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JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #5 - Nix Ripa and Arthur Lifeson vs Cairo Satori

The results are in for Match 10. The winner is…
Ananas “Agnes” Bayley, with a score of 72 to Guy Manuel-Mota’s 69!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity BADD GUYS 18-12
Quality Suburban Regalia 22-23 Reasoning
JoJolity Suburban Regalia 22-24 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10
Amidst the sea of concrete snow that the stage had become, egged on by Agnes’ unusual encore request that Metra had agreed to, the killing intent of the self-styled villain and master mixologist had won out against the comparable brutality of the affable mercenary who had tried to take his life with just as much brutality.
The crowd, though annoyed by being utterly doused in carbonated everything, literally tossed around, literally watching their fellow partygoers exsanguinated and turned into meat puppets, did not allow it to ruin their fun, cheering on for Metra and her eclectic song choices. Agnes hopped off the makeshift surfboard he’d constructed, his opponent cut to pieces and speared and speared to hell, and it a testament to the sheer resilience of Guy-Manuel Mota that, even in such a gored, pulverized state, his opponent wondered if he was actually dead.
Regardless, he wasn’t getting back up, or reassembling, or pulling any more surprises or attempts to play possum. Realizing that it was over, Agnes was shaking. Breathing heavily. Hints of tears started to form in his eyes… but before he had a chance to cry, he arched back, laughing into a sea of concrete snow.
He’d won again.
“There you go, Metra, your show is saved or whatever,” he said with a mocking flippancy as she left the crowd to meet him backstage, “and I didn’t even kill any of these guys who paid to see you… They’ll just have to deal with sticky-wet clothes and some broken limbs.”
“Can’t believe this happened again… And I just had no choice but to keep singing and dancing.” Metra rubbed her hands on her arms, shaking her head. “I’m sick of this shit… I thought it was all almost over, but it’s just going to be forever in this city, huh?”
“Probably,” Agnes said, still half-laughing through a strained face, “just a constant, encroaching wave of ‘despair’ every waking moment… Way I see it, either you ride that shit as far as you can, or you let yourself drown. Doesn’t make a difference to me which you do.”
He glanced up at the ceiling then, cupping his hands. “Hey, fuckers! I won now! I beat the guy you sent! Get on the biggering or I’ll burn your casino down again!”
The game had, in fact, been won, and Agnes and Metra were the first to start to be free of its grasp, along with the spiked and bloodied separated bits of Guy, still pulsating ambiguously.
“He’s out for blood.” Tigran declared, warning the others Entertainment District highrollers observing, as he produced a deck of cards. “My Stand can’t hold him at that size much longer… But this whole place is about to be flooded with people, too. Duck into somewhere, and get away in the confusion.”
He spoke authoritatively, and even his sole superior, Fox, complied with his wishes after an urgent glance. “I… I’ll come for you! I promise I will!”
Tigran didn’t hear much more of that, then, beyond the sounds of Pork Soda’s Stand cry amplified by sonic boosts courtesy of Metra Doria. He fought impressively with little more than a deck of cards, but even then, could only buy his friends the seconds they needed to get away, live to gamble another day.
Tigran “Golden” Sins, User of ‘The Grid
Face broken in nearly a dozen places by Agnes and TD/MD, the 48 year-old owner of Heartache Casino would be very quickly interned at Red Clay penitentiary, Metra insisting that her ally not kill him.
As thousands of confused concertgoers suddenly grew to full size and began to flood the halls of the Alexander Dickinson Amphitheater, the rest of his accomplices were able to escape the authorities yet again. Despite his extremely infamous protectiveness towards his face, he almost seemed to wear the damage with pride, knowing that this time, it represented having allowed the only man he considered greater than himself to run free yet again.
Red Clay Penitentiary - Industrial District
“Well, well, well, isn’t this a small world now? Tigran Sins, now in my care… Certainly less of a looker than I’d heard.” A dark-wavy-haired twenty-something sat snickering in the warden’s big swivel-chair, clad in a sleeveless velvet minidress, what of her flesh was exposed covered in flickering tattoos resembling closed eyes, flanked by uncanny-looking guards. “You don’t know me, but I’ve certainly heard of you… Of how you treated someone I hold dear very cruelly. Don’t you understand we’re all Stand Users trying to live our best life, Mr. Golden? I’m not the one who hurt you and threw you in here, and you’re not the one who said that I needed to be kept half-starved at all times so I couldn’t create anything.”
“Wh… Wait. Who the hell’re you?”
“Did my sweetheart never mention me, or do you just not pay attention to anyone but you and yours?” She leaned forward, bridging her fingers together. “I’m Palmer. I was a drama teacher at a small-town high school, but they kept overfunding football, one thing led to another, and now… I’ve got some serious vision.”
Tigran would be the last inmate admitted to Red Clay before a coup months in the making finally came to fruition.
Hey, yeah, Palmer! Remember that fun NPC? She was dating Mr. Jones and killed four people for him! Anyway, yeah, adjacent to him, an all-out meanspirited brawl in a sewer is taking place, feat. two chaotic clowns and two very frustrated young women.
What rotten luck this had been.
That leak, now of all days, when Being So Normal, Cairo Satori’s pet project that they had been slaving away at ever since setting foot in this series, had the deals with the devil that it had been built upon from the very beginning exposed for the world to see, and the city, which had loved every second of it before, had now been divided sharply between the loyal fans remaining and those protesting the entire thing, demanding the resignation of their producer, the cancellation of a show which had been picked up by so many streaming platforms, had already begun to make so much for the people who had made a livelihood of it all.
With the connection to Andrew Tiffany’s demise, even the oh-so-loyal Purple Flying Man resigned with only a short argument, and even the damage control removal of Caroline Jeffords, responsible for the worst of it, did little to contain the fact that Cairo knew about this, and Cairo allowed this to proceed nonetheless.
What, were they going to just throw it all away at the last minute? Ruin lives, tank companies, get how many people laid off? All over the failures of those close to them? Of course not.
“Cairo, dear,” the voice of that ever-troublesome producer, Million Dollars, muttered into a cell phone for them, “I’m going to need to go under the radar for awhile… People are beginning to look into my own affairs as well. But know that, as always, no matter what, you have my support. This show isn’t just a cash cow, Cairo… It’s an example. An example for the world to look to, and something for Stand Users to aspire to be better. I know you’re probably mad at us as well, but… You know that, don’t you?”
“Dollars… You’ve got a lot of nerve, trying to plead with me right now,” Cairo answered, tense in what had been their green room, sitting in the mall their producer had owned, “we definitely need to talk about our future… But we need to have one, too. Of course the show must go on… Nothing’s gonna jeopardize that!”
Free Viper Strip Mall, Suburban District
In recent times, the atmosphere at Free Viper was… somewhat dire. In fact, it had been on a rapid decline since that fateful day a couple months ago when Bert hijacked a ritual meant to challenge fate and did so, while murdering tens of thousands of people and injuring far more than that at the same time. Actually, Black Knight Penitentiary Album’s death and the realization that Remix was a serial killer came before that and weren’t very uplifting either, but what Bert did was somewhat hard to top.
Either way, the realization that he found one of the most morally bankrupt groups of people to team up with in Los Fortuna was one that Arthur Lifeson had reached not too long ago, and though it was somewhat of a painful thing to come to terms with, he had no choice but to do so and simply carry on. Bert had died, and the least Arthur could do from here on out would be to do his best to assist the city of Los Fortuna and bring justice to those who deserved it. The city certainly needed it, given all that was occurring right now.
For all the time Arthur spent in the city, he hadn’t gotten enough of note done yet… but that was soon to change. He had a plan in mind, one that would help keep the city and the world of stand users as a whole from devolving into further chaos. Before he could put it in place, however, he’d have to get some help.
Los Fortuna Shopping District, Sweet FA Mall - The Next Day
Nix Ripa had been in this city for months now, and in that time, all he had done was tear down walls, break buildings, break people who had dared to step all over the safety of others, of those too weak to bend fate to their whims.
It was despicable to him, and the icy Stand User was seething with hot rage. Those without the power to change the world themselves were pitiable, in their ways, yet at once, he knew they were not above help… That they needed to be driven higher, reach for the stars rather than wave to the heroes they saw in them!
When Arthur Lifeson discovered and contacted him, he did not hesitate to make his way to the megamall in which this was all set to culminate. Rather than in the comfortable solitude of the Black Hill Estate, where he could train without disruption, he’d even spent the night in an alley nearby, wanting to be able to spring out first thing in the morning!
When he did, then, as if on schedule, the older bearded man who had requested his help stood at the foot of Sweet FA, looking himself quite regal with that increasingly modified Medieval Times getup.
“Sir Ripa… It is an honor to meet in person, with yet another warrior of great acclaim.”
“Heh… I’ve seen you around,” Nix answered, stretching off the sleeping-on-a-dumpster aches and forcing out his hand, which Arthur, in turn, grabbed firmly, the pair locking fingers tightly and staring one another down intensely. “Did a damn fine number on those guys at this very mall awhile back… And it takes some guts to drive out into the Middle Finger for any reason! The mountains are where I do my most intense training of all!”
“Aye, I regrettably was fooled into following the glorious allure of Being So Normal… I lack even your good reason, of how you and your fallen brother-in-arms, Sir Rains, apprehended a true villain in the process of this fight, and even a black knight who would have put a past companion of mine to shame with her depravity.” He looked towards the space and shuddered. “The show, it refused to show the truth, but the wounds from that grueling battle, the burns… They were excruciating. That witch Jeffords, nothing she’s touched can be trusted as a truth to show the world.”
“So we’re in agreement then!” Nix said, finally letting the handshake go as Arthur’s hand began to grow numb, rolling his arms around and turning to face Sweet FA. “I looked into this place, their mission statement, their show, their producer… Set a good example my ass! They just want the whole damn world to think there’s nothing better than being a Stand User! That the ground we walk on should be kissed just for what we’ve got! Well… I’m no goddamn celebrity!”
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown,” Arthur agreed, “and this mockery… It will not do good for the world to learn of us this way. A knight’s honor is not something we seek for glory, for congratulation, but because there is no greater purpose than to slay evil, to protect those who cannot for themselves!”
“Heh… I like you. After this, we’re sparring ‘til one of us can’t move!”
Nix led the way in there, then, Arthur feeling pause for a moment at the sheer intensity of his companion. This was not of fear, however, or of a sudden feeling of inadequacy at someone so much younger, yet so much more driven than him.
Nay, he had been filled with more righteous determination than ever, and with a battle cry that led to a family with two kids in a stroller staring his way, he ran in after him!

As soon as they reached the main foyer of the mall, both of them realized, in tandem, and Nix spoke first, “…this place is huge as hell! Where do we even go to smash shit up?”
“I… That. That is a good point! Perhaps we should conduct a map kiosk, one which says ‘you are here!’ Ugh, those are always a pain to read…”
“I’ll help you.”
Both turned, then, to see a very fashionable teenager, clad in a purple aviator cap and goggles, slim and bearing a dour expression on his face. All who had hung around Cairo would recognize the Purple Flying Man from someplace or another, as well as all the extremely online and influencer-following of Los Fortuna.
“This show… They’ve done so much to capitalize on my uncle’s death. They’ve actively stopped the truth of whatever might have happened to him from being investigated with their frameup… And this conflict, I have lost two of my brothers to it all over again.”
He paused, then, and the two men seemed to trust him.
“You won’t be able to erase the show completely… It’s already had a limited run in this city. But masters, extra footage, content they were going to actually send out… There’s a storage space nearby… Most of the show’s data is backed up, of course, but that’s where everything is being saved. If your wish is to sabotage Being So Normal, to ruin its international release before it can cause any more harm to the outside world, that is where you go.”
“So you’ve had a change of heart yourself… I am thankful to hear that, Purple One…” Arthur snapped his fingers, then, as if remembering his name. “Right, now I remember! ‘Afton,’ wasn’t it?”
Purple’s face faulted. “Erm… N-no, eheh. It, uh… It wasn’t that. I haven’t been anything but ‘Purple’ for a very long time.”
“No matter what you’re called, an enemy of this show’s from within is just what we need to make this a little less of a pain in the ass!” Nix declared. “Lead the way!”
A Series of Backstage Halls Deep Within Sweet FA
Acrobatic and stealthy as he was, after leading the way in for those who had sought out this quest to begin with, Purple hurried along deeper inward, well aware that it was likely this place would not be unguarded, and meaning to scout ahead, maybe even fight a bit if he absolutely needed to.
He really, really did not want to, and so far, it wasn’t reassuring to him that nobody had interrupted them. No show staff, no Stand Users, not even some rent-a-cop had yet gotten into the way of this.
As he made his way to a security room, quietly bemoaning the fact that he would never live down infiltrating a security room with that damned nickname Bad Apples had given him, his worst fears were confirmed.
His friend, his confidante, Cairo Satori was sitting in a swivel chair, watching screens displaying the entire mall and idly leaning their head into a metal baseball bat.
“Purp…” They spoke up without even turning to face him. “Wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon! I mean, with everywhere you’ve blocked me, privated your accounts… I was under the impression you needed some time away from the show.”
Purple hopped down, then, walking closer towards the chair, clearing his throat and pondering his words clearly.
“The show needs time away from the show, Cairo… You know damn well why I brought myself back. Come on. You know this isn’t right… It doesn’t have to be this, and even just delaying could save-”
“Delay, huh?” They stood, twirling that bat they’d always carried around. It didn’t worry Purple. He’d never seen them actually using it. “C’mon… You know it’s not that simple, buddy. I’m just trying to make sure everyone has a good time… Already, I’m cutting toxic people out of the show! Even when they’ll make it harder to make anything going forward, Caroline is gone! I’ll keep that producer on a really short leash! I am doing everything in my power to make sure that this goes well… C’mon, can’t you look on the bright side?”
“You… You already know my answer to that. You’ve betrayed my trust, Cairo. The trust of my uncle, of everyone you’ve worked with… Of this whole city!” He shifted in place, then, becoming a much more avian humanoid figure with its pose. “I am its lavender courage, and I am your friend! And as both, I cannot abide by-”
Cairo swang their bat, and as they did, the arms of a Stand emerged from their own hand and struck it as well, multiple times in quick succession.
By the time the bat impacted Purple, it was with enough force for the deeply resilient eternally-young ghost to be sent hurtling towards a wall, literally impacting it hard enough to leave an impression in its form, embedded and unconscious in a single swing. He was alive, and would walk this off, but he wouldn’t be getting back up today.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” they said, standing with the bat over their shoulder, ‘Peach Pit’ manifesting more fully by their side (drawn by the artist Boy George, as usual), “but I can tell we don’t have time to chat… I’ll send you a gift basket from the launch party, yeah?”
Then, their attention turned towards the others on the security room screens, addressing their Stand in the meantime, “uh, hey, Peach…”
“I’m on it,” the Stand answered, “Arthur Lifeson and Nix Ripa… I’m excited for this, honestly.”
“And you don’t need to know that I am to, honestly…” Cairo moved to press the intercom button.
“I heard violence!” Nix called out, balling his fists. “Purple found someone!” He began to rush forward, then, Arthur preparing to make a blade, only to be stopped by the crackling of an intercom button.
“Hello again! Wow, it really isn’t all that often that Being So Normal has repeat appearances, but that’s, what, twice in this promotional cycle alone?” Cairo’s voice rang through, then, and they continued, “I figured we’d see some trouble here, so I gave most of staff the day off… I knew it’d be types like you two who showed up, and honestly, I gotta say, despite the circumstances, I’m a bit psyched!”
“Cairo Satori!” Arthur spoke up then, waving his hands. “Put this madness to a close, before I have to put you to my blade! You need not fall victim to this any longer… To fight us is a waste of time!”
“Well, I’ve got time to kill, and nobody to talk to, now that my friend’s taking a bit of a nap. And besides, you think I’m gonna just let you destroy everything we’ve been working to build up because you don’t like a couple of the crew members? C’mon, have a reality check here! No way I’m gonna allow that… Especially not right now! Look, why not come talk to me after I’ve completely closed this Netflix deal?”
There was silence, then, and then they spoke up again.
“Oh, who am I kidding? We both know that this is only gonna end one way! If you wanna stop me from sending this show out for the whole world to know and love, and not just be another little piece of Los Fortuna’s super storied, super amazing history, then STOP me! I’m already sending Peach your way, and there’s no way the two of us will just get walked all over!”
Arthur shut his eyes in frustration, but Nix shook his shoulder. “We knew from the start it’d come to this. C’mon… Any more talking this through will be a waste of all our breaths.”
“Yeah! This pre-battle stuff goes on way too long, I swear! So much to cut down in post without missing the meat of it… But enough talking shop, yeah? Let’s get to what we’re here for… You wanna say it with me? …no? Okay, suit yourself!”
A hallway to several storage rooms in Sweet FA Mall. The area here is 40 by 80 meters with each tile being 2.5 by 2.5 meters. The white tiles are completely out of bounds for this match. The light magenta tiles are the main hallway, the purple tiles are side hallways, and the red tiles are the rooms. Each room has a number associated with it for convenience, as shown by the purple numbers. The ceiling is 8 meters tall. The doorways are denoted by the dotted lines between the rooms and hallways.
The players start at the left end of the hallway and Cairo starts in the security room (room 5) to the right of the bottom center. Cairo’s Stand starts in the middle of the main hallway.
The grey X marked circles are security cameras on the ceiling that connect to the monitors that are represented by the yellow notched rectangles in room 5. The light blue rectangles in the main hallway are 4 meter tall metal shelves that house stage set up equipment such as stepladders, light fixtures, microphones, extension cables, construction tools, and anything else needed to set up or tear down a stage. All shelves are bolted to the ground.
The yellow stars are disks, tapes, harddrives and other recordings of the footage shot by Cairo’s show.
The walls are drywall while the floor is ceramic tiled.
Now onto the different rooms:
  • Room 1: Contains racks and cardboard bins of merchandise. The brown rectangles are cardboard bins of plushies and hats. The red circles are racks of clothing merchandise.
  • Room 2: Contains a mountain of chairs and other furniture within a 5 meter tall metal storage fence as represented by the light blue rectangle and the junk inside it. Each side of the fence has a chain locked door.
  • Room 3: Contains various cooking appliances and peripherals. The white rectangles are 4 meter tall metal storage shelves and the magenta rectangles are 5 meter tall metal storage containers. Basically any appliance that doesn’t fit on a shelf is put into one of the three containers.
  • Room 4: Contains two long tables as represented by the grey L-shaped rectangles. On these tables are neatly laid out items that were used in Round 2 Match 4, this means Riot Shields, Fireworks Cannons, Magnetic Ray Guns, Grappling Hook Guns, smoke bombs, Tar filled paintball guns, mannequins, body armor, skateboards, net launchers, fire extinguishers, step ladders, marbles, bowling balls, trampolines, shovels, steel chairs, and blankets. Only the crystal ball is missing. The blue circle is a barrel of fencing foils and the yellow rectangle is a banged up motorcycle that while not completely totaled is in pretty bad shape.
  • Room 5: The security room. It is rather bare, only housing the monitors set-ups to the security cameras and three swivel chairs to go with them.
Goal: RETIRE your opponents!
Additional Information:
As a reminder, White Tile areas are out-of-bounds for this match. If you willingly traverse through them you will be retired by a pair of mall cops.
Here is a shortened version of Cairo’s character sheet with all relevant information, the full sheet is linked below
Name: Cairo Satori
Age: 21
Gender: None, whose business is that anyways?
Species: Human
Occupation: Beloved Media Icon
Equipment: The newest smartphone, two sets of wireless earbuds for communicating directly with [Peach Pit] quietly, a bag of weed mints, and a baseball bat.
User Stats:
Strength: 3 (Too much effort to get properly strong- Cairo can throw as much effort into a hit as they need to in order to finish someone off after being brought to near-retirement by [Peach Pit], and that’s about the maximum they need.)
Agility: 2 (Never had to run after or from anything.)
Endurance: 2 (Not one to hold up under sustained pressure for very long, hoping to duck back from any conflicts except where absolutely necessary.)
Conduction: 2 (Able to personally carry their Stand’s damaging energy through them, and has a general knowledge of how to apply it.)
Vibing: 3 (It's for vibe checks- the necessity of finishing an opponent off personally, in a fast and hard strike. The full force of their strength, loaded into one moment rather than a series of fests. Also, they do have good vibes.)
Stand Name: [Peach Pit]
Stand Appearance: On the bulkier side of stand builds, Peach Pit has some resemblance to a knight in plate armor- big, dark metallic pauldrons, a chestplate, an assortment of straps and buckles, etc. The surface of the stand looks very much like a sunset with its colors flipped around. Its face is smooth except for a simple minimalist icon of the sun, and the rest of the head is mostly covered by a knight's helmet as well. A gradient of sorts goes from the head of the stand down to its armored feet, starting with an orange-red and ending in black with white specks like stars in the night sky.
About/Oddities: The stand is dangerous, outright. The manifestation of an incredible will for a very specific life gave it incredibly high offensive might, and although Cairo has depleted its very low ‘potential,’ nothing else has decreased in the slightest.
Additionally, [Peach Pit] is sentient, and thinks of itself as a close friend and bodyguard to Cairo. Despite being able to dish out high damage, it is very much a friendly, calm and collected individual, having respect even for those it has to fight. As such, [Peach Pit] leaves RETIRING opponents up to its user completely. An enemy can be beaten down, but will still be able to pull together and carry on albeit impeded until Cairo personally finishes them off. This isn't simply a choice- if instructed to keep pressure on an opponent who's down but not out, its strikes can indefinitely inflict serious pain and yet never be quite enough to injure a foe to the point where they're considered RETIRED.
Due to the bold weakness in this, for how combat inefficient and easily hurt its user is, Peach doesn't have full damage transference. Instead, it can be destroyed repeatedly- Cairo takes one instance of C power damage upon its destruction, and it can be resummoned from Cairo's position after ten seconds.
Peach's presenting identity has been influenced by Cairo's insistence against defining things that way, to the point of being comfortably seen subjectively as anything. Peach will respond to any pronouns without questioning it.
Stand Stats:
Power: A(The stand can exert a great amount of power in its attacks)
Speed: A (Its movements are very fast and its attacks can travel just as quickly)
Range: B (50 meters)
Durability: E (Subpar durability, however when destroyed the user takes C power damage and the stand can be summoned back to Cairo’s side after 10 seconds.)
Precision: C (Generally decent in its movements, but its projectile attacks only move in a straight line once fired and can only be stored within conductive materials. In non-conductive materials it would keep traveling)
Ability: Peach Pit lacks a complex ability, as far as one would expect. Rather than intricate effects, its hits themselves can simply be conducted through material similarly the way that electricity does, with distinct variation based on the conductivity of the material. Within conductive material, damage is stored up much like a battery - the moment someone touches the "battery", the damage transfers directly to it on the point of contact. This means that if Peach were to punch a metal rod and someone were to touch it, they would feel the full brunt of Peach's attack the moment they do so. A battery remains charged for up to fifteen seconds, and at any point if it hasn’t been touched and discharged already, Cairo can pick any direction from where the battery is in contact with non-conductive materials to activate the next type of attack.
Within non-conductive material, either deployed through battery or direct strike, damage "travels", moving forwards in a straight line at A speed in the same direction it came from. This wave of damage can be seen as it travels, with slight shimmers of light and a crackling sound emanating from where it's currently positioned.
Damage cannot travel further than B range from Cairo.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Black Hill Regalia Arthur Lifeson and Nix Ripa “The thing in Hayato's hand was definitely a handy cam. It doesn't seem to be in this room right now...” This show is a sweet-sounding idea, but it’s so corrupt to its core that you can’t allow it to spread any further than it has. Destroy as many physical backings of the recordings Cairo has made for their show as you can over the course of your strat!
Being So Normal Cairo Satori “I even took a video of the cat-like plant you've got in the attic!” This show… You know it’s been an unsavory road, one you wish you could have managed differently, but the good it can do, the way the world might finally begin to understand the ugly and wonderful truths of Stand Users and appreciate them more as a part of their lives… You will celebrate that. Take creative inspiration from actions that took place in matches related officially to ‘Being So Normal!’ That is to say, these 5 matches, R1M5,R1M23,R1M29,R2M4, and R3M8!
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
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submitted by boredCommentator to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

TEKK - Tekkorp Digital Acquisition Corp: Who's Who of Gaming Mgmt Teams!

Team has been involved in a substantial number of the digital media, sports, entertainment, leisure and gaming industries’ most significant merger and acquisition transactions, holding key positions at, and transacting with Scientific Games Corp, Inspired Gaming Group, FOX Bets, Ocean Casino Resort, Resorts International Holdings, PokerStars, DraftKings, Mohegan Sun, Caesars Entertainment Corporation, Harrah’s Entertainment, Tropicana Entertainment, Inc., TSG/Sky Betting & Gaming, Facebook, Inc, Wynn Resorts, Dubai World/MGM Resorts
Here's all the Bios. These guys are stellar! TEKK closed at $10.30 today. Still cheap!
If you don't like to read... you don't like to make money!!!!
Matthew Davey — Chief Executive Officer and Director
Mr. Davey has over 25 years of experience within the digital media, sports, entertainment, leisure and gaming ecosystems, as well as experience in the public sector. He is an experienced public company executive officer and board member. He has served in executive management positions across the gaming technology arena. Over the course of Mr. Davey’s career, he oversaw more than ten mergers and acquisitions and over $1.2 billion in debt and equity capital raised to support the companies he has led.
Most recently, Mr. Davey was Chief Executive Officer of SG Digital, the Digital Division of Scientific Games Corp. (“Scientific Games”) (Nasdaq: SGMS). SG Digital was established following the purchase by Scientific Games of NYX Gaming Group Limited (“NYX”) (formerly TSXV: NYX), where Mr. Davey served as Chief Executive Officer and Director. The NYX acquisition provided Scientific Games with a vehicle to significantly accelerate the scale and breadth of its existing digital gaming business, including the strategic expansion into sports betting. In his capacity as Chief Executive Officer of NYX, Mr. Davey developed and implemented a corporate strategy that generated strong revenue growth. Mr. Davey shaped company strategy to focus on digital gaming supplier platforms and content that provided various gaming operators with the underlying gaming and sports betting systems for their online gaming business. In 2014, Mr. Davey oversaw the initial public offering of NYX, and his experience in the digital media, sports, entertainment, leisure and gaming industries helped NYX recognize momentum as a public company. After the public offering, from 2014 to 2018, Mr. Davey oversaw seven acquisitions which helped establish NYX as one of the fastest growing global B2B real-money digital gaming and sports betting platforms. These acquisitions included:
• OpenBet: In 2016, NYX completed the $385 million acquisition of OpenBet. This was one of the more complex and transformative acquisitions that Mr. Davey oversaw at NYX. Through securing co-investments from William Hill (LSE: WMH), Sky Betting & Gaming and The Stars Group (formerly Nasdaq: TSG, TSX: TSGI), Mr. Davey was able to get the acquisition from Vitruvian Partners completed successfully, winning the deal against much larger and well capitalized competitors. By combining two established and proven B2B betting and gaming suppliers, NYX was well positioned to provide customers with exciting player-driven solutions across all major product verticals and distribution channels. This allowed NYX to become the leading B2B omni-channel sportsbook platform in the market and the supplier to over 300 gaming operators globally with an extensive library of desktop and mobile game titles, including more than 700 on NYX platforms and more than 2,000 on the OpenBet platform.
• Cryptologic/Chartwell: In 2015, NYX completed the $119 million acquisition of Cryptologic and Chartwell. The acquisition provided NYX with more than 400 titles of additional leading gaming content, a broader customer base, and direct exposure to PokerStars and Intercasino, part of the Gamesys Group (LSE: GYS) — two of the world’s largest online casino offerings.
• OnGame: In 2014, NYX completed the distressed acquisition of OnGame, a premier poker content, platform and service provider. This acquisition provided NYX with one of the best poker products in the industry, access to several regulated jurisdictions, and a valuable talent pool that was instrumental in the growth of NYX. The addition of OnGame further established a path for NYX to continue its growth in both European and U.S. markets.
These acquisitions, together with meaningful organic growth, increased NYX’s revenue from $24 million in 2014 to $184 million annualized in 2017. During that time, Mr. Davey helped build NYX to have over 200 customers in the global gaming industry and a team of 1,000 employees. Mr. Davey’s success at NYX ultimately led to its sale to Scientific Games for $631 million in 2018.
Mr. Davey joined Next Gen Gaming, the predecessor to NYX, in 2000 as the Vice President of Technology, was appointed as Executive Director in 2003 and named Chief Executive Officer in 2005. Prior to that, he was the Senior Consultant for Access Systems, a company that specializes in the provision of back-end software for licensed online casinos. Prior to joining Access, Mr. Davey worked for the Northern Territory Government specializing in matters pertaining to the internet and e-commerce along with roles in the Department of Racing and Gaming. Mr. Davey received a Bachelor of Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Northern Territory University, Australia (also known as Charles Darwin University).
Robin Chhabra — President
Mr. Chhabra has been at the forefront of corporate acquisition activity within the digital gaming landscape for over a decade. His prior experience includes leading corporate strategy, M&A, and business development at two of the global leaders in the digital gaming industry, The Stars Group (“TSG”) and William Hill, and a leading supplier, Inspired Gaming Group (Nasdaq: INSE). Mr. Chhabra served on the Group Executive Committees of each of these companies. From 2017 to May 2020, Mr. Chhabra served as Chief Corporate Development Officer at TSG and, from 2019 to August 2020, he also served as the Chief Executive Officer of Fox Bet, a leading U.S. online gaming business which is the product of a landmark partnership between TSG and FOX Sports, a transaction which he led. During that period, Mr. Chhabra led several transactions which transformed TSG into the largest publicly listed online gambling operator in the world by both revenue and market capitalization and one of the most diversified from a product and geographic perspective with revenues of over $2.5 billion. Mr. Chhabra’s M&A experience is extensive and covers multiple global geographies across the digital gaming value chain and includes the following:
• TSG/Flutter Entertainment Merger: In 2019, Mr. Chhabra led the TSG M&A team that was responsible for TSG’s $12.2 billion merger with Flutter Entertainment (LSE: FLTR). The merger between TSG and Flutter Entertainment is the largest transaction in the digital gaming industry to date. The combination created the largest publicly listed online gaming company with approximately 13 million active customers and leading product offerings, which include sports betting, online casino, fantasy sports and poker. The combined entity includes some of the world’s most iconic digital gaming brands such as Fanduel, Fox Bet, Sky Bet, PaddyPower, Betfair, PokerStars and SportsBet. TSG/Flutter Entertainment is one of the most geographically diverse digital gaming and media companies with leading positions in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Germany and Georgia.
• TSG/Sky Betting and Gaming (“SBG”): In 2018, Mr. Chhabra led the acquisition of SBG from CVC Capital Partners and Sky plc, Europe’s largest media company, in a transaction valued at $4.7 billion. At the time of the acquisition SBG was the largest mobile gambling operator in the United Kingdom and one of the fastest growing of the major operators having doubled its online market share in three years. The acquisition of SBG provided TSG with (a) greater revenue diversification, significantly enhanced expertise and exposure to sports betting just ahead of the judicial overturn of The Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 (PASPA) by the U.S. Supreme Court, (b) a leading position within the United Kingdom, the world’s largest regulated online gaming market, (c) improved products and technology as a result of the addition of SBG’s innovative casino and sports book offerings and a portfolio of popular mobile apps, and (d) expertise in deeply integrating sports betting with leading sports media companies, positioning TSG to create more engaging content, deliver faster growth and decrease customer acquisition costs.
• William Hill (LSE: WMH): At William Hill, from 2010 to 2017, Mr. Chhabra served as Group Director of Strategy and Corporate Development where he led several transactions which contributed to William Hill’s transformation from a land-based gambling operator in the United Kingdom to a leading online-led international business. Mr. Chhabra led William Hill’s entry into the U.S. sports betting and online lottery markets with the acquisition of four businesses, including the simultaneous acquisitions of three U.S. sportsbooks, Cal Neva, American Wagering and Brandywine Bookmaking, in 2011 for an aggregate purchase price of $55 million. These businesses ultimately led William Hill to achieve a leading position in the U.S. sports betting market with a market share of 24% in 2019. Additionally, Mr. Chhabra played a key role in structuring William Hill’s successful joint venture with PlayTech Plc (LSE: PTEC) in 2008. The combined entity created one of the largest online gambling businesses in Europe at the time of its formation and led to William Hill’s buyout of Playtech’s interest for $637 million in 2013. Prior to the transaction, William Hill had struggled in its attempt to establish a strong online gaming platform and a meaningful presence outside the United Kingdom.
Mr. Chhabra has also successfully completed four transactions worth over $1.2 billion in Australia, the world’s second largest regulated online gambling market, and various partnerships in Asia. Additionally, he completed several technology and media related transactions, including William Hill’s investment in NYX, where he worked with Mr. Davey on NYX’s transformational acquisition of OpenBet.
Prior to working in the gaming sector, Mr. Chhabra was an equities analyst and a management consultant. Mr. Chhabra received a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Eric Matejevich — Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Matejevich is a seasoned gaming executive with extensive experience in both the online gaming and traditional casino industries. From February to August 2019, he served as Trustee and Interim-Chief Executive Officer of Ocean Casino Resort (“Ocean”) (formerly Revel Casino, which had a construction cost of $2.4 billion) in Atlantic City, where he successfully led the management team through an ownership change and operational turnaround effort. Over the course of seven months, Mr. Matejevich managed to reduce the property’s weekly cash burn of $1.5 million to an annualized cash flow run rate in excess of $20 million.
Prior to Ocean, from 2016 to 2018, Mr. Matejevich served as the Chief Financial Officer of NYX. At NYX, he focused his efforts on integrating the company’s many acquisitions and multiple debt refinancings to simplify its capital structure and provided liquidity for growth initiatives. Additionally, Mr. Matejevich was instrumental to the executive team that sold NYX to Scientific Games for $631 million.
Prior to NYX, from 2004 to 2014, Mr. Matejevich was the Chief Financial Officer of Resorts International Holdings and later, from 2011, also the Chief Operating Officer of the Atlantic Club Casino, a property under the Resorts International Holdings umbrella — a Colony Capital (NYSE: CLNY) entity. As Chief Financial Officer, he provided managerial oversight for all finance functions for a six-property casino company with annual gaming revenue exceeding $1.3 billion, 10,000 gaming positions, 7,000 hotel rooms and over 11,000 staff members during his tenure. Mr. Matejevich led the transition effort to integrate a four-casino, $1.3 billion acquisition from Harrah’s Entertainment and Caesars Entertainment (Nasdaq: CZR). As Chief Operating Officer of Atlantic Club, he lobbied for and was successful in obtaining the first internet gaming legislation passed in the United States. The Atlantic Club was the sole New Jersey casino proponent of the legislation.
Prior to serving in various gaming positions, Mr. Matejevich was a Vice President of High Yield Research for Merrill Lynch, where he managed the corporate bond research effort for the gaming and leisure sectors and marketed high yield and other debt transactions totaling $4.8 billion. Mr. Matejevich received a Bachelor of Science in Economics from The Wharton School and a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.
Our Board of Directors
Morris Bailey — Chairman
Over the past 10 years, Mr. Bailey has been a leader in turning around Atlantic City, as well as being among the first gaming executives to embrace online gaming and sports betting in the United States. In his efforts, Mr. Bailey partnered with two of the largest digital gaming companies in the world, PokerStars, part of the Stars Group, and DraftKings (Nasdaq: DKNG). In 2010, Mr. Bailey bought Resorts Atlantic City (“Resorts”) and initiated a comprehensive renovation which allowed for the property to be rebranded and repositioned. In 2012, Mr. Bailey signed an agreement with Mohegan Sun to manage the day-to-day operations of the casino. In addition to Mohegan Sun’s operational expertise and ability to reduce costs via economies of scale, Resorts gained access to their robust customer database. Soon thereafter, Mr. Bailey and his team focused on bringing online gaming to the property. In 2015, Resorts established a platform to engage in online gaming by partnering with PokerStars, now part of the $24 billion Flutter Entertainment, PLC (LSE: FLTR), to operate an online poker room in Atlantic City. In 2018, Resorts announced deals with DraftKings and SBTech to open a sportsbook on-property and online. For 2020 year-to-date, Resorts has performed in the top quartile in internet gross gaming revenue in New Jersey. Mr. Bailey’s efforts in New Jersey helped set the framework for expansion of online sports and gaming throughout the United States.
In addition to his gaming interests, Mr. Bailey has over 50 years of experience in all facets of real estate development, asset M&A, capital markets and operations and is the founder, Chief Executive Officer and Principal of JEMB Realty, a leading real estate development, investment and management organization. Mr. Bailey has notable investment experience within the energy, finance and telecommunications sectors through investments in the Astoria Energy Plant, Basis Investment Group and Xentris Wireless.
Tony Rodio — Director Nominee
Mr. Rodio has nearly four decades of experience in the gaming industry. Most recently, Mr. Rodio served as the Chief Executive Officer and director of Caesars Entertainment Corporation (“Caesars”) (Nasdaq: CZR), one of the world’s most diversified casino-entertainment providers and the most geographically diverse U.S. casino-entertainment company, from April 2019 until its acquisition by Eldorado Resorts, Inc. in July 2020. Mr. Rodio led Caesars through its $17.3 billion merger with Eldorado Resorts, one of the largest transactions in the gaming industry to date. Additionally, Mr. Rodio was instrumental to Caesars’ expansion into the digital gaming industry and oversaw the implementation of new digital segments such as its Scientific Games powered retail sportsbook solution that now operates in various states throughout the U.S. From October 2018 to May 2019, Mr. Rodio served as Chief Executive Officer of Affinity Gaming. Prior to Affinity Gaming, he served as President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of Tropicana Entertainment, Inc. (“Tropicana”) for over seven years, where he was responsible for the operation of eight casino properties in seven different jurisdictions. During his time at Tropicana, Mr. Rodio oversaw a period of unprecedented growth at the company, improving overall financial results with net revenue that increased more than 50% driven by both operational improvements and expansion across regional markets. Mr. Rodio led major capital projects, including the complete renovation of Tropicana Atlantic City and Tropicana’s move to land-based operations in Evansville, Indiana. Each of these initiatives, among others, generated substantial value for Tropicana. Ultimately, Mr. Rodio’s efforts at Tropicana led to its sale to Eldorado Resorts in 2018 for $1.85 billion. Prior to Tropicana, Mr. Rodio held a succession of executive positions in Atlantic City for casino brands, including Trump Marina Hotel Casino, Harrah’s Entertainment (predecessor to Caesars), the Atlantic City Hilton Casino Resort and Penn National Gaming. He has also served as a director of several professional and charitable organizations, including Atlantic City Alliance, United Way of Atlantic County, the Casino Associations of New Jersey and Indiana, AtlantiCare Charitable Foundation and the Lloyd D. Levenson Institute of Gaming Hospitality & Tourism. Mr. Rodio brings extensive knowledge of and experience in the gaming industry, operational expertise, and a demonstrated ability to effectively design and implement company strategy. Mr. Rodio received a Bachelor of Science from Rider University and a Master of Business Administration from Monmouth University.
Marlon Goldstein — Director Nominee
Mr. Goldstein is a licensed attorney with nearly 20 years of experience in the gaming space. He joined The Stars Group (Nasdaq: TSG)(TSX: TSGI) in January 2014 as its Executive Vice-President, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary until his retirement from the company in July 2020 following the merger of TSG with Flutter Entertainment, PLC (LSE: FLTR). Mr. Goldstein also previously served as the Executive Vice-President, Corporate Development and General Counsel of TSG. Mr. Goldstein was also the senior TSG executive based in the United States and was one of the primary architects of TSG’s strategic vision for its U.S.-facing business. During his tenure, TSG grew from an approximately $500 million market-cap company to an approximately $7 billion market-cap company through a combination of organic growth and strategic mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Goldstein participated in numerous M&A transactions and capital markets offerings at TSG, including several transformational transactions in the digital gaming industry. Notable transactions in which Mr. Goldstein was involved include:
• TSG/Flutter Merger: In 2019, TSG merged with Flutter for a $12.2 billion transaction value, the largest transaction in the digital gaming industry to date.
• TSG/Fox Bet Partnership: In 2019, TSG entered into a partnership with FOX Sports to create FOX Bet in the U.S., a leading U.S. online gaming business. Wall Street Research estimates an approximate $1.1 billion valuation for Fox Bet post-partnership with The Stars Group.
• TSG/Sky Betting & Gaming: In 2018, TSG acquired Sky Betting & Gaming, the largest mobile gambling operator in the United Kingdom at the time, for $4.7 billion.
• TSG/CrownBet and William Hill: In 2018, TSG simultaneously acquired CrownBet and William Hill, two Australian operators, for a total of $621 million in a multi-part transaction.
• TSG/PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker: In 2014, TSG acquired The Rational Group, which operated PokerStars and Full Tilt and was the world’s largest poker business, for $4.9 billion.
Through his ability to legally structure large and complex transactions, Mr. Goldstein was integral to TSG’s vision of becoming a full-service online gaming company. Additionally, he assisted in structuring TSG’s capital markets activity, which generated liquidity for acquisitions and strengthened its balance sheet.
Prior to joining TSG, Mr. Goldstein was a principal shareholder in the corporate and securities practice at the international law firm of Greenberg Traurig P.A., where he practiced for almost 13 years. Mr. Goldstein’s practice focused on corporate and securities matters, including mergers and acquisitions, securities offerings, and financing transactions. Additionally, Mr. Goldstein was the founder and co-chair of the firm’s Gaming Practice, a multi-disciplinary team of attorneys representing owners, operators and developers of gaming facilities, manufacturers and suppliers of gaming devices, investment banks and lenders in financing transactions, and Indian tribes in the development and financing of gaming facilities.
Mr. Goldstein brings experience and insight that we believe will be valuable to a potential initial business combination target business. Mr. Goldstein received a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in accounting from Emory University and a Juris Doctorate with highest honors from the University of Florida, College of Law.
Sean Ryan — Director Nominee
Mr. Ryan is a digital media and technology operator with extensive global experience in online payments, e-commerce, marketplaces, mobile ad networks, digital games, enterprise collaboration platforms, blockchain, real money gaming and online music. Since 2014, Mr. Ryan has been serving as Vice President of Business Platform Partnerships at Facebook, Inc. (“Facebook”) (Nasdaq: FB), where he leads a more than 500 person global organization that manages the Payments, Commerce, Novi/Blockhain, Workplace and Audience Network businesses. Prior to his current role, Mr. Ryan was hired in 2011 as the Director of Games Partnerships to lead and grow the global Games business at Facebook. While the Director of Games Partnerships, Mr. Ryan focused on re-shaping Facebook’s games and monetization strategies to derive more value for Facebook, its users and its partners, including the addition of a Real Money Gaming offering in regulated markets. Mr. Ryan’s team helped accelerate a major trend in engagement through cross-platform games and therefore the opportunity to increase users through establishing games on multiple platforms. Prior to joining Facebook, Mr. Ryan created the new social and mobile games division at News Corp, an American multinational mass media corporation controlled by Rupert Murdoch. While at News Corp, Mr. Ryan led the acquisition of Making Fun, a San Francisco social-game start-up, that created News Corp’s games publishing division.
Before joining News Corp., Mr. Ryan founded multiple digital businesses such as Twofish, Meez, Open Wager and SingShot Media. Mr. Ryan co-founded Twofish in 2009, a virtual goods and services platform that provided developers with data analytics and insights for individual application’s digital economies. Twofish was later sold to online payments provider Live Gamer, where Mr. Ryan served on the board of directors. From 2005 to 2008, Mr. Ryan founded and led, a social entertainment service combining avatars, web games and virtual worlds. The white label social casino gaming company Open Wager was spun out of Meez and was later sold to VGW Holdings, Mr. Ryan also co-founded SingShot Media, an online karaoke community, which was sold to Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: EA) and merged into its Sims division.
We believe Mr. Ryan’s experience will be valuable to a potential initial business combination target and would provide an expanded perspective on the digital gaming landscape. Mr. Ryan received a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Tom Roche — Director Nominee
Mr. Roche has more than 40 years of experience in the gaming industry as a regulator, advisor and independent auditor. Mr. Roche joined Ernst & Young (“EY”) as a partner in 2003 and opened its Las Vegas office. He was subsequently appointed as the Office Managing Partner and Global Gaming Industry Market Leader. In 2016, Mr. Roche relocated to the EY Hong Kong office to supervise the expansion of the EY Global Gaming Industry practice in the Asia Pacific region. Mr. Roche has been integral to numerous transactions that have shaped the current gaming landscape, including:
• Wynn Resorts (Nasdaq: WYNN) initial public offering: Mr. Roche was the lead partner on Wynn Resort’s initial public offering, which raised $450 million in 2002.
• Harrah’s Entertainment/Apollo Management Group & Texas Pacific Group: Mr. Roche headed the regulatory advisory services on the buyout of Harrah’s Entertainment, the world’s largest casino company at the time, for $17.1 billion.
• Dubai World/MGM Resorts: Mr. Roche headed the regulatory and due diligence advisory services to Dubai World in its approximately $5.1 billion investment in MGM. Dubai World bought 28.4 million MGM shares, or 9.5 percent of the casino operator, for $2.4 billion. It then invested $2.7 billion to acquire a 50% stake in MGM’s CityCenter Project, a $7.4 billion 76-acre Las Vegas development of hotels, condos and retail outlets.
• MGM Growth Properties (NYSE: MGP) initial public offering: Mr. Roche provided tax and structural transaction services to MGM Resorts in the creation of MGM Growth Properties, a publicly traded REIT engaged in the acquisition, ownership and leasing of large-scale destination entertainment and leisure resorts. MGM Growth Properties raised $1.05 billion in its 2016 initial public offering.
Mr. Roche also directed EY advisory services to boards and management teams for profit improvement and technology related initiatives. In addition, Mr. Roche provided advisory support to the American Gaming Association on several research projects, including those specifically related to sports betting, the revocation of The Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 (PASPA) and anti-money laundering best practices in the gaming industry. Equally, he has assisted government agencies in numerous international locations with enhancing their regulatory approach to governing the industry especially in the online gambling sector.
Prior to joining Ernst & Young, Mr. Roche served as Deloitte’s National Gaming Industry Leader and as the co-head of Andersen’s Gaming Industry Practice in Las Vegas. In 1989, Mr. Roche was appointed by then Governor of the State of Nevada, Robert Miller, to serve as one of three members of the Nevada State Gaming Control Board for a four-year term, where he was directly responsible for the Audit and New Games Lab Divisions. As a board member, he spent a substantial amount of time assisting global jurisdiction regulators enact gaming legislation in the design of their regulatory structure. During his career, Roche has been involved in numerous public and private offerings of equity and debt securities. His background includes providing casino regulatory consulting services to casino licensees and to federal and state agencies including the National Indian Gaming Commission and the Nevada State Gaming Control Board, and industry associations such as the Nevada Resort Association and the American Gaming Association.
We believe Mr. Roche’s highly regarded reputation as a gaming auditor and advisor in the gaming industry will be valuable for us and a potential business combination target. Mr. Roche is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is licensed by the Nevada State Board of Accountancy and Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Southern California.
submitted by jorlev to SPACs [link] [comments]

The problems with PvP and why planned 5th age probably won't solve them

I have been very into the PvP-style of this game starting from 2011, although I haven't been playing the game since 2014 until last month, but the execution has always been way off. There has been some progress and some tweaks here and there, but PvP will never be even remotely balanced or populated unless the following key points are addressed:

  1. Crowns-only equipment from packs
- It is unbelievable that this game has been able to continue with its marketing, especially to kids, with such blatant gambling elements for so long, while some other larger game companies (like EA) have finally been called out for their practices. Wizard101's casino lootboxes are literally the worst thing about the game, and it seems like they are just going more and more into that direction. And unlike many other game companies nowadays thanks to the new laws, Wizard101 doesn't even disclose the odds of receiving a certain item (I bet they are so small that people would be too de-incentivized from buying).
Anyway, if this all was just cosmetics and stuff it wouldn't be such an enormous issue, while still being blatant gambling. The problem really shows in PvP, as basically everyone who wants to do well, especially in the low end PvP, NEEDS to have the OP PvP-gear, at least if they haven't already previously got the warlord gear, which they will never get without the crowns gear.
The plans for the 5th age are to remove the OP PvP-gear which you can get from tickets, but in that case the crowns-only gear will just become even more dominant, only moving the problem and not solving it in the slightest.
Even if the crowns-only gear would be sold for a hefty price-point in the crowns shop it would be annoying, but still better than literally having no guaranteed way of ever getting it, as the lootboxes could just drain infinite amount of money without ever giving you what you want. Unless of course, there are some hidden "pity-timers" which guarantee certain loot after a certain amount of rolls, but that information is not disclosed to us. (of course it isn't..)
This point is made far worse by the additional RNG-added to the crowns-only equipment, like may-cast wands, which completely ruin any kind of semblance of a competitive experience the moment they go off. You cannot strategise against random attacks.
Solution possibilities:
Remove the crowns-only equipment, nerf it to be in par with the normally attainable gear, give everyone easier access to the crowns-gear, or just limit it to be non-PvP.
  1. Ranked PvP costs to attend (to non-subscribers)
- I have played hundreds, if not thousands of games during my short life, as I think games, video games especially, are one of the greatest man-made things ever created. I also have a Master's degree in game design, and I'm currently studying a PhD-related to the topic, and I have NEVER, I mean NEVER EVER, come across another game which would charge their players for attending the competitive scene, and not offer a permanent way of unlocking it somehow (this does not include games which are completely pay-to-play, with the paying including everything, as well as PvP, like World of Warcarft). It not only does not make any sense, as you really want to have people growing a PvP-community around any kind of online-game which wants to stay active when the main PvE content runs stale, which always happens between expansions in MMOs, but paywalling a game mode will cause even the players who do play to get a sub-bar experience due to lack of players, especially new players.
I completely understand that the point is and always have been to attract people to the subscription-method of paying. Well, I have to say that I personally hate subscription method as a customer, but I know that a lot of people think that's alright. To me it just feels like I have to rush and play as much as I can during a subscription, even when I don't really even want to, causing the time spent to be less enjoyable than if there was no fixed time. This is one of the main reasons WoW never attracted me, as I can't stand subscriptions.
Thankfully, wizard101 has another option, paying by area. The cost of the areas is so high, and there is more added after every world, that the game would not actually make any less money by attracting people more towards the area-buying option. It would also truly incentivize developers to create new worlds more often, as the payout would be more clear. For subscription-players, adding Karamelle did not really cause a reason to spend more, as they already had access to it, so creating worlds more frequently only serves to lure back players who have stopped playing completely after their memberships ended and they maxed out the content, as the game didn't offer enough to do as a "temporarily f2p-player".
This could be solved by letting everyone compete in the ranked PvP (and why not derby too) even when they are not members. This would give players a reason to login to the game when they are not subscribing, and to players who seek to mostly play PvP, it would provide more opponents. I mean seriously, what game which has this many players online for the PvE has such a ridiculously small PvP-community? Even back in 2011-2013 when the game was fairly young and I played in the UK server (had to migrate to the US this year as the server there is dead), it was basically impossible to find 3v3 or 4v4 ranked games, and even the practice games weren't that common. While I really enjoy 1v1, I think the strategic difference in other modes is something players cannot and have never been able to explore due to the lack of players. And that is a very sad thing for a game that is already 12 years old.
So basically, the ranked PvP needs to either be completely free, OR there needs to be a way to permanently unlock it (preferably with gold, or at least with a reasonable crowns fee). This way players who are not members, or who (like myself) don't want to be members can still participate and bring more players to the table. You can see this change already in the tournaments being free: during the time I played ages ago and tournaments came, I never got to play a single tournament despite trying many times, as there were never enough players willing to pay the crowns fee. Now, nearly all of the tournaments start, at least for some level players and that is great. I fear though, that KI has learned nothing and will switch the cost back up with the start of the 5th Age.
What some larger game companies for some reason don't understand, is that f2p-players are not worthless, they are the reason why most online-games stay online: they create the incentives for people to spend in the first place, and if you manage to keep the f2p-players happy, you will get a lot more paying players just through word-of-mouth, than if you only try to keep paying players. (We can see a terrible example of how not to do this already by how limited the new f2p experience is, still after 12 years.)
  1. Spellments and unobtainable spells
- I'm sure no one reading this was surprised about this next topic, but as well as basically unobtainable gear, unobtainable spells and spells which are stronger than the normal versions of those and can basically only be upgraded through packs also break the "harmony" of a competitive experience. There are currently some spells which cannot be learnt other than through packs, and while not all of them are game-breaking, they can still in certain circumstances offer an unfair advantage, or even if they would not now, they certainly will in the future with the direction we are going towards. The solution for this is simple, but KI won't do it, as they are too invested in milking children for that undisclosed chance of getting some of those spells. (I won't buy a single pack personally and I will attempt to estimate how much disadvantaged I will be now and in the future for as long as I remain interested.)
For the unobtainable, another part is the spells which can only be got through luck while farming. That sure is a lot better, as technically the farming doesn't cost anything as long as you have access to the area and you will get other useful rewards while doing that. The problem arises though, if those spells, especially the infamous Headless Horseman, are so strong, that you NEED to have them in the PvP to stay competitive. And to make matters worse, of course the intended way to get these spells as well is to buy packs instead of farming. (I have been testing the lorefarm, got one spell which isn't useful to me after around 100 tries. I think that's a bit much just to get prepared to be on even footing on PvP, talk about new player PvP experience.)
Now then, spellments, are another kind of monster added to the game. I naturally enjoy the concept of upgrading spells, and making low-level spells more useful in the late game is not a bad design choice, it's just that it revolves around the same problem that everything I've been talking about this far, lootboxes.
I know that there are some ways of farming spellments technically for free, but apart from a specific few, those are barred behind skeleton key doors, and there are no other ways to get those than farming, and.. yes you guessed it, randomly from packs! You see the theme here? And even though some of those only give minor damage enchants which won't matter too much on the average eye, the utility buffs (namely the myth's troll minion summon upgrade) are just blatant forms of p2w gambling.
Solution, make spellments available to everyone more easily, not just randomly to select few whales. If KI would actually do this, despite all odds, then their purpose would actually come to reality and they would enhance the game experience, letting people experiment with different kind of combinations in the late game. Also there needs to me many more paths, only two kinda makes the whole combination idea pretty pointless.
Alternatively, restrict spellments to PvE only.
I liked the changes to the crit system, restricting more previously necessary cards and enchanted TCs outside of PvP , and turn-based system, those are a good start, but won't make a difference if the above three points stand unchanged. The main problem in the monetization is the gambling in the form of lootboxes, which is like the worst kind of cheap mobile game experience. The game has beautiful world and animations and the basic idea behind the combat is simple, yet interesting, and it can lead to very interesting situations. Nerffing and buffing spells/items won't make a difference while the OP-items/spells from lootboxes remain as KI's main interest.
Also for anyone to be able to experience something other than 1v1 ranked PvP, the first step needs to be removing the barrier of entry, or creating an option for permanent unlocking at least.
I have very little hope for them suddenly changing their 12-year course and giving up lootbox-p2w from PvP, but this has been quite a year so I guess nothing is impossible. Here's for hoping.
Signing off.
submitted by Viikable to Wizard101 [link] [comments]

Calls for Crown to close “The only plausible explanation is, we know a lot of money goes to the Government and that Crown casino has a huge sway in politics, that’s why Daniel Andrews has been quiet on this subject. We’re not seeing the leadership we’re used to in this case.”

A petition to close Crown Casino has been circulating. Gatherings of 100 or more are banned and yet Crown stays open story
Money is having an awful sway when it comes to this pandemic. Lives are at risk.
submitted by D0ughnu4 to CoronavirusDownunder [link] [comments]

Did you play this EVO888 Rainbow King Slot in Malaysia 2020/2021?

For what reason would anybody need to rule over only one tone, when he could be the Rainbow King and rule over them all? Rainbow King will cause players to feel like multi-hued sovereignty, taking them on a hurricane trip across turning reels loaded up with brilliant diamonds and shimmering crowns. Created by EVO888 Slot Malaysia, Rainbow King is a 5-reel opening game with 20 paylines that include 3 incredible extra adjusts that guarantee players appreciate an activity stuffed and spending plan agreeable gaming experience.

Liveliness Overload

Rainbow King is a 5-reel video opening including the lord of the rainbow, himself, who more looks like Humpty Dumpty than most rulers, however in any case, he is a liberal ruler and is happy to impart his wealth to online space players who are anxious to face a challenge. Beside the Rainbow King, images incorporate A, K, Q, J, 10 (like the cards used to play various sorts of table games), the Money Bag, the Wild image, the Cash Castle, and the King Cash symbol highlighting his regal height's crown on a heap of beautiful gems. Audio effects imitate a land-based club floor for legitimacy.

Standard Features with a Rainbow of Bonuses

The Wild image substitutes for any remaining images aside from the Rainbow King, the Castle, and the Crown to frame winning blends and make payouts from in any case fragmented mixes. The Rainbow King EVO888 opening is a somewhat extraordinary gambling club pokie game in that it highlights 3 separate extra highlights in a single space, which isn't something opening players have the advantage of getting a charge out of again and again. Extra highlights incorporate the King Cash Feature, the Cash Castle Feature, and the Rainbow King Feature.

Ruler Cash Feature

The King Cash Feature is enacted when 3 Crown images show up on reels 2, 3, and 4. Pick one of 12 Crowns introduced on the reels to uncover a multiplier worth somewhere in the range of 50X and 500X your all out wager.

Money Castle Feature

The Cash Castle Feature is actuated when at least 3 Castle images fall across the reels. Tapping on any of the strongholds will see players leave with more plunder in their sack because of the multiplier uncovered, which will apply somewhere in the range of 2X to 500X your complete stake. This is a lot bigger multiplier than any single wager on online roulette games can net you, which merits referencing in light of the fact that roulette is considered by numerous individuals to have the absolute most liberal wager multipliers of all gambling club games.

Rainbow King Feature

At least three Rainbow King images on the reels will trigger this element. Press the Start catch to start moving around the board gathering prizes; be that as it may, in the event that you land on the 'Take Money" box, the element will reach a conclusion. The board format relies upon the quantity of setting off images that were available in any case. The Rainbow King highlight can likewise prompt the Rainbow King Spins include, which happens on an extraordinary 3-reel second screen and pays depend on 3 of a sort arrangements of different hued 7s. These twists will possibly reach a conclusion when you run over some other image than 7. For more info about EVO888 Malaysia visit:
submitted by bosskuclub to u/bosskuclub [link] [comments]

DKNG - Fundamental DD Part II - DKNG

Not Financial Advice (NFA)
Warning: Wall of Text. If you hate reading just skim through the bolded/italicized
Ever since I publicized my findings on DKNG, the stock has underperformed & probably has fucked a lot of people here, especially given the overly bullish stance back in June. Unless you took my advice & got into Puts then, congrats, welcome to tendie town. For the ADHD retards, here’s what the next wall of text is going to summarize: I believe at the current price of ~$30, the stock is oversold.
A tech-focused, high-growth Company that has made sports betting easy to understand with an aesthetically pleasing interface similar to how Robinhood has neatly laid out stock market gimmicks so even high-schoolers can make sense of it I believe, is underpriced at these levels.
Let’s get into some details as to why the stock has underperformed:
First off, the news slate revolving sports with the rumored delay/cancellation of the MLB season & the NFL watching from the sidelines is in my view, just a part of why the stock has underperformed. We’ll revisit this later in this post, but I want to focus on the drivers of the stock’s recent underperformance, & why these factors are now in the rearview mirror.
Part I – The Past Has Passed – SPAC-related Equity Dilution
History lesson first: DKNG went public via a SPAC merger, which has exploded in popularity recently. Anyone serious about analyzing stocks going forward needs to do their homework on this, Google is your friend.
A feature of most SPAC merger to public listings that creates a headwind to near-term share prices are embedded equity dilution events, usually in the form of earn-outs (stock bonuses to execs, the SPAC sponsor) & conversion of Warrants.
On 5/24, the earn-outs were triggered, adding 6m shares to the share count.
On 6/26, 16.3m warrants converted to DKNG, netting them ~$188m of cash.
Stepping back a little, in addition to the above, on 6/18 DKNG launched a follow-on equity offering of 16M shares @ $40/Share [1], receiving $621M in proceeds.
The last part is tricky to understand from a dilution perspective. To simplify, historically it’s almost a coin toss whether a Company’s shares outperform on the onset of an equity offering. While issuing shares does dilute the existing shareholder base, it theoretically shouldn’t, if the proceeds from the offering are earmarked for investments/projects that yield outsized returns. This is the reality for the long term, theory for the short-term. For the short-term, the ‘reality’ isn’t that the proceeds will be used for investments/projects that yield outsized returns, it is more about how convincing management is to investors that the investments they intend to pursue with the proceeds will outweigh the dilutive effects of issuing incremental shares. That’s a mouthful, but hopefully you get what I’m trying to convey.
All of this stuff put together – the Company has increased its share count by ~39M, but now has a whopping ~$1.4Bn of cash [2]. More on this in the next section.
Part II – MLB News Should Not Fucking Matter & DKNG Is Positioned As the Leading Online/Mobile Sports Platform
DKNG should not be so tied to MLB news or any of this shit as the ongoing success of the NBA/NHL season + Soccer in Europe has effectively created a blueprint on how to regulate player behavior so that they maintain professionalism amidst the pandemic. I’m going out on a whim here, but I truly think the MLB threatening a cancellation of the season is pure posturing to get these fuckers to behave appropriately. Maybe a ‘bubble’ is what it takes to get these players to focus on their jobs instead of going out & contracting COVID, but I argue that isn’t necessarily required given Soccer in Europe. So there’s already a proven path here without the need for a bubble in Soccer, so MLB/NFL should be fine, and execs need to study how they got it done in Europe. Okay, back to some facts.
Anecdotally, I’ve kept in touch with a handful of sports bookies from California to New York & even internationally about what they’re seeing – all of them say that since the NBA season started on 7/30 & since Soccer (especially the Premier League) resumed in June, along with other leagues like La Liga & Serie A, they’ve seen massive increases in betting.
These numbers are also showing up in the official data [3]:
REMEMBER: This is for June only! No NBA, No NHL, No MLB, just Soccer, Golf, NASCAR & UFC.
The data clearly shows that there was a ton of pent-up sports betting demand, which leads one Wall St. analyst to think that betting on the NBA/NHL could ABSORB the MLB’s sports betting handle (handle = total $ size of sports bet) [5]. Remember, the MLB season is still ongoing, with games being played. The entire focus is on the Miami Marlins & St. Louis Cardinals. Fucking retards.
Additionally, I want to remind everyone that is the #1 Fantasy sports website in the U.S. [6]. Also, since April 2020 site visitations are up +86% [7] & Google Search Trends for “Draft Kings” is up ~3x compared to PRE-COVID levels [8]. What does this mean? They are piquing more people’s curiosity than prior to COVID/ongoing slate of sports.
This is important because remember that ~$1.4Bn chest full of cash I mentioned DKNG had assembled earlier? Well, that money is being put to work & results are already coming in, which is exactly what DKNG intended to do with it.
Part III – Legalization of Sports Betting in the U.S.
I could write a fucking bible on this topic alone, but for now we’ll stick to some basics. Due to COVID, it’s easy to understand that each State’s financial situation is clearly in shit. Because of this, you better believe that these guys are going to start taking a hard look at how they can extract additional tax revenues, & what’s one of the easiest ways to do this? Legalization & taxation of gambling.
The big players: CA, TX, FL & NY. First, CA pushing its legislation out to 2023 was fucked up, but here’s a twist I want to add to this: Anything that has to do with gambling in CA you better believe is lobbied against by not just the Tribal casino owners in CA, but by the deep pockets of Las Vegas money. Similar thing can be said for FL, but let’s take a look at some actions by LV/nationwide gambling companies that are starting to align financial incentives with guys like DKNG.
So it’s safe to say going forward, nationwide legalization of sports betting will reap rewards for everyone involved, & no longer be something LV money is completely focused on safeguarding.
Let’s also not forget that DKNG didn’t become the Company they are today because of their fancy app, but because their management team has a HISTORY of navigating the U.S.’s legal framework to get what they want out of it.
These guys are at the cutting edge of creating legal frameworks to successfully launch their products & now with more of their ‘competitors’ financially aligned with them, combined with financial deterioration of State budgets, we should see an overweighting of good news vs. bad on the legal front.
Final Part – Share Price Targets
Under-fucking priced at anything below $42.50
Near-term catalysts:
8/14: DKNG files 2Q’20 results, might be shitty, but you can bet that the Earnings Call is going to contain rhetoric on how massive the uptick in sports betting has been since late June/July.
Sometime from now until November: NY releases ‘study’ by Spectrum Gaming on online/mobile sports betting.
8/20 – 9/7: PGA Championship for FedEx Cup Title
9/5 – KY Derby
9/10: NFL KickOff Game
9/17: PGA U.S. Open Start Date
Month of October: NBA/NHL Playoffs
10/1: Estimated launch of online sports betting in TN
11/1: Estimated launch of online sports betting in VA
[2] Wall St. Research – DKNG on 6/29/20
[4]; Note: Nevada did not break out April/May figures but from the Revenue difference of 3 month ended June 30 of 4,950 vs. month of June of 2,297 for a total difference of 2,653 spread evenly over April/May for a base case April estimate of 1,327.
[5] Wall St. Research - 7/27/20
[8] Feb 23-29, 2020 vs. Current Aug 2 – Aug 8, 2020
submitted by IAMB4TMAN to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Why 2020 End Soon still lot people play this Lovely Goddess 918kiss Slots

Slots players will be comfortable with the Gods of antiquated Greece, as there's no limit of games featuring Aphrodite, Zeus, Pegasus the flying pony and brave Perseus. Games engineer 918Kiss Slot Casino have tossed their cap, or if nothing else shrub crown, into the ring and delivered their Gorgeous Goddess video slot, which has this and additionally arriving across 5 reels and 50 paylines. Alongside standard winning mixes made when images stop over a payline on associated staggers from the left side, this online club slot additionally has wild replacements, free twists that pay out at a higher multiplier and a reformist bonanza to guarantee, while you can likewise bet rewards and attempt to hand little prizes over to tremendous rewards.The Greek subject is stressed by the rakish style of the playing card images and the Doric sections that remain to one or the other side of the reels, while the Gorgeous Goddess slot game follows an exemplary style and has an exemplary Greek rooftop sitting on top of them. There's additionally a decent soundtrack to oblige the turning of the reels and hints of winning lines being landed.
918Kiss are a standout amongst other realized gambling club games engineers, with a huge number of machines introduced at land-based gambling clubs and across numerous online club, with a significant part of the reach, including Gorgeous Goddess being portable streamlined so you can play on cell phones and tablet PCs. Something that is normal over the entire scope of 918Kiss club games is an affirmation of reasonable play consistently, alongside extraordinary returns and great activitys.

Climbing Olympus to the Gorgeous Goddess

It's a 50 payline game, and keeping in mind that you can enact quite a few them, most punters will decide to play them all, which guarantees that all triumphant blends that land on the reels will check. There's the playing card images 10, J and Q, every one of which will pay 4x, 10x, or 40x the sum wager per line when arriving on 3, 4, or 5 reels, while the K and An each pay out 4x, 15x, or 60x for similar outcomes. Remarkable pictures of a gold coin and Pegasus are each esteemed at 5x, 20x, or 120x, while two or three lively looking Greek champions are every value 6x, 30x, or 150x. Zeus himself is the most significant standard image and he looks satisfied as he arrives across paylines, returning rewards of 2x when he's on reels 1 and 2, ascending to 8x, 40x lastly 200x if he's on more reels immediately. Any of these can be stacked images, topping off quite a bit of their reels and making it somewhat simpler to coordinate them over a line. The wonderful Aphrodite gives the game its name and she's an exceptional wild image who can fill in for all aside from the reward symbol to help you complete winning lines. She will likewise pay out 10x, 100x or 500x the line stake if this luscious divinity is over a functioning payline.

Bothering About Bonus Features

The harp was customarily the instrument of decision for Greek Gods and here it's the image of decision used to trigger the principle reward include. On the off chance that any 3 harps show up, you win 50x the line wager, however it's 500x for 4 of them and the top prize of 5000x if at least 5 land on the double. There's additionally 15 free twists to follow on, and during these any successes will be increased by 5x from their base worth. Yet, this is additionally the round in which it's conceivable to win a reformist big stake prize, which is yours if Aphrodite fills each of the 20 image positions on the double. The current big stake esteem is appeared over the reels, and it consistently increments with each bet set on this game, over all 918Kiss-fueled online gambling clubs, until it's won. Just players at greatest stakes will guarantee 100% of the bonanza nonetheless, with more modest wagers fitting the bill for more modest rates of the prize. More disperse images will retrigger all the more free games, so you could end up with parcels in excess of 15 opportunities to land some success multipliers, or even that reformist big stake.
submitted by p888malaysia to u/p888malaysia [link] [comments]

Cryptoslots (USA) Crypto Casino - free chip and no deposit bonus!

Cryptoslots (USA) Crypto Casino - free chip and no deposit bonus!

Cryptoslots USA Casino and Crypto Payments
Cryptoslots is a crypto casino that accepts players from the USA! If you are a new customer here, you get $50 free chip (no deposit bonus code) and 177% welcome bonus after depositing. No download needed! Good luck!
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Cryptoslots Review

CryptoSlots is one of the newest and most unique online casinos that you will ever come across. Owned and operated by Slotland Entertainment S.A., CryptoSlots is one of the several other brands managed by this company. Slotland traces its origins back to the late 90s and has also been responsible for the software development of numerous casino games, featured exclusively at its online casinos. CryptoSlots is one such and this gambling website is heavily marketed towards the cryptocurrency crowd, operating exclusively with Bitcoin and other notable cryptos.
As an online casino, CryptoSlots offers numerous casino games and draws in players with the excellent service it provides. New and returning customers will get to enjoy a number of promotional incentives and those who favor cryptocurrencies will feel right at home. In this review, we will take a comprehensive look at CryptoSlots and go over each of the major factors of this online casino.

Cryptoslots Bonuses and Promotions

Members of CryptoSlots Casino are eligible to receive bonuses simply for topping up their casino balances. In claiming a promotion, one can greatly increase the size of their bankroll and the total amount that they can wager. The first promotion at CryptoSlots involves a match bonus for the first three deposits made to this online casino. Your initial deposit will be matched 111% up to $500, provided that you enter the bonus code ‘WELCOME1’ when you complete the payment. If that is not enough for you, be sure to take advantage of the second deposit bonus which will match your payment 77% up to $500 as long as you enter the bonus code ‘WELCOME2’. Finally, CryptoSlots offers you the opportunity to claim a third and final bonus, which involves a 99% match of your third deposit up to $500 and requires the bonus code ‘WELCOME3’. The minimum deposit needed to all three bonuses is $25 worth of cryptocurrency.
In order to make the best out of these bonuses, there are rules that you have to follow. To begin with, the wagering requirement tied to each bonus amounts to 35 times its value. Therefore, if you claim the full $500 of each offer, you will need to $17,500 before you can withdraw the bonus cash. Speaking of which, you can only cash in up to $5,000 as a result of each bonus. The casino does seem to impose a maximum bet amount for the purposes of the wagering requirement, however, certain games contribute more to it than others. For example, bets on slot titles are worth 100% of their value, whereas the same on video poker are only counted for 20%. The Jackpot Trigger progressive game cannot be played with bonus funds. You will have 90 days to complete the wagering requirements before the bonus money becomes void.
Every week on Wednesday, CryptoSlots Casino will provide you with a cashback worth 3% of your net losses for the previous seven days. Not only that, but the cashback funds are tied to a low wagering requirement of 1x, meaning that you only have to wager it once before they become real money. The maximum cashback that you may receive is $1,000 and you can play all the games, except Jackpot Trigger, to fulfil the wagering with respect to the wagering contributions.
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Cryptoslots Software Providers

CryptoSlots Casino does things differently than most other gambling websites and this is also true when it comes to acquiring the games. Traditionally, online casinos rely on third-party software providers to develop games and the two work out some agreement on how to offer them to the public. However, CryptoSlots has taken a different approach. All games featured at this online casino are developed in-house by Slotland Entertainment S.A., the company behind this casino brand. Slotland Entertainment has a practice of creating casino games and then opening online casinos to give the public a chance to play them. As it happens, this company does not offer its games outside of its own casino brands and this means that you will have the opportunity to play something exclusive. All games featured at CryptoSlots are fully modern and can be opened directly within the window of your browser, thanks to the instant-play interface. Moreover, Slotland Entertainment has also designed its titles to be mobile-compatible, but more on that later. Granted, developing all titles in-house is a slow process and CryptoSlots does not offer the largest number of games out there. However, we will go more into detail later on when we take a comprehensive look at the gaming library.

Cryptoslots Banking

Bankroll management process at CryptoSlots Casino is unlike that at most other gambling websites. For one, this online casino only accepts cryptocurrencies and does not deal with traditional methods of payment normally used in the online gambling industry, such as credit cards or eWallets. More specifically, CryptoSlots accepts payment in four highly popular currencies, namely, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Monero. Each of these gives you the opportunity to move money to and from your bankroll. The speed of the transactions is some of the best out there. Deposits will go through within 5 minutes, with some variance between the different services. Withdrawals are also just as quick, in terms of pure processing time.
Using cryptocurrencies exclusively is not common and it can take some getting used to. If you have never done so in the past, there are some factors that you have to be aware of. For starters, the fluctuating value of each currency is a big deal for some players. Cryptocurrencies are known to be quite volatile due to their lack of central authority and their value can swing drastically from day to day. When you make a payment to CryptoSlots, the casino will take the current value of your deposit in USD at the time of the transaction based on the exchange rate and add it to your balance. Your balance will be in USD for gaming purposes but all payments are handled in cryptocurrencies.
As far as transaction limits are concerned, the minimum deposit starts at the equivalent of $25 of the respective cryptocurrency. You can deposit up to $50,000 and exceeding that amount will see the difference returned to your crypto wallet. Withdrawals start at the equivalent of $100 in the respective cryptocurrency. It is important to note that any winnings will be cashed in with the same cryptocurrency used to make the deposit. All deposits have to be wagered once before they can be freely withdrawn. Failure to do so is considered money laundering by the Casino and a 30% processing fee will be applied. Additionally, any wins above $10,000 will be paid in multiple simultaneous installments to multiple wallets controlled by the player.
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Cryptoslots Mobile Casino

Mobile gaming is an important factor for most players out there. Being able to open up the casino from your smartphone or tablet is almost invaluable, especially in your moments of downtime when you have nothing to do. CryptoSlots understands this and is able to offer you a great mobile gaming experience. The casino website is compatible with just about every smartphone and tablet on the market, allowing you to access your favorite titles regardless of where you are.
Opening the mobile casino is not difficult by any measure. All you need to do is load the casino website within your browser and continue as you would on a desktop computer. The casino interface is made to scale with the size of the display, which means that you will not lose out on any functionality. The same is true for other features of the casino, as well. Mobile players will still have access to all promotions, banking methods, customer support and most importantly, the gaming library. The gambling experience that you have on your desktop computer is also available on mobile platforms. The instant-play interface is also featured on the mobile version, allowing you to directly load up any game directly within your browser window. Just like the general interface, the games have also been modified for better use on the smaller devices. All in all, mobile gaming is a joy at CryptoSlots and we are sure that you will have a great time.

Cryptoslots Casino Games

The gaming library of CryptoSlots is not the largest or most diverse out there. In fact, it only comes with a handful of games and features primarily slots and video poker. Granted, this is expected when an online casino uses the software of a single developer. But how does this all work out for the player? Below, we will cover the major game types found at CryptoSlots and give you some information about how the library stacks up against the industry’s standards.


The slots selection includes the largest number of titles from all available game types at CryptoSlots. The casino offers numerous different slot varieties, with a good diversity in terms of gameplay features and genres. Each game comes with its own unique theme and aesthetic, as well as, a specific number of paylines and betting limits. There is a number of games suitable for both high rollers and casual players. The ‘High-Limit’ slots are tailored after those with deep pockets and some allow for bets of up to $500 per spin. They are easily distinguished by the special mark found at the corner of the thumbnail. Of course, casual players will not miss out on all the fun, as these titles are also available with standard limits, as well.
As for the specific slots that you can play, they are different and no two games are the same. You will be able to try your luck on classic-theme titles, such as Fruitful 7s or Fruits and Bars. Additionally, you will also have at your disposal some mythology-themed slots, namely, Olympus and Pyramid Plunder. We should also not forget notable titles like Robot Escape and Trip to Japan.

Video Poker

The other major genre featured at CryptoSlots comes in the form of video poker. This game type has been popular for many years and it has seen a surge in popularity since it became available in the online casino scene. Video poker combines the inherent randomness of slots with the rules of poker and delivers a top-tier gaming experience. It is different from most other casino games in the sense that your decisions have a direct impact on the game and your overall success. It is not difficult to see why it became a fan favorite at CryptoSlots and why so many people enjoy it.
As for the video poker variations featured at CryptoSlots, you will have at your disposal some of the most popular variations in the casino scene. These include Jacks or Better, where you form winnings hands with a pair of Jacks or higher, and Joker Wild, in which the Joker card can stand in for any other in the deck. Other excellent options include Aces and Eights, a variation in which certain combinations of Eights and/or Aces offer great payouts, and Deuces and Joker Wild, a combination of two popular video poker variations. Indeed, CryptoSlots offers a good number of video poker games, some of which can even be played in the multi-hand format, allowing you to play with up to five hands at once.

Progressive Jackpot Games

When it comes to jackpot games at CryptoSlots, you will have a single one at your disposal. More specifically, we are talking about Jackpot Trigger, the crowning jewel of CryptoSlots Casino. This game is inspired by the classic 3-reel slots and comes with a theme to match. However, it includes 10 paylines and offers a massive payout of $1,000,000 to the lucky player who manages to form the right combination. Jackpot Trigger comes with impressive graphics and a beautiful color palette.
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Cryptoslots Licensing and Regulations

Where licensing is concerned, you want to be sure that the operator is completely above board and within the confines of the law. In the case of CryptoSlots, things are not as clear-cut as with other online casinos. For starters, the operator is based in Anjouan, an island in southeast Africa and also has a license from the local government. This is not a regular destination for a gambling operation and there is little information on how regulations are implemented.
However, this does not indicate that CryptoSlots is an inherently untrustworthy or fraudulent casino. In fact, CryptoSlots has done quite a lot to prove that the featured games are fair and provide genuinely random results. On the ‘Provably Fair’ page at the casino, you will find detailed explanations on how CryptoSlots produces game results. The casino goes into detail on the RNG systems and hashing algorithms used to produce outcomes. It is written in a way that even those who are not into technology can understand it and gain an idea of how it works. Moreover, there are in-depth descriptions of all the different game types at CryptoSlots, including slots, video poker, multi-hand video poker and more. Disclosing this type of information is uncommon in the online gambling industry and it shows the integrity of the operator.

Cryptoslots Customer Support

Customer support is a major factor to the online gambling experience and one that you should not overlook. To ensure that every player has a great time, CryptoSlots offers top-tier customer service to all customers. There are several ways that you can get into contact with the support team when the occasion calls for it. Your best bet is to use the live chat system. As its name implies, it allows you to communicate with a support agent in real-time and to discuss your issues at length. This method is quick and efficient, giving you the chance to quickly solve everything. The support agents will stay with you for as long as they are needed, ready to assist you with anything. Live chat support is available 24/7.
Alternatively, you may also describe your issues and send them via email to [email protected]. The casino will try to reach back to you as soon as possible, no later than 24 hours. Email support is also the communication means that you will use to verify your identity with the casino. While not as quick as live chat, it definitely serves a purpose and you can be sure that it will deliver the desired results. In any event, CrypotSlots offers great customer service and you can always rely on the support agents to resolve any and all issues.
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All in all, CryptoSlots certainly has some excellent features and some that are not as great. To begin with, the number of games featured at this online casino is quite small and is unlikely to satisfy most people. Moreover, certain popular game genres are missing, namely, table games and live dealer titles. The slots and video poker games that are included are great, but there are so few that you may find yourself done with them all too soon.
When it comes to payments, CryptoSlots offers you immense speed and security. Cryptocurrencies are great for this and you can have your winnings on the next business day. Moreover, the transaction limits are quite wide and the casino has certain excellent security policies in place.
Overall, CryptoSlots is a mixed bag and you should personally take a look to see if this online casino is up to your standards.
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

Golden Crown Casino 100 free spins and $1000 free bonus code

Golden Crown Casino 100 free spins and $1000 free bonus code

Golden Crown Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Register at Golden Crown Casino and enjoy the best Australian pokies online! In addition, get 100 free spins and $1000 in welcome bonus. No bonus code needed! No download required! Fast pay and play for both, desktop and mobile players!
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Golden Crown Casino Review

Players are always looking for fresh new brands to hit a huge jackpot with. Within those new brands, there are few that can actually offer great gaming experience, exquisite UX, wonderful design features, juicy bonuses, amazing jackpot opportunities and a fantastic game selection that will allow them topick their favorite games. Golden Crown Casino is one of those few brands that can do all of this right off the bat. As a new casino, this brand has everything players are looking for to sweeten their day and provide the kind of refreshing gaming experience that is so elusive.

Golden Crown Games Selection

Although 1200 games might not sound like much, it is a wonderful starting point for a new brand that is bound to add hundreds of games in the weeks and months to come. Golden Crown Casino also has 16 software providers in the meantime, but it is quickly achieving notoriety which will allow the brand to bring more providers into the fray. Golden Crown Casino has a good game selection already, with a wide variety of games that covers: slots, roulette, blackjack, live dealers and jackpot games. Within those categories, Golden Crown Casino has selected the games with the lowest house edge available to attract more players and make sure that they have the best chances of winning big.
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Golden Crown Bonuses and Promotions

Players will find that the bonuses that Golden Crown Casino has available are among the best in the industry. Apart from that juicy 100% welcome bonus of up to $1000 and 100 Free Spins, Golden Crown Casino offers reload bonuses from Sunday to Friday. These reloads can be claimed every day of the week. They will grant players an incredible 50% bonus of up to $1000 dollars on their deposit. Few other brands have such generous reload bonuses, but that is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the perks that Golden Crown Casino offers. Players will also be able to take advantage of the wonderful VIP club that this brand offers from the first bet they place onwards. Golden Crown Casino’s VIP program allows players to accumulate points on every bet that they place. These points can be converted into real money to gamble with.

Golden Crown Customer Service

Exceptional customer care is the calling card of Golden Crown Casino. Its staff is professional and knowledgeable. They are also available on a 24/7 basis through email and live chat.
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Golden Crown Withdrawals

Given the fact that Golden Crown Casino is a crypto casino, all deposits and withdrawals go through the respective blockchain of the cryptocurrency that the player chooses to use. This makes payments and withdrawals fast and easy. Golden Crown Casino’s staff only checks withdrawal credentials to make sure the funds will reach their rightful owner at all times. This is part of their protocol to keep funds safe. Golden Crown Casino complies with the highest standard of security in the industry, allowing players to spin for a jackpot without worries.


It is not easy to make it in such a crowded market like the crypto casino market. Nevertheless, new brands like Golden Crown Casino, as much as they are rare, have everything it takes to make it all the way to the top. This brand distinguishes itself within the industry thanks to its generous bonuses, wonderful UX and phenomenal customer care. Players who try it will surely stay and grow together with the brand.
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Joker Slot Games

Joker Slot Games
Joker's gems is an online video space you can play at 666 gambling club roused by customary five reel openings, brought to you by Pragmatic Play. Likewise with the greater part of Pragmatic Play's manifestations, you can appreciate this space in a hurry.

Joker's Jewels highlights five reels, each containing three images, set against a rich purple foundation. Dissimilar to with most online spaces, the compensation table specifying the compensation pay outs for each triumphant mix is arranged simply over the reels. Players would thus be able to get to the payable with no difficulty.

Joker's Jewels contains eight images altogether: Joker himself, a reward crown image, a couple of booties, a bunch of three shuffling clubs (blue, red and orange), a lute, and three gems (a red precious stone, a light blue ruby, and a dull blue pearl). Visit jokerslot

Monetary rewards

All together for the gaming machine to pay out, at least three indistinguishable images ought to happen over the falters from left to right (well generally). There is one image that pays out for a mix of just two coordinating images.

The image with the most elevated an incentive in this space is the Joker, which pays out 5,000 for a mix of five, 1,000 for a blend of four and 100 for a mix of three. This is trailed by the crown reward image that pays out 1,250 for five, 250 for four, and 50 for three. The reward crown image pays out in any situation inside a triumphant blend. The lute and set of clubs pay out 1,000 for five, 200 for four, and 50 for three each. The pair of red booties and red precious stone compensation out 200 for five, 50 for four, and 20 for three each. The ruby pays out 200 for five, 40 for four, and 20 for three. Finally there is the pearl, which is the main image that pays out for a blend of just two coordinating images. It pays out 200 for five, 40 for four, 20 for three, and 5 for two.

Joker's Jewels has a Return to Player pace of 96.5%, which implies that over the long run you will win back about 96.5% of all the cash you wager.

As referenced previously, the reward crown image can frame part of any triumphant blend. So you could wind up with a success that you didn't expect, or a greater success than anticipated.

Instructions to play

Prior to turning the reels, pick a wager that suits you. This should be possible by changing the settings at the lower part of the screen. You can pick the number of coins you need to wager over every one of the 5 betlines and what the estimation of these coins is. Simply change these qualities until you end up with an all out wager that suits you. The base complete bet is set at 0.05 credits while the most extreme is set at 25 credits.

When your wager settings are changed in accordance with your enjoying, essentially hit the turn catch and trust in the best. The opening has an automobiles pin work just as a snappy turn work. You would thus be able to turn the reels as quick as you need without doing anything.
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Playluck Casino 130 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

Playluck Casino 130 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

Playluck Casino No Deposit Bonus
You have just won 130 Free Spins at Playluck Casino! This is an exclusive no deposit bonus for new players. In addition, you are entitled for a 100% welcome bonus (up to 500 EUUSD/GBP). Play your free spins on the Book of Dead slot from Play'N GO.
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Playluck Casino Review

Playluck Casino may have debuted in 2020, but its launch was explosive, and its rise has been meteoric. In such a short space of time, Playluck managed to put together a gaming library which features many thousands of titles from some of the more established and reputable providers of casino games online. It is also an online casino which is mobile-friendly, packs exciting promotions for new and already existing players alike, and is safe and secure.
Playluck Casino features twin licenses issued out of the United Kingdom and Malta. It is also a casino which is iTech Labs certified for fair gaming and is a member of both the and Problem Gambling programs. Predominantly catering to players in Europe and the UK, this online casino can be played in English, German, Norwegian and Finnish.

Playluck Casino Bonuses and Promotions

New players are going to be eligible to snap up a welcome bonus, just as you might expect. In the case of Playluck Casino, this welcome bonus promises a match deposit cash bonus, as well as free spins on top slot games. After pocketing the welcome package, new players may wish to check out some of the other offers and deals which are available at Playluck.
The online casino is notable for monthly promotions. These change regularly, so you will want to keep tabs on the current offer. You can do this via the promotions page at the online casino. Prize draws, slot tournaments and competitions and developer-based slot deals are also part and parcel of this casino’s promotional package.
Loyalty bonuses can also be claimed at Playluck Casino. There is an exclusive VIP program in session at Playluck. Built over six-tiers (stretching from Bronze to Prestige levels) this VIP club can see players earn loyalty points when they bet on games, enjoy faster cashouts, and pocket free spins every Sunday. Other goodies can be snapped up, too, including deposit deals.
As mentioned, Playluck Casino tends to favour time-based promotions which change rather rapidly. It is always worth your while checking the promotions page to see what the latest deals at the casino currently are.
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Playluck Casino Games

From the casino’s lobby, you can opt to select between “casino” and “live casino” sections. Each section has its own dedicated games, as you might expect. These games come from the likes of 1×2 Gaming, BetSoft Gaming, Evolution Gaming, and Play ‘n Go. Microgaming, Net Entertainment, Blueprint Gaming, Red Tiger Gaming, iSoftBet, Pragmatic Play and ELK Studios are just a few of the thirty-odd providers dishing out games to players at Playluck Casino.
From the casino games lobby, you can opt to check out slot machine games and table games. While having just two genres of games doesn’t make it easy for you to find specific games, Playluck Casino has come up with another option. From the lobby, you can use the “search bar” to find slots and games.
Amongst the most popular slot games that you can play at Playluck Casino are Starburst, Gonzo’s Quest, as well as Rich Wilde and the Tome of Madness, and Rich Wilde and the Book of Dead. Twin Spin, Reactoonz, Perfect Gems, Rise of Merlin, and Grand Crown are also popular casino slot machines you can play.
The “games” section features a variety of RNG (random number generator) table games. Jacks or Better is one of a handful of video poker games you can play, while basic baccarat, blackjack, poker and roulette games can also be played. For a more authentic and realistic gaming experience, though, you may wish to pay closer attention to Playluck’s live dealer section.
Evolution Gaming provides all the live dealer games at the casino. All the games in their collection are mobile-friendly, and they span baccarat, blackjack, roulette and a handful of table poker games, as well as money wheel-based games. If you prefer a vibrant atmosphere and the competition of other players, the live casino section could be for you.

Playluck Casino Banking

Playluck Casino supports deposits made using MasterCard, Maestro, Skrill, Neteller, EcoPayz, and MuchBetter. EntroPay, Sofort, online bank transfers, Trustly, Paysafecard, Euteller, Zimpler, Instadebit, wire transfers, PayPal (UK only) and a few other options are also available. Many of these banking options can also be used to process withdrawals at the casino.
It is worth noting that deposits land instantly in your account, and you can deposit money into your Playluck Casino account free from charges. Withdrawals can also be processed freely, but they take longer to clear. There is a 2-3 day pending period on withdrawals, followed by transaction processing times of 1-24 hours (with e-wallets) up to 3-7 business days (with bank transfers).
As part of its dedication to responsible gaming, players at Playluck Casino can set deposit and wagering limits themselves. They must go through a KYC (know your customer) process before withdrawals are permitted, though. This is done to protect against identity fraud and money laundering.
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Playluck Casino Customer Support

Before you rush off to contact customer support, it is worth examining the FAQ (frequently asked questions) page at Playluck. This FAQ guide contains answers to many straightforward questions. However, if you do not find what you are looking for, you do have other options open to you in terms of obtaining assistance.
Getting in touch with Playluck Casino via telephone (020787622) is one such option. At the same time, you can seek support via e-mail ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])), and live chat. Support at Playluck Casino is available seven days a week, from 6am to 11pm GMT.


In a short space of time, Playluck Casino has equipped itself with top games from leading providers, set up an enticing promotional plan, and acquired a loyal following of fans. This is an online casino which is run by an operator (Aspire Global International, Ltd) with proven experience in the industry. All this amalgamated together leads us to believe that Playluck Casino is a trustworthy site and one which will be around for years to come. As such, Playluck comes highly recommended.
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Slots Angel Casino Free Spins No Deposit Bonus Code

Slots Angel Casino Free Spins No Deposit Bonus Code

Slots Angel Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Get 25 free spins bonus to Slots Angel Casino! This exclusive promotion is combined with a 100% welcome bonus. Click on the link below and get special bonus codes. General T&C apply.
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Slots Angel Casino Overview

The Slots Angel casino has been steering the online gambling world with its angelic insight on the best games since its inception in July 2015. Owned by Tau Marketing Services Limited; Secret Slots, Island Jackpots, Dabber Bingo, Blighty Bingo, Arcade Spins and Kozmo Casino are some of the sister sites of Slots Angel casino.
In accord with the Gibraltar Betting & Gaming Association (GBGA) and the Government of Gibraltar, Slots Angel casino ensures a safe and secure gaming environment. This casino is awarded with eCOGRA's Safe and Fair Seal, which can be accessed at any time to find out about the most recent game audit, assuring the randomness and fairness of games remain intact.
With over 250 Slot games which are instantly accessible, Slots Angel is indeed a major hub for all spinning enthusiasts out there. Powered by Dragonfish, 888, NetEnt, NextGen and some more leading online gaming software technologies, this online casino is home to some of the hit Slot games in the industry. The tailor-made bonuses and promotions are the jewel in the crown and every punter will surely go gaga over the customized no wagering Daily Free Spins offered by Slots Angel.
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Mobile Casino

With the HTML5 and flash applications, the platform of Slots Angel casino can be accessed anywhere and anytime on your mobile device. Since gamblers can stake real money on their favorite online casino games directly from the mobile browser, no download is required. The Slots Angel mobile casino supports an array of software platforms including iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry.

Live Casino

With the live casino of Slots Angel, now you can experience the brick-and-mortar gaming adventure at your disposal. In order to avail the spectacular services of the live dealers of this online casino, you need to arrange the following:


• 2.5 GHz Intel Pentium III or 100% compatible
• 1 GB RAM
• Keyboard, mouse


• Microsoft XP SP2 or higher
• SVGA graphics card capable of 800 x 600 resolution or higher
• Internet Explorer 8.0, Mozilla 2, Chrome 1/0/0154, Safari 3.0 or later
• Adobe Flash Player 9

Slots Angel Casino Software

Featuring a full line of Dragonfish games, Slots Angel Casino is powered by Dragonfish online gaming software provider. The gaming library of this online casino also includes games from NetEnt, IGT, Williams Interactive, NextGen, Amaya and 888.

Slots Angel Casino Games

With the 'stellar' gaming library of over 250 Slot machines, Slots Angel casino is doing justice to its name. Exhibiting a gamut of Slot games and casino games, this casino brand has something in store for every spinning fanatic out there.
A home to some of the hit releases in the gambling industry, the 'Featured Games' section of Slots Angel casino includes Starburst, Elements, Cleopatra, Mermaid's Pearl and Paradise Reels. The extensive Slots collection of this online casino encompasses every type of Slot machine ranging between Classic Slots, Multi-Reel Slots and lucrative Progressive Slots.
Slots Angel casino also offers a limited yet intriguing collection of table and card games including Roulette, Poker, Blackjack and Baccarat. Players here also have an access to a selected gaming collection of Scratch Cards and instant-win games like 90 Ball Bingo, 75 Ball Bingo and High 5 Bingo. By and large, the gaming line up of Slots Angel is quite engrossing!
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Slots Angel Casino Bonuses and Promotions

Welcome Bonus

Slots Angel casino rolls out a red carpet to extend a warm welcome to all its new players with a Welcome Bonus worth £10 + 10 Free Spins. Redeem promo code 'ANGEL' while making the first minimum deposit of £10 in order to cash in this bonus promotion. The bonus funds from this promotional offer are subject to 35 times wagering requirements.

Daily Free Spins

With the Daily Free Spins bonus offer of Slots Angel casino, spin the reels of your favorite Slot machines for free – 365 days a year. Do take a note, the Free Spin vouchers come with no strings attached, i.e., no wagering requirements need to be met as the winnings accumulated are credited to your bankroll immediately. However, the winnings from Free Spins are games bonus funds, which must be wagered completely before making any withdrawal.

Slots Angel Rewards Programme

With the Slots Angel Rewards Programme, get an opportunity to win Free Spins every time you spin the reels here, at this online casino. Earn Loyalty Points for every bet that you place and every deposit that you make. The perks go on increasing as you mount the Leadership board by accumulating more Loyalty points in your account. For example, Level 4+ will fetch you a 10% cashback along with the Free Spins. So, here's a chance of being rewarded for your loyalty!

How to Play at Slots Angel Casino

For an entertaining and rewarding casino experience at Slots Angel Casino, registering for a real money account is a must. In order to sign-up with this online casino, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step:1 Choose Your Gaming Device

In order to begin your game play at Slots Angel casino, choose a gaming device on which you intend to play. This casino is accessible via both desktop and mobile/tablets. And, the cherry on the cake is that Slots Angel mobile casino is supported by all mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Windows and Android.
  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Mobile/Tablet

Step:2 Create Your Account

By filling the registration form displaying on the homepage of Slots Angel Casino, you'll be directed to another form which requires you to go through three steps - provide your basic details like your name, email and phone number in the first step and then move on to the second step in which you will have to provide your residential address. Once you have completed the second step confirm your account details and click on 'Submit'.

Step:3 Make Your First Deposit

After you click on 'Submit', your account will be created. Now all you need to do is make a deposit in order to commence your gameplay. Choose on of the methods given above to make a successful deposit.

Step:4 Start Playing for Real Money

After making your first deposit, Welcome Bonus will be credited to your account. Use the bonus funds and start playing your favorite games at Slots Angel casino.
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Jackpot City Casino 50 free spins on Wild Scarabs (Exclusive)

Jackpot City Casino 50 free spins on Wild Scarabs (Exclusive)

Jackpot City Casino Exclusive Bonus and Free Spins
Do you know that new players at Jackpot City Casino receive 50 free spins on Wild Scarabs?! It's very easy, just click on the link below and register your account. Later, enjoy a 4-tier welcome bonus of up to $1600!
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Jackpot City Casino Review

Jackpot City Casino is one of the top casinos you can choose for online gambling. The site is tailor-made for Canadian players. You can play in CAD, and their customer service team employs Canadians. Also, you can even get Canada-only bonuses from time to time. Bayton Ltd has an online gaming authority license under the Malta Gaming Authority. When you’re playing in Jackpot City Casino Canada, your money is always safe. Read the review and see if JackpotCity online casino brand suits for you.

Jackpot City Bonus

Jackpot City Bonus is a 100% match bonus up to $1600. Jackpot City pays you to match bonuses for your first four deposits plus 50 Free Spins on Wild Scarabs. Every time you make a deposit, you’ll receive a 100% match bonus up to 400. It’s a perfect option if you are looking for the biggest welcome bonus. Jackpot city welcome bonus is a hefty one for Canadian online players.

100% Matched Bonuses

Like most other casinos in Canada running Microgaming software, Jackpot City has divided its casino bonus into multiple parts. It’s a perfect option if you are looking for the biggest welcome bonus. JackpotCity bonuses are easy to acquire. The great thing is, there are no deposit codes you need to remember. Jackpot city welcome bonus is a hefty one for Canadian online players.
Here’s the matched Bonus Breakdown below:
  • 1st Deposit Bonus: 100% up to $400 + 50 Free Spins
  • 3rd Deposit Bonus: 100% up to $400
  • 3rd Deposit Bonus: 100% up to $400
  • 4th Deposit Bonus: 100% up to $400
JackpotCity bonuses are easy to acquire. The great thing is, there are no deposit codes you need to remember. Make sure to opt-in to be eligible for the welcome bonuses.
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Top Microgaming Casino Promotion

All four parts of the $1600 bonus comes with a 50x wagering requirement.
However, unlike other 2020 casino bonuses in Canada, the requirement only applies to the 1600 bonus amount, and not to the original deposit. You can use credit cards and prepaid cards for your deposit. Before you use a prepaid debit card, you simply need to load money onto it from one of your bank accounts. Bank transfers and credit and debit cards are a bit more common way to deposit funds.
List of Wagering Percentages for various games:
  • 100%: Slots, keno, and scratch card games
  • 10%: All Online Blackjack Games (excluding Classic)
  • All Video Poker Games (excluding all Aces Poker)
  • 2%: Classic Blackjack, and All Aces Video Poker
  • 0%: Baccarat, Casino War, Craps, Red Dog, Online Roulette, Sic Bo, Table Poker
These numbers are typical for Microgaming casinos. In their top online casino software, it’s normal that slot and scratch and win real money games contribute 100% and everything else little to nothing. After you’ve met the wagering requirements, you can cash out your winnings at any time. The fastest way to clear the bonus wager is to play online slots.
Overall this promotion has the best match-up percentages available at any casino of Jackpot City’s quality. The only Microgaming casino to seriously challenge Jackpot City’s match bonus are Spin Casino and Ruby Fortune, two online casinos also owned by City View Group.

Popular Loyalty Program, Bonuses & Other Rewards

JackpotCity’s bonus is one of the biggest in the gambling sector for Canadian players. What’s best, your perks don’t stop there. Whether you are an online slots fanatic looking for spins bonus or a house game player, they’ve got the loyalty part covered. With a small min deposit, you can test the casino before committing with a bigger deposit.
Jackpot City Casino Canada also offers daily, weekly, and monthly reload bonuses based on your online gaming activity of the previous weeks. You’ll get email updates on your personalized bonuses. It is on top of the loyalty points, rewards and VIP program. We suggest you pay close attention to emails you get from Jackpot City Online Casino. You can get VIP bonuses based on your activity.
One of the most competitive VIP programs available, so when it comes to bonuses and loyalty rewards, they’ve got you covered.
The loyalty program is a tiered bonus offer system where you accumulate loyalty points that you can convert to free cashback when you hit the targets. This effectively means that you will receive cashback on your casino gaming activity. That results in receiving extra dollars on top of the deposit and other promotions. The more play, the more you gain extra dollars. Jackpot City top two levels are Diamond and Platinum play.
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Casino Games

Jackpot City is one of the biggest online casino operators in Canada. JackpotCity Gaming has a gaming selection of 650 casino games. You may notice it is in the middle range when comparing to other online casinos in the industry. However, 650 games are still quite a lot to choose from, especially given how well JackpotCity Casino has distributed the games.

Jackpot City Slots

With over 300 slot machines, including progressive slots, classic slots titles, and video slots games, scratch cards, there should be something for everyone. You’ll always get the best Microgaming slots available at Jackpot Casino.
List of Popular Online Slots you can play:
  • Aurora Wilds
  • Agent Jane Blonde
  • Agent Jane Blonde Returns
  • Avalon
  • Blood Suckers
  • Big Kahuna
  • Boom Pirates
  • Break da Bank Again
  • High 5
  • Immortal Romance
  • Mermaid Millions
  • Jack and The Beanstalk
  • JokerPro
  • Mega Moolah
  • The Osbournes
  • 9 Masks of Fire
The list of slots available includes some legendary slots like Mega Moolah, along with new exciting alternatives.
You might have your favorite, but most online players love Microgaming games like Mega Moolah. These progressive slots lure players with massive jackpots.
This slot machine needs no introductions, as it’s made tens of online millionaires. In 2017 alone, Mega Moolah crowned 12 new millionaires.

New Slots

The good news for Canadian gamers, new online slots, table games & video poker games keeps coming in the house. You can play your favourite games at this real money casino. All new online slots are reviewed by third-party authorities such as Malta Gaming Authority to the randomness of the games.
Here’s a list of popular new slots:
  • Thunderstruck II
  • The Invisible Man
  • Tomb Raider
  • The Yellow Emperor
  • Jungle Jim El Dorado
  • Burning Desire
  • Cashapillar
  • Rabbit in the hat
  • Secret Romance
  • Stash of the Titans
New online games keep popping up into the casino house lobby.
If you’re looking for something new, Wild Casino Canada and Neon Vegas bonus are quality options.

Live Dealer Games

Even though Jackpot City Casino doesn’t advertise them on their Canadian website or have any live casino bonus in Canada. It has a live dealer gaming selection from Evolution Gaming and Ezugi, two of the top live casino game providers. Table games at JackpotCity consist of all the classics with some fun and exciting new options as well.
List of live casino games titles include:
  • Live Blackjack
  • Live Roulette
  • Live Baccarat
  • Live Caribbean Stud Poker
  • Live 3 Card Poker
  • Live Ultimate Texas Hold’em
  • Lightning Roulette
  • Double Ball Roulette
  • Super Six Baccarat
  • Casino Hold’em
You can play online live dealer casino games at JackpotCity also from Android, iPhone & iPad casinos Canada. Having live chats with other players and dealer makes your online gaming experience better.
You can also play in Private live dealer tables. To get access to the private tables, you’ll need to verify yourself by sending proof of identification and proof that you live in Canada (e.g., scan a utility bill). It will allow you to play with high stakes in private tables.
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Jackpot City Casino Mobile Gaming

Microgaming has provided reliable software for JackpotCity Casino mobile gaming. Thanks to that, the mobile casino is always a fun gaming experience. You can play on the move via a Jackpot City mobile site or download an app that’s also available for Canadian players.
Based on our playing experience, we instead of using the downloadable version of Jackpot City. The Mobile version works just as well, and with all mobile devices.
So whether you’re on Android or iOS, you’re always covered at Jackpot City Casino. It isn’t King of Mobile Casino – Leovegas’ level or play ojo casino mobile, but it works with no issues.
The smartphone sure is convenient, though, for mobile gaming in Canadian-friendly casino sites. Playing mobile games on a go is ideal to get the best online casino experience.
You get to play anywhere with an Internet connection. Just make sure the Internet connection is good enough when playing online with a mobile phone or via iPad casino, so you won’t get disconnected during the casino entertainment session.

Payment Methods

Depositing and withdrawing is fast, safe and easy for Canadians at Jackpot City.
List of Trusted Depositing Methods below:
  • Cheque
  • eCheck
  • ecoPayz
  • iDebit
  • Interac
  • Credit Card (Mastercard)
  • PaySafeCard
  • Prepaid Cards
  • Debit Card (Visa)
  • Qiwi Wallet
Canadian casino players can withdraw with the same banking options or via cheque in Jackpot City Canada. Note that banking methods might have differences how much you can withdrawal. No matter what payment method you choose, you always get super-fast cashouts. If you have any trouble, contact customer support via email or live chat that has a fast answering time.
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Conclusion: Jackpot City Casino is an oldie but goodie

It is simply the best casino promotion available, mainly when you will deposit $400 or more. They also have weekly and monthly promotions that add extra value to your casino experience!
The casino bonuses at Jackpot City are by far the best for Microgaming Casino. At other Microgaming sites, like Royal Vegas, Ruby Fortune, Quatro Casino or Captain Cooks Casino, Platinum Play Casino, Karamba Casino, getting the same value for your deposits is not an option right now.
Along with the best Microgaming bonus in Canada, JackpotCity online casino promotions are one of the reasons that have made Jackpot City popular amongst online casino Canada players.
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Jewel Queen Slots Dream gaming is available in Joker123 Malaysia 2021

Jewel Queen video slot machine is created by Joker123 Casino Malaysia. This slots game depends on a supernatural subject which has a few dream components. Joker123 has been creating games for quite a while now, with a large number of them having a fantastical subject, for example, Treasures of Troy and Crowns of Egypt. The games made by them are by and large for both on the web and land-based gambling clubs and they have earned enormous accomplishment by making profoundly intuitive games. The Diamond Queen slots game can keep player drew in for quite a long time on account of its livelinesss, video designs and sound that support the general interactivity.

20 Paylines, Bonus Rounds and More on Diamond Queen Slots

The Joker123 Diamond Queen is a lot of like any customary video slots game, yet includes five reels rather than three, and accompany 20 paylines. This allows the player to land all the more winning mixes and therefore increment their odds of dominating the match also. The five reels involve the inside most aspect of the screen, while the paylines, divisions and turn catches are situated at the base of the screen, situated from left to right.
There are numerous highlights of this game which make it profoundly alluring. The primary thing players will see is the different images that are utilized on the reels. Aside from the ordinary Ace, King Queen, Jack and Ten images, there are additionally images of a Crown, a Wizard, a guide, the precious stone sovereign logo and the enchanted jewel, which is the reward image. There is additionally a wild image, which substitutes itself for another image so as to make a triumphant mix. Be that as it may, it can't substitute itself for the jewel reward image (disperse image).

Play Diamond Queen Slot Game Online for Free or Real Money

The primary contrast between the Diamond Queen slots game and a normal slots game is that the previous is on a virtual stage and has two additional reels. This specific game from Joker123 has both a free blaze variant and a paid form. The paid rendition can be gotten to through different online club. So as to play the game, a player must enlist with an online gambling club and store a specific measure of money into the gaming account. The monetary standards that can be utilized are the Ringgit Malaysia
When the player has added credits to the game, he/she can start playing the Diamond Queen Joker123 slots game. The essential reason of the game is to land coordinating images by pressing the turn button, which shows up at the base of the screen. The player should likewise wager on the paylines, and putting down a wager on different paylines builds his/her odds of winning. The base wager is one credit on one payline, while the greatest wager is 200 credits for every payline.
Download joker123 malaysia here:
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