu Division Kpop Wiki Fandom Link
A.C.E A.C.E)
Saturday Saturday
OnlyOneOf OnlyOneOf

Rookie of the Year (Daewang) Kpop Wiki Fandom Link
Fanatics Fanatics
Oneus OneUs
VeriVery VeriVery
Rocket Punch Rocket Punch
Cherry Bullet Cherry Bullet
Hinapia Hinapia
OnlyOneOf OnlyOneOf

Best Girl Group Song
Pink Fantasy - Fantasy
Nature - I'm So Pretty
Saturday - Bbyong
Loona - Butterfly
Dreamcatcher - Deja Vu
Hinapia - Drip
Favorite - Loca
GWSN - Red Sun

Best Boy Group Song
A.C.E - Under Cover
ONF - Why
IN2IT - ULlala: Poisoning
KNK - Sunset
OneUs - Lit
OnlyOneOf - Savanna
Golden Child - Wannabe
1TEAM - Vibe
Trei - Gravity

Best Female Soloist Song
Lana - Take the Wheel
Yukika - Neon
Sori - I Am Not Alone
Eyedi - &New
BIBI - Binu
Alexa - Bomb
Miso - On and On
RUANN - Beep Beep
Rothy - Bee

Best Male Soloist Song
Woosung - Face
Lim Jimin - Loveholic
Eden - Suffering for Love
Holland - Nar_C
Vincent - Burn it All
Dawn - Money
Kim Donghan - Focus
Gaho - Fly
Eric Nam - Runaway

Best Hip Hop Song
Giant Pink - Mirror Mirror
BewhY - Gottasadae
Sik-K (feat. pH-1, HAON, Woodie Gochild) - Giddy Up
Ash Island - Paranoid
3YE - Out of My Mind (OOMM)
OneUs - Crazy & Crazy
KARD - Dumb Litty

Best Band Song
The Rose - Red
Rockit Girl - Little Cat
Surl - Dry Flower
W24 - Solfamiredo
IZ - Eden
OneWe - Regulus

Best Dance Performance (Dance/Choreo/Performance Versions Linked)
Sori - I Am Not Alone
Dreamcatcher - Piri
A.C.E - Under Cover
Alexa - Bomb
GWSN - Red Sun
Saturday - Bbyong
Loona - Butterfly

Best Fashion Nominated Example Links
Holland Dazed Magazine Pictorial - Holland is Not Afraid
Fanxy Red Fanxy Red T.O.P. Performance Version MV
Fromis_9 Gyuri Looking Elegant on Instagram Fromis_9 Modern Hanbok
Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher - Deja Vu (White and Gold Version) Dreamcatcher - Deja Vu (Black and Purple Version) Dreamcatcher Special Halloween Costume Fan Meet
Nature - Saebom Saebom looking stylish
Weki Meki Weki Meki - Picky Picky (Pastel Blue Prep-School Uniform Version)
A.C.E - Chan A.C.E - Savage - Chan Fancam
BVNDIT BVNDIT - Be! Album Cover (Western Theme with Horse Unnie) BVNDIT - Dumb Performance Version (all black version)
Pink Fantasy Dark Daewang Pink Fantasy Playing House Outfits
OneUs OneUs 10Star Magazine Pictorial OneUs Valkyrie and Lit Special Halloween Version OneUs - Lit (Ancient Korean Dress Version)
KNK KNK - Sunset (White Suits Version)
OnlyOneOf OnlyOneOf - Sage (All red military-esque dress version)

Most Improved
Weki Meki
Golden Child
Pink Fantasy

Wish You Were (still) Here (favorite group that disbanded this year)
Sha Sha
Hello Venus
Melody Day

Best Foreign Language (Non-Korean) Song
Pink Fantasy - Iriwa (Japanese)
Z-Girls - What are you Waiting For (English)
Alexa - Bomb (English)
Musky - Fire (English)
Favorite - Catch Me (Japanese)
Dreamcatcher - Breaking Out (Japanese)
VAV - Give Me More (Un Poco Mas) (English/Spanish)
BIG - Illusion (Arabic)
Fanatics Flavor - Milkshake (Chinese)
Takeuchi Miyu - My Type (Japanese)
Sorry for the late posting, I wanted to have this out this morning, but this took a lot longer than I expected.
P-FAQ (preemptive frequently asked questions)
Voting will be open from Today (Sunday December the 15th) through Friday December 20th @ 6pm EST (11pm GMT).
If you have any problems with the form or links above please let me know!
Please discuss any of the groups above below, and feel free to make your case why someone should vote for your favs in any of the categories as well as share additional information, videos, photos, etc about them!
Have fun and thank you for participating!
Here's Another Voting Form Link in case you missed the one above!
EDIT (12/15/19 9:37pm EST): Made the links for the fashion section clearer and added Kpop Wiki Fandom links for some of the categories above to complement the Kprofiles links (both sites are stronger in certain areas than the other, so the more info to help make decisions the better!) Also a clarification I forgot to mention above - in song/MV/album categories each group was limited to one entry per category (so if Group X had Song A and Song B that both ended up near the top of the nominations but Song A received more nominations only Song A was listed).
EDIT (12/16/19 10:18pm EST): Wow, a ton of votes in so far, way to go! Some of the races are super close right now, talking tenths of a percentage point difference.
EDIT (12/20/19 6:55pm EST): Voting has officially closed as of 6pm EST today, thank you all so much for participating, the turnout was amazing! Keep an eye out this Sunday for the official results post.
submitted by tutetibiimperes to kpop [link] [comments]

Clarifying the “Groups” in Brawl Stars (with evidence)

(Yes, I am reposting this as an actual post so more people can see it instead of it being a random comment on a random post. If you saw it already I apologize. I did make some changes to make it look more neat and fixed some placements of the Groups. Let’s do this!)
Introduction: With the rise of a new and massive update to the Game, we need to take a look at what it brings (along with what we already got) to see what connections we can make! So today, that’s what I will be doing: Taking what new info we got from this update and implementing it with what we have to make the current Groups of Brawlers and possible connections they have with other brawlers! Most of my claims come from an interview with Paul and Dani by Lex for evidence, a majority of the stuff I’m saying is Canon stuff (Note though: Just because a Brawler is in a Group already, it DOSE NOT mean that they can still be connected or interact with the other Groups. Example: Darryl, Barley, and Rico all have the 1 Big Yellow Eye, making them connected in some way, most likely all 3 being made by Jessie and Pam in the “Junker Family Group”.)! So, with all that out of they way, let’s get into the describing the Groups of Brawl Stars!
“Wild West” ”Marketable Characters” Group: Shelly, Colt, and Spike (I would say Poco is the “honorary fourth member” because he was a focus in the “No time to Explain.” Global Release Video, but 1) Groups can only have a Trio of Brawlers in them, and 2), Poco seems to be in a Group with El Primo, lacking a third member in the “Hispanic Group”)
“Hispanic Origins” Group: Poco, El Primo, and a unknown Third Member (Shelly could possibly be connected to the Hispanic Group because she speaks Spanish and El Primo means “The Cousin”. Could El Primo and Shelly be Cousins?!)
“Shaman Tribe” Group: Bo, Nita, and Leon (No obvious connections to other Brawlers besides Nita and Leon possibly being friends with all the other Kid Brawlers like Jessie, Sandy, and possibly Penny and Bibi.)
“Junker Family” Group: Jessie, Pam, and a unknown Third Member (Colt could possibly be connected to the Junker Family Group because of the red hair, which only these Brawlers have. It’s neither confirmed nor denied that Colt is part of the Junker Family. For me, I would say he is not in the direct family, but related to them. Like a Nephew to Pam and a Cousin to Jessie. Maybe Colt has to be Pam’s “son” and Jessie’s “brother” for some reason?!)
“Biological Studies” Group: Rosa, Bea, and the teased unnamed Brawler, Sprout (that’s what data mining tells us. I think a name like Bud or Bud-D would of been better, but oh well) (Spike could possibly be connected to the Biological Studies Group because he is also a plant, which relates to Biology and this field of science in general. If we look at the game’s old Lore, it’s said that Spike is the “last of his kind”. Could Rosa have been responsible for this for some experiment?!)
“Pirating Plunderers” Group: Darryl, Penny, and Tick (Rico and Barley could possibly connected to the the Pirating Plunderers Group since both of them, along with Darryl, have 1 big yellow eye. This most likely means that they were all made by the same creator, which is most likely Pam and Jessie of the Junker Family Group. Were Rico, Barley, and Darryl their own group, but went their own ways after something happened?!)
“Gem Mining” Group: Dynamike (yours truly), Carl, and the newest Brawler: Jacky (No obvious connections to other Brawlers... oof)
“Undead Creatures/Civilians” Group: Mortis, Frank and EMZ (No obvious connections to other Brawlers besides EMZ most likely being friends with Penny via the little Text Message thing on Brawl Stars’ Social Medias and EMZ having a big crush on Poco.)
“Leather Jacket/Biker Gang” Group: Bull, Bibi, and Crow (Bibi could possibly be connected to the Arcade & Gaming Group of with the theme of an Asian styled Arcade, being seen on multiple Maps in game, being where the Arcade & Gaming members live in. Could Bibi have lived in this Asian styled Arcade area before moving to Retropolis and meeting Bull and Crow?!)
“Astrological Arabics” Group: Tara, Gene, and Sandy (No obvious connections to other Brawlers besides Tara apparently taking archery lessons with Bo, evidence for the post on Brawl Stars’ Social Medias that hinted at Tara getting her first skin a while ago, Gene being Mr. P, and Sandy being friends with the other Kid Brawlers like Nita, Jessie, and possibly Penny and Bibi. He probably has a little rivalry with Leon on Invisibility and stuff.)
“Arcade & Gaming” Group: Brock, Rico, and 8-Bit (No obvious connections to other Brawlers besides Rico most likely being related to Darryl and Barley with the 1 big yellow eye thing)
“Saloon Staff?” Group: Barley, Piper, and a unknown Third Member (No obvious connections to other Brawlers besides Barley most likely being related to Darryl and Rico with the 1 big yellow eye thing and Rico, specifically his older Ricochet form, being Piper’s Bodyguard. But for what, and is Piper aware of his feelings?!)
“Superior Heroes?” Group: Max and 2 unknown Members (Bea could possibly be related to the Superior Hereos Group because Bea has a similar color scheme and helmet to Max. Could and Bea and Max be partners when not working with Rosa?!)
“Hotel Hosts?” Group: Mr. P and 2 unknown Members (No obvious connections to other Brawlers besides having lots of Spike socks for some reason and possibly being Gene in a suit, could he also be responsible for why Spike is the “last of his kind”?!)
Closing: So, what do you guys think about my little theories at the end of each section?! Let me know below, and have a nice day!
submitted by JCorby17 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

Questions and comments from an American born Arab who wants to visit

Shalom! I’m a 21 yr old Arab American born citizen who plans on visiting (hopefully) soon; I have a few comments and questions.
  1. When do you think Israel will reopen its borders to American citizens? Will it be relatively easy for me to get in?
  2. How common are Arab/Israeli couples? Will we be stared at or harassed?
  3. Where can I read up about rights given to tourists?
  4. How do you feel about Arabs?
  5. How has Bibi and the current government treated Arabs?
Little over a year ago, I slowly but surely fell deeply in love with a girl who happens to be from Israel. Let me state for the record that I really hate the fact that where we are born matters so much to our families, but it does. Originally, we both had to hide our love from our parents, her parents want her to marry a Jewish man, and mine a Muslim girl.
I’m tired. I really, truthfully love this girl and I just wish everyone could get along. It is very heartbreaking that it seems there is no end in sight to the Arab & Palestinian/Israeli conflict.
The fact that our people have been feuding for years is genuinely really fucking stupid. I feel trapped — like no matter what we do we’ll be letting people down. it pains me that I have to be so careful when going to visit her, the last thing I want is to deal with an Israeli officer. It also pains me that her dad won’t like me as much as he would if I were Jewish (her words not mine).
Let me be clear, I am not blaming anyone for the fighting. It’s just the fact that Its 2020, when will we learn to put our differences aside..
Thank you for reading.
submitted by Dem0man to Israel [link] [comments]

[Red Flag Reloaded] Talking to Perhaps Solidarity's Biggest Get Yet, ARichTeaBiscuit

As an authors note before the interview begins, I'd like to put out there that this is very much more of a conversation than an interview. Akko is an old friend, and instead of me just sitting in a chair asking questions, I decided to bounce some ideas and thoughts off of them in a more casual back and forth. I think it revealed a lot, and I can't wait to work wit them in the future.
Today we have someone very special. It’s not often you get to interview your old boss. I want to say on behalf of red flag reloaded I am very sorry for all the times you’d wake up greeted by 20 pings about what I did while you were asleep back when we both served in Labour leadership.
"It is a pleasure to be here to speak with Red Flag Reloaded and I am thankful for such a kind introduction. I don't really view myself as particularly special since all I have done during my political career is strive to achieve the best results for my constituents and the wider people of Britain based on my own experience of living in poverty and my wider socialist ideals, as for the pings my rather terrible sleeping schedule meant that it wasn't much of an issue for me and I never hold any grudges."
I'm very glad to hear that. Let’s get straight down to business. We have you working down in the content mines as our new FoPo guru, so hitting on the big news is probably best. I'm noticing the government’s new sanctions don’t include the Prime Minister of Belarus. As Lukashenko’s nominal head of government you’d think he’d be included?
"I have always been quite passionate about Foreign Affairs and International Development, and throughout the years I have been proud of the work on this front I have contributed to previous manifestos and I am looking forward to continuing that legacy in Solidarity. In regards to Belarus I have to say that I have been quite disappointed on the response from this government. A short while ago I released a short statement on the situation occurring in Belarus which included both support for targeted sanctions and economic support for pro-democracy groups and independent media. Since that announcement we've seen the Foreign Secretary release a name of individuals targeted by sanctions, however, as you said Roman Golovchenko, the Prime Minister of Belarus isn't included in such a list despite their involvement with the regime and the authoritarian clampdown and the level of financial assistance included was a measly 2 million pounds over 2 years. It simply isn't good enough."
It definitely falls short of even the EU’s very tight pursed offer. Do you think this reflects a government that comprises a party that wants to abolish aid altogether?
"I do believe that it highlights a mismanagement of foreign policy in the government in which important steps such as support for pro-democracy groups in Belarus and Thailand are ignored because they aren't flashy and don't provide good PR for press outlets."
Let’s go to Thailand. I know protests are on the rise. The government hasn’t done much about it. How about you detail us the situation there and what you’d like to see done. As far as I can tell the only Tory response on the issue was one of them asking you why haven’t you written about Bulgaria when you asked about Thailand.
"I understand that the situation in Thailand was first sparked by the decision of the Constitutional Court to disband the Future Forward Party, a major opposition party. It has since expanded to cover issues of LGBT+ rights, economic mismanagement from the government, issues of corruption and the current authoritarian laws around criticism of the monarchy which has resulted in people being arrested over facebook comments or wearing t-shirts.
I wrote a statement imploring the Foreign Secretary and the wider Westminster government to take a look at the situation developing in Thailand and take actions to try and stop that country sliding closer and closer to authoritarianism, a move which I believe would resonate with those in government due to their previously mentioned support for upholding the international law through initiatives such as the D12 organisation, however, as of this moment I have yet to receive a response.
I am not surprised but just disappointed that the statement I released just over two weeks ago has only received whataboutism from the Conservative Party, although I would note that the United Kingdom should also pressure the Bulgarian government in regards to its treatment of protesters and work with our partners in the European Union on this front as we should also do in regards to Belarus."
Could you describe this whataboutism further? What has the government done? It seems like very little, if anything.
"I understand that at the time the Conservative Party were trying to distract from their lack of action in regards to Thailand by bringing up the issue of Bulgaria, although I note that they haven't really taken any action on that front as well and as I noted earlier the action that the government has taken on Belarus has been rather underwhelming."
Let’s go to the Philippines. LPUK tables a motion last term. I remember us dropping a whip in favor of it. Motion passes. This term comes to pass. LPUK briefly seems to keep their end of the bargain, then fried votes to render their bill legally useless. Then they confirm to me that they will support fixing the horrible amendment. Defense secretary resigns because, as we suspected all along, the amendments were a stick up designed to effectively nullify the bill. It’s been a mess. How’d we get here and what do you make of it?
"In the past few years the aggressive anti-drug clampdown in The Philippines has seen thousands of people killed with the President himself repeatedly bragging about telling law enforcement officers to murder suspected drug dealers. In addition to this we've seen continued oppression of politicians opposed to this violent crackdown and the intimidation of independent media outlets and journalists, a worrying authoritarian trend.
It is no surprise to see someone put forward legislation trying to restrict the sale of arms to The Philippines, especially as I understand that the only response from the Philippine government to claims that they are conducting crimes against humanity has been the establishment of a review panel which has been described as putting the the foxes in charge of the hen house and a way for The Philippines to dupe the international community into believing that it is doing something.
I was rather disappointed to see the LPUK support the earlier amendment to the bill and that they've had to engage in this behaviour to try and fix it. I can only hope that they'll use some of the pressure that they have in government to try and get the government to act. I mean the Foreign Secretary is an LPUK politician and aren't they interested in taking actions to uphold the rule of law? It seems very chaotic and rather indicative of the governments horrific record on foreign policy."
So the Philippines sets up this review panel. You think it’s to give them cover. The government response is effectively “this seems to cover it”. They seemed to have done exactly what the regime wanted. Don’t you think enough has been admitted to by the president, publicly, for some action to be taken?
"It is immensely disappointing that the government has fallen for this ruse from The Philippines, especially when organisations such as Human Rights Watch have clearly seen through it and I believe it summarises a mixture of naivety and willing ignorance from the government. If you look at all the statements given by President Duterte where he has given orders to police officers to "shoot to kill" suspected drug dealers and joked about sexually assaulting maids in conjunction with the reports made by human rights groups then it is clear that action needs to be taken by the United Kingdom and by failing to act this government is failing to uphold its own standards in regards to the defence and promotion of human rights and the rule of law."
Do you think this will hurt our image abroad?
"I believe that our failure to stand-up to situations occurring in The Philippines will harm our image, especially when combined with our refusal to address past mistakes with the Chagos Islands."
Excellent topic change chance. UK takes this land. UK evicts its residents. The government now says we would be forcibly relocating them, which is ironic since that’s precisely what the U.K. did. Seems like they are just trying to muddy the waters?
"Just last year the International Court of Justice concluded that the United Kingdom had acted improperly when decolonising Mauritius, as I said during the debate on the Chagos Islands motion the dismemberment of colonial holdings just prior to independence is not tolerated. It is why the ICJ and the United Nations have said that the United Kingdom should return the Chagos Islands to the Republic of Mauritius as soon as possible and that is the reason I supported the motion that will go around doing that.
I was incredibly disappointed to see the nonsensical arguments made by members of the Libertarian and Conservative Party during the debate, with people saying that allowing people to return to land that was stolen from them would be somehow forcing them to return or that members were acting in a colonial manner by supporting efforts to finish decolonisation? Utter nonsense. It is no surprise that none of these individuals responded to my debate comments.
I just hope that the new Prime Minister can sort these people out and ensure that the United Kingdom no longer ignores international law and returns this stolen territory to Mauritius as if it doesn't our stance on other issues is quite weakened, especially the founding goal of the D12 to uphold the rule of law around the world. How does the Prime Minister expect people to take us seriously when we reject the opinions of the ICJ and United Nations when we find it inconvenient?"
What do you think the Brain doctrine will be? Man mostly served in treasury benches, which, I sympathize with as a treasury nerd myself. But he now has to lead us on the world stage. Is he ready?
"I believe that time will tell on that front, however, how they respond to the issue of the Chagos Islands will be quite a valuable indicator on the sort of legacy they wish to establish as Prime Minister."
Next, let’s go to the subject of many Pootis rants in leadership chat. De-nuclearization. I was always of the opinion that a world free of nuclear weapons needs those with developed arsenals to lead by example. I think I managed to convince you and our colleagues at the time of this because we have Iran asking the world for convincing reasons to drop their own program, and it’s a good way to gain the moral and diplomatic high ground. How do you think this plays into global security?
"I wouldn't say that you managed to convince me per se as I have always taken the opinion that the United Kingdom should be at the forefront of efforts to denuclearize the world, and I believe that one of the priorities for the current government and any future ones should be to try and work with nuclear powers such as the United States, Russian Federation and People's Republic of China to create a timetable for the reduction of the global nuclear arsenal as it should be remembered that action between the US and Soviet Union/Russia have historically worked on this front and such success should be emulated."
That’s fair. I think ultimately what we need to see is us leading by example?
"I have always been an advocate of the United Kingdom leading by example as I am quite proud of the achievements that this country has made with its soft power over the decades, and it is that very determination that I have that has led me to clash with folks in the Conservative and Libertarian Party that disagree and think that we shouldn't take action. On a whole range of issues from nuclear disarmament to situations like Thailand and The Philippines we have a chance to galvanise the international community and make our presence known, however, at the moment we've just got a rather meek and shallow response with no real direction or energy. It's quite frustrating to see."
I can imagine it is. Let’s cover the thing that nobody likes to address but ultimately needs to be. Israel Palestine. We see Israel striking these deals with Arab states, which I am fine with on paper, more diplomacy over conflict is always desirable, but I think about the way they are construed, in a framing where Israel gives up settlement annexation, and I think to myself, well if Israel just retains the status quo the Palestinian Territories are still effectively theirs, all this gives them is legitimacy for their actions. And all of this right before a US election with a president who is claiming a massive win on this despite his minimal involvement. So I can’t help but conclude there is a lot going on behind the scenes more important than “peace with more countries good.” What’s the step forward we go on here, are these deals positive?
"It is quite welcome to see Israel strike more agreements with these Arab states, especially as in regards to the UAE it included a reversal of a situation where the Israeli government was essentially going to annex a large parcel of Palestinian territory, however, as you said the current amount of Palestinian land under occupation shouldn't be forgotten.
I remember watching an interesting documentary a few years ago about the architecture of occupation where the role of the construction of often benign pieces of infrastructure was noted, from tunnels that bypass Palestinian communities and prevent them from gaining access to the road network to others that completely cut towns apart or prevent them from getting access to olive fields.
It is important that the United Kingdom works to uphold international law and work towards renewed talks between Israel and Palestine, with previous agreements like the Oslo Accords and the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan being used as a foundational framework."
Bolivia. I remember being absolutely appalled reading column after column claiming the military “asked” Morales to step down, as if that’s how militaries work in Latin America. The OAS report accusing fraud has itself been exposed for numerous flaws. Morales’s successors to be were all threatened, until it got down to a woman with a history of explicitly racist views whose party has little support at all. Do you fear with all of this in mind MAS won’t get a fair shake in the upcoming election?
"I think that what happened and is ongoing in Bolivia is rather shocking, as you mentioned a number of successors were forced to step down by the military after a flawed OAS announcement. It should also be noted that as the process of Adriana Salvatierra's resignation wasn't properly followed through even the appointment of Jeanine Áñez is in doubt as per the constitution of Bolivia and in recognition of the improper resignation procedure Adriana Salvatierra was next in line for the Presidency of Bolivia.
Since Áñez's irregular appointment as President we've seen violence and repression waged against not just supporters of MAS but also members of the indigenous community, with several people being killed and beaten in these clashes with Áñez actively moving to protect the people involved in this crimes instead of protecting the people.
I fear for the continued safety of the indigenous community in Bolivia and the integrity of the ballot in the next election, and I sincerely hope that the United Kingdom works with our regional partners to ensure that this election is conducted in a fair and free manner and that the indigenous population are protected as well."
You are quite famous in that you have entered the pantheon of people Donald Trump has yelled at on twitter. To what extent does the special relationship require us to look the other way when the US goes astray on human rights?
"I am of the opinion that the special relationship that exists between the United States and United Kingdom shouldn't preclude either party from criticising one another when they make a mistake, after all if we can't speak honestly to our friends about important issues such as the conditions children are being kept in detention facilities then we're really doing a disservice to those suffering by being quiet on an issue just because one of our friends is doing it."
Are you optimistic about the future of Sudan?
"I am silently optimistic that an agreement will be able to be reached with Sudan and that it can form a foundational block for further assistance to help democracy form in that country."
What help can we provide?
"The UK does have avenues of support to finance the growth of democratic institutions which can be used in conjunction with diplomatic overtures and cooperation with our US partners. Essentially, we shouldn’t leave it up to the Americans but use the tools at our disposal to strengthen democracy in Sudan and across the world."
What’s the purpose of the D12? I’m going through these member countries and I’m trying to think of how it’s a unique alliance compared to normal multi lateral relations, NATO, etc. The government talks about their support for rule based international law while including India and Israel so right off the back I'm a bit skeptical.
"It is an interesting idea in concept, an international alliance to uphold the international rule of law and counter the rise of authoritarian regimes, however, as I have not received a response from either the foreign secretary or prime minister on what will happen if a member state doesn’t uphold these standards it doesn’t fill me with confidence.
Just as you said two of the members Israel and India have been involved in developments contrary to the rule of international law and the UK government itself recently rejected a motion put forward by myself and Alexa calling on the government to uphold its commitment to international law in regards to the Chagos Islands so a lot of open questions exist."
Another aspect of the Israel Arab peace alignment we have seen is I suspect it’s due to a shared security concern over Iran. Do you think there may be some more pressure as a result of these alliances for the west to back off of its diplomatic approach with Iran? I remember one of the most unintentionally funniest moments of my initial interest in foreign policy was Bibi Netanyahu bringing a cartoon, I’m talking like, Acme Roadrunner kit stuff, bomb, putting it on a poster, and telling the world what Iran is a giant threat. Which of course, it very well is a risk, but ultimately you’d think diplomacy would prevail?
"I do remember that rather amusing incident at the United Nations a few years ago, an incident made even more hilarious when you consider they’d been making the same warning for decades.
It is always a concern that pressure could be exerted to try and end our deal with Iran, as in recent years we’ve seen the United States withdraw from the agreement and our very own Defence Secretary at the time announced our blunder on that front but we’ve got a working framework now and I think it’s indicative on all sides now to support it and use it as a foundation for further talks to reduce tension in the region and promote peace."
This whole nuclear policy takes me to some thoughts on North Korea. We’ve isolated them for so many decades it’s part of their nickname. The hermit kingdom. And what have we gained from it? Their human rights record hasn’t improved so I don’t think that’s an aspect we can look at. The one remotely successful policy to NK, in my mind, was the Agreed Framework under Bill Clinton. NK froze specific defense developments in a step step by step process that would lead to normalization. It was torn up by the Bush admin due to dubious intelligence claims. Do you think that’s the approach we should move towards?
"I think that the Axis of Evil approach taken by the Bush Administration was quite harmful as you highlighted it stopped positive developments such as the framework between the United States and North Korea.
I understand working with North Korea is always going to be a tumultuous task due to past tensions but I think that by working together with South Korea, the United States and China we can start to work towards a renewed framework to reduce tension in the region."
What are your thoughts on a post Abe future for Japan?
"I wish the new Prime Minister all the best in their endeavours and I am hopeful for strong relations to continue between our two nations, however, I am rather disappointed at the lack of women in his cabinet and I hope that he can do more to tackle gender discrimination in Japan and open it up more to immigration."
Do you think he will?
"It is unknown at this time but on this front I think we can lend some friendly assistance on steps to take to improve Japans position."
I think we've covered a lot together. I just wanna say again, I very much enjoyed our time together in Labour leadership, and I could not be more excited for us to be working together again. If you have any other thoughts feel free to tell us, then I think thats enough for today.
"It’s a pleasure to be able to work together with yourself and other passionate individuals in Solidarity dedicated to building a better future for our country and I look forward to speaking up on matters of foreign policy and fighting for my former constituents in Merseyside, thank you."
We covered lots of ground. Certainly lots to consider as Solidarity's foreign policy arm flexes its personnel muscles with the new addition of Akko. They have much to offer, and I eagerly await to see what they put forward.
submitted by chainchompsky1 to MHOCPress [link] [comments]

I am Malay and Not a Muslim: Why I left Islam (Myth of Peaceful Islam in Malaysia)

I should probably say that my article is not intended to 'bash' or 'insult' Islam, rather it's just a criticism of Islam, and stating why I left it. All of this is protected by the Constitution of this country which allows for Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. However, should this article go public, I strongly believe some Malays or Muslims will report it for 'incitement of unrest or violence', something that is notorious among the Muslim society here in Malaysia. It's always ok for other religion to be ridiculed or criticised but theirs is somehow 'the holiest of the holiest'; those who dare to go against it will be punished.
You may also wonder why I do not just leave and keep quiet about it and my answer in Islam, apostasy is dealt with the death penalty. Ex-Muslims are probably the most executed minorities in the world where they are tortured, killed or jailed in Muslim majority countries and called 'Islamophobic' by liberals in the west. Unfortunately, these people do not know the true colours of this 'peaceful religion'. Therefore, this is why I am voicing out. It is about time ex-Muslims in Malaysia does the same since we can only hope on each other to survive in this country that oppresses us. I did not write this to be famous or infamous, I simply want to convince ex-Muslims in Malaysia that they are not alone and should not be afraid.
Anyhow, without further ado, here are some of the reasons why I left Islam:
  1. Islam is not the religion of peace
This will probably shock nobody but somehow even non-Muslims in Malaysia fail to see this; the religion is not peaceful. Preachers here in Malaysia will always say 'Islam' comes from the word 'Salam' which means peace; thus, Islam is a religion of peace. You will also hear politicians from different political parties especially PAS and UMNO (the two biggest Islamic and Malay party in Malaysia) saying that Islam will bring peace and harmony for everyone. Yes, it will bring peace and harmony but only for Muslims. As I mentioned before, the penalty for apostasy death but you should also know the penalty for blasphemy is also death, adultery is also death and homosexuality is also death. What is so peaceful about that? They might as well call it the religion of death, perceiving that death is the central theme of the religion.
'But this will only affect Muslims, non-Muslims won't be affected by sharia law. They can live freely,' Muslims group said but under more than 60 years under UMNO and now under the person who used to run it are non-Muslims free? Think about the arrests made under the Sedition Act where non-Muslims are accused of inciting 'violence and civil unrest' when they criticise Islam. Another example that I'd like to give is if LGBTQ+ goes against Islamic teaching why are non-Muslim LGBTQ+ individual also punished. Why has not the sodomy law be repealed so that it would not affect non-Muslims?
Besides, the survey by Pew Research Center in 2013 shows that 41% of Muslims in Malaysiabelieve that Sharia Law should apply to non-Muslims. Keep in mind that the poll was carried out in 2013. Do you think the number has increased or decreased since then? The answer is obvious; it has increased and will increase, even more so after PAS and UMNO forms the government in Malaysia, something that I'm sure would happen, seeing that the PH government is too weak, with low approval numbers.
Religion is supposed to be a personal belief. If you want to worship Allah, Jesus or Krishna, that is up to you, but you simply cannot for everyone else to do the same. Your religion is not special. You may think it is the ultimate revelation that the rest of humanity needs to follow but it's not. It's utter rubbish, literally written by men to control the populace, especially women, which lead to the second reason as to why I left the religion
  1. Islam is not the feminist religion it claimed to be
Many Muslims will tell you that Muhammad is somehow a feminist figure who liberated women who were oppressed before Islam. They said female babies are killed and women cannot be in the position of power. But what you stopped and wondered if that's true? A research done by professors of The Hashemite University and Albalqa Applied University in Jordan found that the claim of infanticide in pre-Islamic society is not true. Infanticide aside, have you ever wondered how Khadijah, Muhammad's first wife is a successful businesswoman if women were so oppressed in pre-Islamic Arabic society? Surely she would have been a sex slave. I know this is a flawed logic but remember that there were female rulers who ruled the region before Islam.
Even assuming that this liberation myth is somehow true, what is liberating about how women are treated in Islam? For example, one male witness is equivalent to two female witnesses (Quran 2:282). That automatically places women at a lower standard than men in Islam, something that is disgusting and dehumanising. Imagine a woman getting raped and having to have four male witnesses or eight female witnesses in order for the offender to be punished. If the victim fails to do so, she is the one who will be punished for 'fitnah' or false accusation, even if scientific reports shows otherwise. In what universe would this be seen as acceptable. Yes, in Malaysia we do not have that system but imagine the PAS-UMNO coalition coming into power.
Even without Sharia Law being fully implemented in Malaysia, women are still treated in a dehumanising manner. They were sued in Kelantan for wearing clothes that are 'sexy and not appropriate'. Why are the Sharia authorities doing so? They are simply following the Islamic teachings that require women to cover up (wearing the hijab). I have no objections to anyone wearing the hijab, but if and only if it's their personal choice. The problem is, the same cannot be said for most Muslim women. They are disowned by their family, ridiculed by society and in places like Kelantan, sued by the authorities. How is that feministic and empowering?
When I was a Muslim, my Islamic Studies teacher told me that Allah tells women to cover up because if not, men would rape them. This, in my opinion, dehumanises both women and men because firstly, it is a form of victim shaming and secondly, it is a horrid statement, making men appear as nothing more than horny, rapey monsters. It is time to teach men to have more respect towards women, not to force women to cover up in potato sacs because men cannot control their horniness. If they could not do so, I suggest a hijab for men, one which covers their eyes.
Furthermore, wives are expected to be their husband's slave. If they refuse to have sex, the wife can be divorced or even beaten. The Quran also said the angels would curse the wives until dawn. This is what annoys me the most. Most Muslims will say Islam is so peaceful, it teaches husbands how to beat their wives. NO peaceful religion should teach their followers how to be violent. Furthermore, it is also forbidden for the wife to leave the house or to let someone else in the house without the permission of the husband. Imagine being a parent or a sibling and not being to visit your daughter or sister because of her husband.
  1. Muhammad is a paedophile
Muslims will always say that 'Muhammad is the perfect human being and the perfect role model' but he is a paedophile. Why? He has a wife named Aisha' who he married when she was six years old. The marriage, however, was consummated when she was nine years old which mean he raped a child. This is why child marriage is an issue among Muslims in Malaysia. I am fully aware other religion or races practice child marriages to but the title of this article is 'Why I left Islam' and so, I will only be focusing on Islam.
The beloved prophet in Islam is also far from being peaceful, let alone perfect. Politicians and Malay Preachers will tell you wonderful stories about how Muhammad was kind towards those who insulted him and ruled Medina fairly but they would not tell you the dark parts. They would not tell you that he had sex slaves, killed critics of Islam, practised polygamy, killed Jews, divided captured women among soldiers, etc. On the question of polygamy, I am not saying that polygamy is immoral. It is not a business of mine to tell someone how many wives or husbands they can have. However, in Islam, only men are allowed to have more than one wife but the wife cannot have more than one husband.
This also brings to the topic of rewards in heaven. The hadith says, 'Everyone that God admits into paradise will be married to 72 wives; two of them are houris and seventy of his inheritance of the [female] dwellers of hell. All of them will have libidinous sex organs and he will have an ever-erect penis.' (Sunan Ibn Majah, Book 39). But what about women? Will they be given 72 husbands? Also, what about the LGBTQ community who chose to remain celibate in order not to anger Allah. Will they get the same reward or will they just burn in hell because of who Allah made them to be?
  1. Islam preaches hate: Moderate Islam in Malaysia is a myth
I truly believe that Islam preaches hate and is indeed an extreme right-wing ideology, similar to Nazism or Fascism. If you ask them, many Malay and Muslims in Malaysia will tell you that being a Muslim makes them superior compared to people of other religions. For instance, the main reason why Malaysia failed to sign on to the 'International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination' (ICERD) is because of objections from Malays. When asked why, they simply said (and I paraphrase, 'Because we are want to safeguard our rights' What about the rights of others? If your religion is so peaceful, wouldn't you be rallying against income inequality or high cost of living instead of against a convention to end discrimination? When you think you're special just because of your religion then you're no better than Hitler or the KKK, and you still have to gall to call out 'apartheid' in Israel.
I blame the Malay Supremacy problem in Malaysia on Islam. It is indeed the religion that teaches them to be hateful of others. When I was a Muslim, my Islamic Studies teacher told me that Muslims needs to befriend Muslims first. What kind of mentality is that where you even want to control who people are friends with. Indeed you can say that I left Islam because 'you're just angry' but that's just one in many reasons. In school, Muslims are also taught that one day, the Muslim army under Imam Mahdi will kill all the Jews and reconquer Jerusalem. We were taught to hate the Jews just because they happen to be Jews. I questioned my Islamic teacher about why I must hate every Jewish person but I was instead told to shut up and just accept the teachings of the Quran and the Hadith.
Like any other religion, we were also taught that we were indeed somehow special because Allah made us Muslims. Muslims were taught that the religious have a higher 'ranking' in the eyes of Allah. This is why Muslims are so sensitive when it comes to criticism. They think that Allah has increased their 'ranking'; thus, they are somehow 'sacred' compared to the others. On top of that, Muslims give labels to non-Muslims, calling them Kafirs and Infidels, telling them they would burn in hell for eternity. This fuels the 'us versus them' enigma which leads to the increasing Islamic Supremacy attitude in Malaysia, causing them to think they are untouchable. I was taught by my Islamic teachers to be compassionate and never upset others but somehow that teaching is gone once someone of another race talks about Islam.
I still remember the incident where the word 'Allah' was used in the Malay version of the bible. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims (mostly Malay) went to the street, saying that they need to protect Allah's honour as if Allah who's supposed to be an omnipotent being is unable to do it on its own. I've always wondered if they knew how ridiculous they looked. Furthermore, when Liberal Muslims criticise Orthodox Muslims, they were treated with death threats. I still remember seeing FB posts of 'Ustazs' telling people to pray for the death of Siti Kasim, a prominent Liberal Muslim in Malaysia. I also still remember that time when two lesbian couples were canned in public because they were caught ATTEMPTING to have sex. This is yet another example of pushing their religion down people's throat.
Why is your religion so special that everyone else has to respect it? The shooting at Charlie Hebdowouldn't have happened if Muslims were not so sensitive and have respected the freedom of speech. The Charlie Hebdo shooting was not the only incident where Muslims reacted violently when their religion is criticised. Raif Badawi, for example, was sentenced to 1000 years in prison for writing a blog in Saudi Arabia and Asia Bibi, a Pakistani woman was almost sentenced to death for blasphemy. People are offended by many things, I included but to quote Richard Dawkins, 'So what if I'm offended?' The right to offend is and must be protected under the Freedom of Speech because it is the only effective defender of the Enlightenment Values.
To conclude, Islam is simply incompatible with humanity. Allah is the most homophobic, sexist, psychotic fictional character I have ever met in my life. Just in case you're wondering when did I leave Islam, it was when a preacher once told me 'The Jews in the holocaust deserved to die,' No, nobody deserves to die but Islam seems to be high on killing and that's why I'm no longer a Muslim and I would like to call out all ex-Muslim especially those who are Malays to come together and help make Malaysia a secular nation.
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BIBI - Restless / Arabic sub  أغنية بيبي / مترجمة + النطق ... Owner Fadak Bibi Fatima Al Zahra s.a in Saudi Arabia ... New noha Bibi Fatimah Zahra Arabic - YouTube Fuyu ga Kureta Yokan (BiBi)[ Romaji+English+Arabic ] - YouTube Ziarat e Bibi Fatima Zahra (s.a) - Arabic sub Farsi - YouTube

Contextual translation of "bibi" from Indonesian into Arabic. Examples translated by humans: , جيد, عمة, عمّة, عمتي, سيدتي, العمة, عماتي Contextual translation of "shamila bibi" into Arabic. Human translations with examples: بيبي, أصيل, أصيل, عزيزي, (بيبى), بيبي أسوء Bibi [1] — Bibi (pers., gut, glücklich, heilig), Ehrentitel der Frauen, z.B. Bibi Mariam; Titel der Perser für die Mutter Jesu … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon. Bibi [2] — Bibi, 1) Damenhut mit kleinem Schirm; 2) Herrenhut mit schmaler Krempe … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon. Bibi — (frz.), Hütchen mit schmaler Krempe … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon. Bibi — Bibi, eine Artkleiner Noun. bibi ( definite accusative bibini, plural bibilər ) paternal aunt, ("syster of one's father") Antonyms: əmi (maternal uncle), dayı (maternal uncle), xala (paternal aunt) Antonyms: qardaşoğlu (fraternal nephew), qardaşqızı (fraternal niece) Definitions of BIBI, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of BIBI, analogical dictionary of BIBI (Arabic) It is not an ‘:Arabic word. It is a Pushtu Sindhi ,Urdu, word. It means Lady or Respected Woman. Some time it is a part of Personal Proper Noun of women and girls. It means Respected Woman or Respected Girl. Plural Bibian. Proof :-The Great Poet Akbar Ilahabadi has used the plural as follow in a poem of four lines [Quadruplet in Urdu Poetry]. said If Bibi's who we think he is, probability is high that our building's somewhere within these seven square kilometers. אם ביבי הוא מי שאנחנו חושבים שהוא, יש סבירות גבוהה שהבניין שלנו נמצא בתוך 7 הק"מ הרבועים האלה. Habibi is an Arabic word that literally means “my love” (sometimes also translated as “my dear,” “my darling,” or “beloved.”) New York Nyc GIF by Beats By Dre - Find & Share on GIPHY. It is used primarily as a pet name for friends, significant others, or family members. Bibi meaning in Arabic has been searched times till 26 Jan, 2021. The definitions of the word Bibi has been described here with maximum details, and also fined different synonyms for the word Bibi. You can listen to the pronunciation of the word Bibi in clear voice from this page online through our voice dictionary a unique facility for dedicated users. Bibi name origin is Arabic and it has multiple meanings. Bibi name meaning is Lady,. It is a beautiful name that is not only pleasing to listen to but also belong to many famous personalities. According to the numerology prediction of the Bibi name, a lucky number is 6 and it impacts positively on personality development. The name Bibi consists of 4 Letters and 1 Word that includes it in a short name however Bibi name meaning is quite snazzy. People living in the UK, America (USA), Canada

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